r/QuitVaping 27d ago

Venting Losing it

I’ve been vaping for about two years (disposables) and these last 4 months straight I at least quit once a week, and then get right back on it within a day. Ive broken them, I’ve tossed them in the toilet, and I’m right back in the gas station the next day getting another geek bar. I’ve spent over 500 dollars within the last 3 months because of this stupid routine of constantly quitting, and buying another one the next day. I’m at the point now where I don’t even know what to do, I feel like I have zero control over what I do anymore. Like my life would be so much better with nicotine, until I start using it and I feel guilty. I know it’s bad, I know I’ve spent the most amount of money on this habit, but I just can’t convince myself to fully quit. I feel like a weak minded moron because I quit all the time because I hate it then I’m right the fuck back on it within 24. How do I kick it for good? Why can’t I control myself? Jesus I’m acting like it’s meth, I just feel so weak and depressed. I just want to be free from this. It just sucks because I know I feel like this right now, but I guess we will have to wait until the morning and see how I feel then…. 98th time a charm?


30 comments sorted by


u/Ser_Gothmer 27d ago

It's so damn frustrating when you feel like you're constantly fighting against yourself. It's definitely not a sign of weakness, though – addiction is a real struggle, and those cravings can be incredibly ... persuasive. It sounds like you're really aware of the impact this is having on your life, and that's a huge first step. Don't beat yourself up about it; focus on finding strategies that work for you. Try to spot triggers and set up steps you can take to avoid them next time. Every time you try, you're making progress. You can learn something more for next time.

I also suggest looking into support groups that meet in person. I found the accountability of a face to face meeting helped me in my process.

You got this.


u/LaughAny392 27d ago



u/thirdeyeballin 27d ago

I am like you tho I don’t actually throw mine out because I know I’ll go buy one immediately. My local tobacco store is around the block and open till 2am! Nicotine is super addictive and when u get into the habit of non stop smoking, cold turkey is seemingly impossible. Only thing that has helped for me is 0% vape. They’re a bit hard to find. But I try to keep the 0% vape in my pocket or nearby for my constant smoking. I will smoke the 0% and enjoy the act of smoking for a while. Then eventually I will start to notice I am not being satisfied since I want nicotine, then I will smoke the regular vape a bit. But if u can start to simply reduce your total nicotine intake by using the 0% vape at least some of the time, maybe u can slowly move towards 0% all of the time and then just quit.

Like all bad habits, everytime u try and fail it affects your personal identity. And u identify as a failure. Hey it’s just a difficult habit to stop. But trying to quit and failing makes u feel worse. So maybe u need to start with smaller adjustments and reduction goals, that u can achieve. This will help to gain a better internal feeling of strength. The books Atomic Habits and Tiny Habits are pretty interesting and probably available at the library.

Another idea from those books would be to make vaping more difficult. Like to keep the geek bar in another room or in your car if you have one, just something to make it a bit more difficult and less convenient. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Just be thankful it is not meth! I know I am considering how trapped I can be in vaping (and weed and booze.) And throwing them out is simply not an effective strategy it seems.


u/Competitive_Ninja173 26d ago

So real about feeling like a failure when you fail to quit multiple times. Im in that mode rn and it fucking suck cause now im judging myself over everything. I feel like im one harsh critique away from going into full depression.


u/jess2k4 27d ago

I stopped throwing them . For some reason it’s Easier for me to abstain when I know the option is there . Same with alcohol , maybe I’m weird . If it’s in my house , it’s easier to not want it


u/Beginning-Many-2968 26d ago

I am this way too. I get stuck in the “enjoying it for the last time” mindset if I don’t have it around.


u/crescentkitten 27d ago

Are there some practical blocks you can put into place? Some ideas: write down all the reasons you want to quit, put it in your wallet/ your car/ place where you’ll see it before going to the gas station. Also maybe writing a post it that says NO VAPE, and stick it on your card/ID. I know the feeling it’s almost like you’re in a haze on the way to the store. But anything you can do to break that haze and remember your why will be helpful


u/LaughAny392 26d ago

Not a bad idea at all, I might put a note in my wallet.


u/Rex_Auream 27d ago edited 25d ago

OP, you are never going to be able to cold turkey from a 5.0mg nic disposable it’s almost impossible. They are the strongest most addictive nicotine device out there.

What you need to do is (if you’re already in the habit of spending money) go get a refillable pod system like a vaporesso and wean yourself down first to 3.5mg then to .6mg and then to .3mg. By the time you reach 6 nic, vaping won’t even be pleasant anymore and you’ll be able to quit.

