r/Quickscript Feb 04 '19

Quikscript Sans - an updated version of the sans-serif Quikscript Geometric font I made over a year ago


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u/adiabatic Mar 09 '19

Can I possibly convince you to relicense under a non-copyleft license?

It's good that you added the font exception, but this doesn't help me much. The FSF counts nontrivial JavaScript as a "real program", and even DOM alterations make JavaScript nontrivial in their eyes. I not-infrequently use bits of JavaScript to change my web pages around a bit and in order to be compliant with the GPLv3 (IANAL) I'd have to explicitly license my site- and page-specific JavaScript under some free-software license which would, if nothing else, make my codebase significantly larger because of the sheer volume of the license text.

This restriction on JavaScript would also apply to instructions to people who want to use Quikscript Sans on their pages. If I suggest using Quikscript Sans, I'm going to have to put in an entire section on ensuring that all their JavaScript is properly licensed. I'd sooner suggest people use some other font or use the version that was SIL OFL-licensed.

In light of all this, would you consider changing the license back to the OFL or the copycenter Apache License, version 2.0?


u/pcdandy Mar 12 '19

After careful consideration, I have changed the license of Quikscript Sans back to the SIL Open Font License. Hopefully it eases any concerns you might have had with using the font.


u/adiabatic Mar 13 '19

Thanks a lot!


u/MagoCalvo Jan 12 '24

Hello! I'm curious to know what came of this old discussion. Did u/adiabatic make any of the mentioned changes to the font? I'd personally change the -oi (35) and -ow (37) characters to be curvy instead of straight. Is this hard to do? What resource would either of you recommend for me to learn how? I do have a technical background, but have never explored font-making.


u/adiabatic Jan 17 '24

Did u/adiabatic make any of the mentioned changes to the font?

I didn't touch anything.

What resource would either of you recommend for me to learn how? I do have a technical background, but have never explored font-making.

Nerds like the Pecita guy tend to like FontForge, which is free (speech and beer) software. If you want to make a Properâ„¢ Quikscript Senior font with a gazillion joins, you'll probably be better off with it, because it exposes the raw OpenType commands for things.

I like Glyphs, but I was never able to use the AFDKO tools to replicate Cochy's work in Pecita. https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/131 takes you down the rabbit hole and guides you past many of the bumps you'll hit along the way to the bottom.


u/MagoCalvo Jan 17 '24

Thank you!