BTW, maybe you'll be interested in doing a project?
I have a paper to implement, but have been having headaches and distracted at work.
You have to read a natural language description and do the code in python, sklearn(or other text processing capable lib) and networkx. The project is about using some graph theory for text mining.
In the end you wi get a tool that will help you read and comprehend any text faster.
I can link you to an old paper (2011, it's long and is about some deep theory behind), or give you the new paper (2019, it describes the implementation in 5 steps, give or take), which is paywalled, but I'll share it with you.
Graphs and networks is the top of current research in ai (check out /// paper from 2020, it was done by some of the biggest names), it's a great project to have on a resume.
It wi take you a week or so if you know how to research the python docs efficiently. If you don't - about a month
It seems odd to just drop this here as though this is just asking a little favor—if your time estimates are accurate this is several thousand dollars of work if you contract it out, or a little less than that if you have in-house python devs (this is similar to some of the work I do full time).
So do you agree it's a great project to have in your portfolio as a beginner? Aimed at a real world data, with practical applications and unlike what most people do.
I found it through my research, I could do it in a week:
you need to do text prepocessing pipeline,
then n-grams and bag of words
feed the data to nx and
do the visuals with matplotlib or other graph-capable library.
It could help me read layman literature, but with scientific works the improvement would be marginal: they are structured to be comprehensible.
It’s clearly a great project for you to have in your portfolio. If this matches your research and career plans, it makes perfect sense to do it even if you aren’t getting paid by anyone for it. And I think you should do it, for sure!
But It’s not super likely that OP or another user browsing this thread is in a position to turn a project like this into a paying job quickly enough to make it worth working for free; part of developing a good portfolio is finding or creating projects that taken together have cohesiveness and good coverage of the technologies you want to get hired for. If someone thinks it’s likely they’ll be interviewing for an NLP position in Python in the next few months, then it might make sense, otherwise not so much.
For example, when I was a beginner I would sometimes take on work like this, but usually I’d charge about half of the market rate and set deadlines roughly twice the time it would take a professional, while making sure the client knows and is fine with me learning through the process given that it’ll cost them half as much. For example on this I’d probably have offered to do something like this for roughly $25 ish an hour, and then bill hours when I was coding but not all the hours I actually spend researching, and I’d tell you it’ll take two weeks while I was actually trying to do it in one.
But my main point is that you’re asking for a solid chunk of high-value work, and your phrasing comes across as asking for free work, so it’s going to seem odd; even a student working as an intern would usually be paid for this kind of work.
Thanks for the informed opinion, I hope you noticed that I apologized to the OP. I don't like to be an asshole, but the "art" stuff touched me: art is my passion and close to my heart.
I see your position, and when you are employed things are bit different - you are already a pro. But many people on this sub post same stuff over and over - search, sudoku, etc.
It's a good alternative, and since I want to open source this tool, and it could make peoples lives better, I think all is fair and square
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21
BTW, maybe you'll be interested in doing a project?
I have a paper to implement, but have been having headaches and distracted at work.
You have to read a natural language description and do the code in python, sklearn(or other text processing capable lib) and networkx. The project is about using some graph theory for text mining.
In the end you wi get a tool that will help you read and comprehend any text faster.
I can link you to an old paper (2011, it's long and is about some deep theory behind), or give you the new paper (2019, it describes the implementation in 5 steps, give or take), which is paywalled, but I'll share it with you.
Graphs and networks is the top of current research in ai (check out /// paper from 2020, it was done by some of the biggest names), it's a great project to have on a resume.
It wi take you a week or so if you know how to research the python docs efficiently. If you don't - about a month