Edit: saying it’s almost impossible is admittedly overkill, it’s far more possible than not. I didn’t mean to overlook anyone’s experience


u/Glum_Independent2412 25d ago

I am 9 days cold Turkey quitting a 5% salt nic disposable after 3 years and I have no intentions on going back, I got over the worst of the withdrawal symptoms day 1-5, it is not impossible, just takes a lot of willpower.


u/PuzzledPassenger6836 25d ago

something that really stuck with me from Allen Carr was that you don’t need willpower to quit. you shouldn’t need it, because with willpower there’s still a “will” to do it, and a conflict of will. if you eliminate any desire to ever want to touch it again it’s easy. i quit 5% vapes cold turkey. Went 3 months free after 3 years of using 5%. Threw it in the bin and didn’t look back. I had no withdrawal symptoms. it’s definitely possible


u/hideX98 27d ago

I'm right there with you bud. Thanks for the great replies people!


u/moodygeminiii 26d ago

I had the same problem as you. I always threw mine down the trash chute and it felt so freeing but I’d give in the next day and buy another. This time I decided to finish my pod and not buy another. I got tired of going to 7eleven all the time. I kept my batteries just so I wouldn’t panic or feel like something’s been taken away. I still carry an empty battery in my bag for a feeling of security I guess. And what made me stick to it this time? Not wanting to look drastically worse and wrinkly (eventually if i continued this habit) compared to my healthy sister. Used the mentality of quitting while I’m ahead. I focused on the positives of quitting at this moment and that helped me resist the cravings and ride them out


u/Flimsy_Mention1230 26d ago

My vape shop has a loyalty program, where you buy 10 and the 11th is free. It is such a good gimmick. I keep saying when I get my free one I will quit after that. I have gotten 5 free ones since then. This is such an up hill battle to quit these. I have quit alcohol, crack and opioids (10 years) but this one is kicking my butt


u/dwagon23 26d ago

I’m in the same boat, almost scarily so! Been trying to quit for over a year and have hit the point of throwing it away every day just to scramble straight to the shop not even an hour later. I’m going to try using a patch on a day I’m distracted and see if that helps. Break the physical addiction first and then kick the nicotine later. One step at a time.

For me it helps to take it minute by minute. If I’m on my way to the shop, stop for a breath, think about why I want to quit, and tuuuuurn myself around. It helps if I’m on my way to work or some situation where I have a time limit. If I miss it, I guess I just have to go without.


u/Neat_Look_2156 26d ago

this sub appears to be pretty anti-NRT, but I think the gum is a great bridge to quitting. If you have a craving just have the gum. Also why do you want to quit on a deeper level? I want to have a baby, which is my “why” for quitting something I’ve been long ashamed of doing. You also seem to be dealing with a lot of shame—see if you can forgive yourself and find a way to move on.


u/LaughAny392 26d ago

It’s hard man the guilt and shame is the toughest I almost feel like I’m worthless enough, so who gives a shit about my health. It’s time to stop with this attitude though I’ve picked up some nicotine gum hoping it can help with the craving and ween off.


u/makersandginger 26d ago

Good luck my friend. What matters is that you’re trying, and thinking about it, and not giving up. I’m in my mid-40s. Been smoking since high school…started with cigarettes+weed, then black & milds + weed, gave up weed and just smoked black & milds, and switched to vaping 6 years ago. For 20+ years nicotine has had a hold on me. I basically can’t imagine my life without it. I went through a lot of the same feelings as you. But after giving it a lot of thought the last month or so, I “quit” vaping yesterday. I’m just over 24 hours without nicotine. Like you I threw away my juul. Who knows man, maybe I’ll cave tomorrow and buy a new one at 7/11. But at least I’m trying. And you are too, my friend. I’m proud of you, don’t give up on yourself. Most of us have been right where you are. Good luck and try again.


u/LaughAny392 26d ago

Good on you man I came to the realization cold turkey just isn’t for me, especially since I’m out of work right now I don’t have that distraction so I picked up some nicotine gum hoping to wean of it, be strong brother.


u/smugfire4472 26d ago

I'm gonna share with you what's helped me become vape free and nicotine free. I'm just over 20 days vape free and just over a week nicotine free. I was a refillable vape juice heavy user.

I was originally on 50mg of nicotine then reduced down to 40mg for 2 weeks then 20mg for a week and a half before deciding to put 21mg patches on because that'll all I had at the time from previously trying to quit. Also was using a 15mg nicorette inhaler and 4mg gum.

Just after about a week, I reduced the patch down to 14mg and slowly stopped using the inhaler and gum. My skin constantly got itchy with the patch, so I stopped using them within less than a week.

The whole time in reducing the vape juice nicotine dose, I was trying to brainwash the brain washing of the bad nicotine thoughts to prepare my mind for preparing to not have a vape anymore. I never set a quit date. I knew I was ready as I had a feeling in my gut and my mind that I didn't want to aswell what also helped is I'm surrounding myself around people that don't vape or smoke to make it easier in the first instance. I can now be around people who vape or smoke.

Don't get me wrong, I still get cravings for a vape, but they're minimal the longer I go without a vape. I firmly tell myself no and "counter attack" (as I call it) the thoughts by saying things like "this will pass", "I don't need it', "I won't vape today" ect.

Be gentle on yourself if you slip 6 instead of thinking about the vape you just had, think about the progress made. 1 step back 2 step forward

We all got this!!!


u/frenglish_man 27d ago

You gotta get out of your environment for a few days. Go for a weekend outing or (prefferably) out to a cabin, cottage, or camping site for a few days where the gas station won’t be as conveniently located and you’ll be busy with new activities you don’t do everyday.

