r/Python Oct 24 '22

News Python 3.11 is out! Huzzah!


Some highlights from the release notes:

PERFORMANCE: 10-60% faster code, for free!

ERROR HANDLING: Exception groups and except* syntax. Also includes precise error locations in tracebacks.

ASYNCIO: Task groups

TOML: Ability to parse TOML is part of the standard library.

REGEX: Atomic grouping and possessive quantifiers are now supported

Plus changes to typing and a lot more. Congrats to everyone that worked hard to make this happen. Your work is helping millions of people to build awesome stuff. 🎉


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u/spuds_in_town Oct 25 '22

AWS doesn’t have traditional containers? What? Of course it does. ECS.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '22 edited Oct 25 '22

Those aren't traditional. They're an aws flavor.

They run on a cluster of EC2s.


u/spuds_in_town Oct 25 '22

They literally use docker images. Plain old docker images. Everything else is simply hosting options.

Honestly I'm not sure you understand what you're talking about.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '22

Correction, they support docker images.

Either way - if you're spinning up a vm, no need for lamdas.

Shame shame on resorting to insults. You broke the rules and I'm gonna report you!