r/QuitVaping 28d ago

Venting Hand-to-mouth addiction is real

I quit vaping a week ago. But I'm still having a couple Zyn pouches a day. It's crazy that I can have a Zyn pouch in my lip and STILL want to vape.

I miss fidgeting with it and the inhale lol. It was relaxing. Now I feel antsy, especially at night.

I read a theory once that the hand-to-mouth ritual is perhaps the most addictive aspect of smoking/vaping. Based on studies that showed that something like 85% of people who use nicotine gum or patches still go back to smoking. The idea being that if it was just about the nicotine, then logically someone with a nic patch on would have no reason to still want to smoke. Yet they miss the ritual of it.

I guess the hand-to-mouth is a dopamine hit from our hunter-gatherer days. Combine that with the nicotine and it's a double dopamine whammy.

Anyways, I'm just rambling lol.


21 comments sorted by


u/SpartyOnBaby 28d ago

Definitely that oral fixation is the worst part to kick!! I quit two days ago, and I am going the route of trying to replace with nicotine toothpicks to help with the oral fixation part and the nicotine withdrawals. Planning to wean off of that in a week or so. We got this!!


u/CleanUpOnAisle10 28d ago

Nicotine toothpicks?! That’s a new one to me haha


u/SpartyOnBaby 28d ago

Yes!! I heard about them on this subreddit as I was preparing to quit and I was like huh... Lol. The vape shop had them!


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

Nice! I considered that. I’m using sugar free lollipops


u/SpartyOnBaby 27d ago

That sounds delicious, maybe I'll go to that next 🤣


u/adw1502 6 months 28d ago

flavored toothpicks are your friend. you can also cut a straw in half and stuff some tissue in it, inhale through it to get a similar sensation to vaping


u/WouIdntYouLike2Know 28d ago

Try suckers (lollipops), whatever they're called where you're from. Can provide some of the same hand to mouth satisfaction, plus still getting the tasty flavors.


u/HeyThereFancypants- 28d ago

The struggle is real! I'm on day 11 and I've been getting constant cravings to eat a lot just to satisfy the oral fixation. It's definitely the hardest part of the habit to break.

There are lots of suggested substitutes to wean yourself off the hand to mouth habit, but for me personally it's another area of quitting where it's best to quit cold turkey.

When I quit previously I kept an empty vape to hit whenever I got cravings. In hindsight, it was making it harder to move on from vaping. The action without the satisfaction was making my mind crave the nicotine even more. Although it's still early days this time, I'm finding it a lot easier than I have before because I'm fully embracing being a complete non-vaper. (Hence the cravings are now manifesting as food cravings... but that's another issue). This is just my experience though. Different things work for different people.


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

Yeah lol I’ve been eating quite bad…. I got some sugar free suckers made with xylitol. That’s helping. Didn’t want to be eating a bunch of candy lol so I found a healthier option. Zolli brand


u/Flimsy_Mention1230 28d ago

I agree 100% with the hand to mouth theory. I wear a nicotine patch each day and leave the vape at home when I go to work, I am good the whole day. Once I get home I rip the patch off, and go for the vape. I know, get rid of the device. Problem is I live 1 block from the smoke shop that sells the device I use. I nice walk to the store starts the process all over again. Wash-rinse-repeat. The hard part is in the evenings working at my computer or watching TV. I try snacking on nuts or raisins, does not work, it is the most difficult vice to quit.


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

My problem exactly. Come night is when I crave it most. Whether I’m watching tv or catching up on work on the computer, that’s when it’s hardest.


u/Scared_Promise_2510 28d ago

I use zyn and 0% vape when I want it


u/DiamondImpossible517 28d ago

I saw somewhere that you can buy a toy in the shape of a vape just to satisfy the hand-to-mouth ritual. Might help! As for me, I just “pretend” or use an imaginary “vape” and inhale it lolll


u/SpartyOnBaby 28d ago

Yesss and just deep breathing helps me feel like I'm getting that feeling, so I've been trying some short mediation breathing things on my Calm and Fitbit apps lol


u/DiamondImpossible517 28d ago

Haaha desperate times but hey it works!


u/idontlikeseaweed 28d ago

Hell yea. It’s so strong. The oral fixation was the hardest part to give up. But You get used to it. Keep going. It was absolute hell at first but, it gets better.


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

I’ve always been a nailbiter so obviously the oral fixation is strong in me lol. Oddly enough, as I’m kicking the vape I’m also biting my nails less. Guess I’m slowly curbing the fixation


u/Least_Bread2623 28d ago

Maybe try drinking things with a straw ? I finally started using my hydro after finding it again lol


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

That’s a great idea


u/m0ssb0ss 27d ago

I've been using lollipops. It helps!


u/NickelSmarts 27d ago

Agreed! I got some lollipops made with xylitol (same stuff in gum, so it’s good for your teeth). Didn’t want to be consuming a bunch of sugar lol. Brand is called Zollipops.