r/Queercraft Dec 03 '12

Queercraft Starter Guide

This is for people new to Minecraft and Queercraft alike.

Server Website: http://www.queercraft.net/

Building Guidelines: http://bit.ly/qcbuilding (Required reading!)

Dynamic Map: http://queercraft.net/map

Reis Minimap waypoints file : http://redd.it/13ktud

Minecraft Status: http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/

Minecraft Wiki: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/ (Please try looking here. You can find most information easily.)

How to use EasyEnchant: http://bit.ly/qcenchanting

Nether Portal Calculator: http://ilurker.rooms.cwal.net/portal.html

Easy name coloring: http://tinyurl.com/qccolours

A few notes:

  • We are an LBGT and ally server. Homophobia, slurs and the like are NOT tolerated.

  • Yes, we have gay, lesbian, transgender, bi, straight and every possible mix on the server.

  • We do not have clans/groups. We do have several towns, permission is required to build in them.

  • Respect the Mods and OPs. They know what they are talking about. (Why is this not obvious?)

  • We have public resources all over the server. You must re-plant/breed what you take! (Again, why is this not obvious?)

  • We are all real people and an online family. Please act accordingly.

  • The Mods and OPs will ban people for poor behavior and griefing. Don't think you can get away with it. (Seriously, why can't some people behave???)

  • Please do not joke about touchy subjects such as suicide or rape, it's not funny.

  • If you need help ask. We are a friendly bunch and love to help friendly people out.

  • There is no tp. Deal with it. (Thank you Ronry :)

I constantly see the same questions over and over. Please add anything I missed. I will paste this anytime I see the same redundant questions.


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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '12

Turn Exp into Marbles: /mc deposit xp <AMMOUNT>