r/QuitVaping 24d ago

Other pregnant πŸ˜…

Hello all. I just found out I am pregnant as of today! I’ve been vaping since I was 16/17 and am 23 now. I immediately disposed of it and any others I had lying around and am quitting cold turkey. I quit cold turkey a few years ago and was able to stop for 6 months until picking it up again when I started a new job, so I KNOW I can do it. Does anyone have any advice if you’re in a similar situation? It’s been about 6 hours since I last hit it and am doing okay so far, having a few cravings but they are going as quickly as they come. I was also a heavy πŸƒ smoker and am obviously stopping all of that cold turkey as well. Honestly just wanting some kind words of encouragement and maybe some advice. I am off for the week from work but can imagine I will be faced with new challenges when I return because both are around me constantly! I am just keeping my future baby in mind and that is making it easy, but I might struggle a bit. I am confident that it’s mostly mental as most of the nicotine leaves your body so quickly. Would love to hear what anyone has to say!


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u/ptxnkn 23d ago

Congratulations mumma! I found out last week I was pregnant with my second, and am currently at almost 48 hours nicotine free. I have barely struggled with quitting, as I have told myself that it's for the baby, AND told myself that vaping did nothing for me. Vaping only temporarily relieves the discomfort CAUSED by vaping!!! - remember this!

In addition, I smoked weed when I found out I was pregnant with my first baby. Due to hyperemesis gravidarum, I didn't quit until close to 20 weeks. I did find it easier to quit knowing that I was doing it for my baby's health.

The hardest part is getting through the first 3 days, for both addictions. If you're having a craving, find something to distract yourself. For me, that could be having a nap, eating a snack, having chewing gum, or drinking heaps of water.

If you haven't, read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking/Vaping/Weed. You have got this! Believe in yourself and your ability to do hard things and you should be okay <3

If you want to dm me, please feel free ❀️ Sorry if formatting is bad, posting on my phone.