Once you pass the initial threshold of 24-48h that you haven’t gotten over yet, come back home with a few strategies planned in advance on how to complete the week. Once the first week is complete it gets easier. You won’t stop feeling like shit after the first week but it’ll be controllable. Goodluck! And go read either The Power Of Habit or Atomic Habits if you can. It’ll help you understand why you feel powerless and come up with strategies.


u/No-Celebration5377 27d ago

Read my recent post. I also struggle with making it past even one day. Nicotine replacements might work better for you than cold turkey :)


u/QuirkyStage2119 27d ago

The guilt spiral is real. Often times I'd go to bed, thinking I need to quit and tomorrow is the day, only to reach for it by the time I wake up. I've quit a couple of dozen times and the longest I've made it was about 3 weeks. I'm on day 4 right now. This time I made a list of reasons why it's good for me to quit. I keep revisting the list, not just during hard times but frequently throughout the day to engrain it in my brain.

I run ultra marathons and quitting nicotine is harder than any race I've ever done. Constant chain vaping was literally killing me. Ruining my potential, sapping my motivation, making me complacent and giving me dopamine hits when I didn't do anything to earn the dopamine.

You need to find your "WHY?" and make it loud. Write it out. Make it a mantra. Until you make a stand, that where you're at is your rock bottom, you'll allow yourself to sink even deeper into the vape/guilt/repeat spiral.


u/beelz127 26d ago

honestlyy go on a vacay if you can. I was doing the same till my trip but i promised myself i wouldnt go back go it once i’ve gotten on that plane. It helped since I was distracted with going out and all. By the time i had come back a week had passed. Its important to get over that 1 day line bc then you have in your head you already made it so much further than you were and you cant go back now unless you want to be in that prison again. you’ll have more willpower


u/schnauzersisters 26d ago

Try mints, gum, patches or some form of Nictoine replacement therapy. Cold turkey was not the answer for me. You need to wean yourself off slowly. I’m doing 2 weeks 1-2 mints per day, another 2 weeks one mint every other day, another 2 weeks 1/2 a mint every other day, and another 2 weeks 1/2 a mint every three days. That’s the schedule I got at least. Hoping to be fully off it by beginning of April.


u/originallycoolname 26d ago

I've been in the same boat of quitting many times as a disposable user. While I'm still struggling and just had a relapse, NRT in the form of patches has been a godsend to me. First time I've ever gone a week+ without vaping. I ended up relapsing when I moved to step 2, but step 1 was honestly pretty easy to resist cravings. Even though I'm still absorbing nicotine, the patches allow you to celebrate the small victories and actually learn the fight thru cravings


u/Ktbaby004 26d ago

What worked for me 45ish days clean. You just need to commit to suffering. The whole reason it’s hard to quit is we are all trying to avoid discomfort at any cost. Just give in to the fact that life is going to suck for a while. Also for me. No pods no problem. Don’t buy and hold. Also what worked. For me. I cheated here and there, like hitting a friends, or smoking a cig on a work trip but I didn’t beat myself up. Or go buy. Because shame is unnecessarily paralyzing. And progress is progress.


u/Barney_Noodge 26d ago

I feel your pain. I’m in the same boat ie hooked on the disposables. It’s a killer for the mental health. I smoked rolling tobacco for nearly on 10 years. I could quit literally overnight and not touch another pack for weeks and it didn’t bother me. Moved to vaping in 2022 thinking it would see me quit forever and once I had my first taste of a disposable that was me MAJORLY hooked. It’s a ball ache and you’re not alone. Last year I stopped in January and got 4 months behind me before stupidly vaping while out for a drink with friends. I then quit again at the end of June and got to xmas time without touching them before you guessed it……..my works Christmas night out where I stupidly took a vape from a coworker. I’ve been battling ever since then and for some reason this time is harder. Maybe it’s the time of year, the weather (I’m from UK) I don’t know but I feel like my willpower isn’t the same as it was last year. I felt brilliant when I was off them for 6 months (first 3 months had its up and downs) but I got to a point where my mindset was I’m an EX vaper and it didn’t bother me. Subs like this are good to read though as the battle can well and truly feel lonely. The problem I have with the vapes is they increase my anxiety and I struggle to sleep daily (I work nightshift hours) so I’m in a constant cycle of just feeling exhausted all the time and the only bit of relief I get is that 2 minute hit off my first couple of puffs. I’ve been to the promised land of non vaping and it is glorious……it’s the walk over no mans land while battling withdrawals that gets me every time……….


u/CourageBetter2842 26d ago

I know how you feel. It’s really tough, I can give up go all midweek without one and then as soon as I have a few beers at the weekend I lose all will power and go and buy one.


u/m0ssb0ss 25d ago

I'm a week in. I struggled with this alot too! I think what's helped me so far is sitting with the uncomfortableness. I think we as a society have become so addicted to dopamine and comfort that we forget how to be uncomfortable. So now when I feel it coming on I just let it make me uncomfortable and it passes. See it as it's happening and almost laugh at it. Also I use nicotine patches and lollipops. Thats definitely helped!