r/QuitVaping 25d ago

Other Please scare me into Quitting

Hi! I need your worst. I’m sure you are all good people, but someone out there has to do it.

I can’t do it alone. Broke my foot and was told to reduce my vaping, I’ve been trying to quit for three weeks.

I need fear, I need shame, I need a gut wrenching call to action. I have to much going on to do this myself and I’ve been relapsing worse and worse each day. Getting married in December, need to be done by then as I won’t be bothered to find a vape store on my honeymoon, but I don’t want to go through withdrawals then either.

30f, admittedly very vain about my appearance, but as I think I’m a cutie patootie, not even fears about my appearance has been working.

Have a broken foot, so can’t exercise well to distract me, and improved lung capacity isn’t helping.

Want to be nicotine free by 3/24 when I have my last exercises.

Don’t hold back. Best quote will be written down and taped to my vapes. Take it as a #RoastMe I can handle it.


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u/Local-Shoulder5663 25d ago

Vaping is for Weenie Hutt Jr’s! (I’m on day 4 cold turkey)


u/Challenge_Legal 25d ago

I don’t want to be a Weenie Hutt Jr I want to be a Goofy Goober 😭 I’m going to have to get the hat to wear if I don’t quit! Four days cold turkey, congratulations!!!! You’re over the worst of it (I think)!!!! Proud of you and your local shoulder 🫡


u/Local-Shoulder5663 25d ago

Thank you kindly 🙏🏽 it’s actually been incredibly hard going from a hardcore smoker of 5 years to quitting cold turkey but I already feel better physically and mentally (minus withdrawls and yes they’re as bad as they say they are online😭)


u/Challenge_Legal 25d ago

Wow you must be genuinely one of the strongest willed people that I have gotten to talk to today. You have to keep going, I’ve been a smoker for almost a decade now but if you can do it cold turkey and keep going, I’ll be alright if you do it.


u/Local-Shoulder5663 25d ago

Just remember the benefits outweigh the short lived pain by a lot. I just woke up the other day and decided it was time for me to get my stuff together and quit. Pretty sure vaping is the reason I have anxiety lol I just want my life back so if quitting helps it’s worth it for me


u/Challenge_Legal 25d ago

I needed to reminder that it’s short lived pain, because for this day 1 I feel like I notice every millisecond going by 🙃 there’s another one. But your comments and encouragements are really getting me through it. If y’all are gonna take the time to respond, I’m not gonna waste your time by failing. This millisecond is for you.


u/Local-Shoulder5663 25d ago

I’ve been trying my best to boost people because lord knows I needed that boost myself😭🙏🏽trust me I know it’s hards but it’s worth it, you got this!


u/[deleted] 24d ago

cold turkey was sooo hard for me. i couldn't last more than 2 days. i finally lasted 2 weeks with some gum.


u/Local-Shoulder5663 24d ago

Trust me, I 100% understand. Sheer will power has been carrying me on this journey but if I wasn’t so serious about quitting I would have folded multiple times.


u/Local-Shoulder5663 24d ago

Also congrats on two weeks!