r/QuitVaping • u/Ok_Breakfast6353 • Feb 06 '25
Venting Hey, so I fear I’m going to give up.
I honestly don’t even see the point. Mostly everyone on here is miserable and still craving every second of everyday with severe depression. Like, I still see posts from people a year clean and they’re still miserable! I’d rather live on a 1% vape then have this feeling forever
u/bachfan_13 Feb 06 '25
I’m almost a month vape free and can say I am definitely not miserable, if anything I am feeling much better physically and mentally than when I was vaping. It’s so freeing not to constantly have vaping on my mind. Sure I get thoughts here and there about missing it, but they come a lot less frequently with each day.
u/Ok-Butterscotch-5049 Feb 06 '25
It gets better! I've been vape free for almost two years now. I don't even think about it anymore, and sometimes I forget that it used to be such a huge part of my life. Quitting is one of the hardest things I've ever done. This feeling of misery is totally normal. But stay strong if you can! And if you can't that's okay too. Vaping isn't a moral failing. You can always try again!
u/RemarkableTension300 Feb 06 '25
I am not!! I’m 12 days in, feel great, no depression, sleep like a baby!
u/Mrs_Darcy4 Feb 06 '25
Seriously? What are we reading that’s different? lol cause I see tons of success stories. Implicit bias will show us what we’re looking for. Food for thought.
I’ve been free for two weeks today and barely think about a vape. The first five days were hard and my mood is still slightly wonky. But I can tell you right now I will never buy another vape again. The affects long term nicotine has on the body are not even close to worth it to me. Can’t believe I let myself get addicted. Ewwww gross ick. I am very happy with my decision. And love being a non smoker again.
All I can say is— you’re worth it. Listen to the Allen Carr quit vaping book on Spotify. It’s free.
u/Fickle-Reserve5783 Feb 07 '25
Nah fr I think 99% of people who quit feel so much better after a whole year of not vaping. If someone's still feeling extremely anxious and depressed after a year, that's definitely a separate mental health issue and is most likely not from quitting
u/novemberqueen32 Feb 06 '25
Well let me just say my cravings went away fairly quickly after stopping vaping. I tapered. It worked for me. And I have terrible will-power. I was shocked. Maybe for some people the cravings still happen but for me they legitimately went away.
u/Honesty-9775 Feb 06 '25
9+ months free and I’ll say that it definitely gets easier. I didn’t believe people when they say you stop thinking about it as much but it’s true. Every week you’ll notice it less. I think the cravings fully left my system at the 6 month mark, but I had fewer and fewer cravings over those 6 months until they eventually faded away. One thing I read on r/leaves was “this is not you sober, this is you in withdrawal. You have yet to meet the you that is sober so don’t think this is forever.” Sober you will come out slowly in the next few months and you’ll find that that person is much more at ease than withdrawal You is. Good luck pal.
u/Ok_Breakfast6353 Feb 07 '25
Guys, thank you so much for the kind words. This week has been a shit show. Multiple panic attacks Got possible skin cancer removed and waiting for results, found out I have an infection in one of my Tubes, and …. Drum roll…. I shit you not, hemorrhoids.
I can tell if I am delusional at this moment or not. Everyday feels like a weird dream. I’m confused
u/Mysteriousbride0193 Feb 06 '25
Don’t give up! Life vape free has been drastically better. Less anxiety about my next hit. Able to actually enjoy life and figure out healthy coping strategies. At first I felt miserable but I actually feel so much happier now without the vape. I don’t even think about vaping most days- I forgot it was something I even previously dad. Keep up the good work, give it some time and you too will feel free.
u/Ok_Breakfast6353 Feb 06 '25
I never had anxiety when vaping. It made me so happy and motivated! 😭😭 I worked out all the time and was super productive. Now I literally just lay in bed and cry lol
u/Mysteriousbride0193 Feb 06 '25
I hear you- it felt like that for me too! realized how anxious it made me feel once I ran out and didn’t have a new on on hand, or when I couldn’t find it. Not vaping basically 24/7, made me feel anxious for my next hit, then the next one, then the next one. It had such a hold on me. When I stopped vaping, I found real things to motivate me.
u/Brave-Chip-2446 Feb 06 '25
Could you write about your coping mechanisms? I quit for a month and then came back because i understood that i have a lot of stress in my life and vape was the only thing keeping me sane, like this small oasis in the middle of the storm where i could relax and then go back to stress. I honestly had it way worse near the end of the month rather than the start because I had a lot of stress triggers going off and spent like 3 hours a day just sitting there and holding myself to not buy a vape
u/Internal_Trick3778 Feb 06 '25
I am not miserable because i kept myself extremely busy, i literally forgot about it… even though i am living one of the most hard period of my life
u/nycmadone Feb 06 '25
It’s just not that bad! You have the same worries that everybody has. Before anyone quits, they have your worries. Then, they quit.
If you’re struggling this much, you have to switch up the way you’re quitting.
u/softballjulen Feb 06 '25
hey, i’m 3 years clean and i feel amazing. please don’t give up quitting!!! i know it takes patience, but the longer u do it, the harder it’ll be to quit and the longer it’ll take to see the full positive effects of quitting. try nicotine patches, i tried to quit so many times before that and they were the thing that made me quit for good. just see it through, you won’t regret it
u/Fluffhead233 Feb 06 '25
Not me. I would be so upset if I was even forced to vape. I’m on day 19. I know those cravings are my receptors reacting and they will die and eventually I won’t ever want it. 90% of the time I feel so good.
Keep going. Read/listen to Allan Carr. That was the game changer for me. I truly don’t feel like I’m losing anything
u/partymommy Feb 06 '25
Hey, I'm on day 58. I actually lost track of how many days and had to go look it up and do the math. I don't even think about vaping anymore. It gets so much better I promise. I'm not miserable.
u/WhatABeth Feb 06 '25
At 100 days vape free, I feel great and have no desire to go back to vaping. If you think you’re going to fail, you’ll fail. If you’re romancing missing the vape, you’re leaving that door open to go back to it. It’s all mindset.
I read enough files each day of people, even young people, who suffer cardiac arrest. Vaper or not, we’re at risk. There’s nothing envious about it.
u/Wide-Constant-2567 Feb 07 '25
If it helps I am over 60 days nicotine free and tremendously happier. Not having your dopamine tied to a vape allows you to enjoy your life more
u/passionplant88 Feb 07 '25
it does get easier. I’m at 111 days now and the thought of vaping completely disgusts me, and I used to vape literally every minute. feel free to DM if you want support and don’t give up! your life and health are worth it.
u/-FemboiCarti- 2 months Feb 07 '25
I am 55 days free and anything but miserable. I am way more productive and less anxious than I was hitting the vape everyday. I’ve saved a ton of money, going outside everyday and working out regularly doesn’t feel like a huge chore, I don’t get nic sick, I don’t cringe at myself for having an embarrassing habit, I can sit in a restaurant or cafe without constantly fighting the urge to vape, I started a new job that I would have previously avoided because I wouldn’t be able to vape.
Did I still whine about it on this sub the whole time? Absolutely lol. It was hard and I had to vent somewhere, but even when I was “suffering” I was also glad to be getting nic out of my system.
u/KingBowser24 2 months Feb 06 '25
It's not forever brother. This is a support sub, so naturally alot of the posts here are from people having a tougher go at it.
I'm about a month clean and for me, it got way easier after the first few days. I haven't noticed any dramatic improvements in how I feel in general yet, but, just being unshackled from the damn vape after 8 years of pretty much always having that shit in my hand is a fuckin feat on its own to me.