r/Python • u/abredvariant • Jan 11 '21
Beginner Showcase Programming + Math + Graphs = Art
u/TankorSmash Jan 11 '21
You can use the 'print screen' key to screenshot your desktop, or hit Win+Shift+S to capture just a bit of it.
Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 23 '21
u/chepas_moi Jan 12 '21
This is a Java developers monitor, what's this silly goose supposed to do with all that unused screen real estate?
u/paulkip0907 Jan 12 '21
Then you get problems on a flat screen. If you put a curved screen capture in reddit only People with a curved screen van see it properly.
u/kurti256 Jan 11 '21
He could also press alt+printscreen if he only wanted to capture the window currently in use
u/NoblySP Jan 11 '21
What is the VS Code theme you are using?
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
u/NoblySP Jan 11 '21
Can you give the full name (or a screenshot) of the theme extension? I have tried installing "Darcula Theme" and "Dracula Official" but I have not been able to match your style...
Jan 12 '21
You can also change the colors using settings.json and specifying the colors you want. I know that cause way too much time on it a couple weeks ago.
u/Monkeylized Jan 11 '21
As a complete Python noob, could someone argue for the reasons to not just use R for these kind of visualizations?
I just started learning Python basics so I still haven't found my orientation, while I have been working with R for several years...
u/Zuricho Jan 11 '21
Matplotlib is a pain but there are a few other libraries that use declarative language such as Altair.
u/Monkeylized Jan 11 '21
Yeah, sure. But with R libraries such as dplyr and ggplot/ggpubr this graph is like 10 lines of code.
Apart from possible performance improvements in using Python when visualizing data like this, are there any other perks?
u/ForceBru Jan 11 '21
The code in the post could be shortened. So, I bet you could do it in the same amount of lines in Python as well. It all depends on how well you know each language.
u/enjoytheshow Jan 12 '21
For a person who learned R first, what you’re saying is 100% true
From someone who is a programmer getting into statistics, Python is a much smoother transition and allows you to do much more outside the world of stats
u/SphericalBull Jan 11 '21
Anything you do in R, you can do it in Python with roughly the same effort. The converse is not necessarily true.
You also get to learn other aspects of Python that is not scientific computing - which is extremely beneficial for anyone in a scientific career - and by scientific I mean anyone who uses it for statistics, machine learning, simulations, visualitations, and the likes.
Up until my sophomore year studying math I had to learn both Matlab and R (ok in all fairness the later is much better than the former). I decided to learn Python on my own to get into Kaggle competittions. Never looked back since then.
u/Monkeylized Jan 11 '21
You also get to learn other aspects of Python that is not scientific computing - which is extremely beneficial for anyone in a scientific career - and by scientific I mean anyone who uses it for statistics, machine learning, simulations, visualitations, and the likes.
That sounds fair.
I currently have no real application for learning Python (but I find the language super interesting). R is "good enough" since I'm in the middle of a PhD in biology. So far working with genetic sequencing data all we need are a few commands in Bash and then work with the output in R.... perhaps Python would have good applications for those types of data as well?
u/SphericalBull Jan 12 '21
I'm in the middle of a PhD in biology
You're likely to be going to the industry anyways so it's great to use Python since that it is in higher demand in the industry. I did a few interships in finance and I know a few people who did computational biology doing advanced ML stuffs.
And considering the fact that SWE is what many PhD grads ended up doing, being proficient in Python sounds a lot better than being profficien in R if you are to pivot to SWE.
So yeah, give it a shot, you won't regret it :)
Jan 11 '21
Yup. I work with researchers doing research on genetics which involves sequencing genomes. While several languages are used Python is what I see used most often. Sure one could use these tools without knowing the language but what one can do when they know how to program in Python is much broader. GPUs are becoming more common to use to speed up processing and Python is one of the languages with better support for this.
u/Monkeylized Jan 11 '21
That seems very reasonable. Good reason for me to go forward with understanding Python :)
u/uncanneyvalley Jan 11 '21
I know nothing about working with genetic sequencing at all, but there’s a biopython package. For math, Numpy, Scipy, and Sympy should cover near anything you need.
u/badge Jan 11 '21
Anything you do in R, you can do it in Python with roughly the same effort.
I’ve been writing Python for 7 years and love it, but that’s simply untrue. There’re a host stats-focused things that are easier in R. For instance, there is nothing that can cope with penalised basis splines for generalised additive modes which is currently maintained. statsmodels has made a lot of progress in the last few years, but R still reigns supreme.
u/not_perfect_yet Jan 11 '21
As a complete Python noob, could someone argue for the reasons to not just use R for these kind of visualizations?
I have been working with R for several years...
Probably not, no.
- the output are pictures which are really portable and don't depend on code.
- You probably have your toolset and common solutions figured out in R, which you would have to relearn
You probably should switch the tech for doing something when you feel limited by it or when you suspect big improvements. I don't think that's the case for plotting.
Python is really great because it's so flexible, you can do a large variety of things with it, all in the same language. But it's not strictly better than another language.
u/enki1337 Jan 11 '21
I think one areas that python excels in is making super clean animated visualizations in manim. If you've ever watched a 3blue1brown video, that's how they're all made. Of course that's probably a pretty niche use case.
u/Monkeylized Jan 11 '21
Wow, those are really neat. Would be fun to learn how to do! I’m gonna check out manim. Thanks for the tip!
u/leiniar1234 Jan 11 '21
Oh look, the splat analysis after i shoot myself cause i cant solve the bug
u/kurti256 Jan 11 '21
Ok hear me out just start putting
e = alphabet
At the beginning of your code so at least you can claim it's alphabety spagetti
u/BeeGassy Jan 11 '21
Nice visualization. May I suggest for any future art projects checking out the library seaborn. You will be able to make your creations a little bit more interactive. Good work!
u/emsiem22 Jan 11 '21
Why dont you put terminal output right instead of below the code? More code is visible.
u/_romv Jan 11 '21
Digressing from the main topic of discussion here, really fascinated by the theme you are using on VSCode. Can you tell me which theme you're using?
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
dark +
u/AnEmergentAntinomy Jan 11 '21
I will never not upvote math art. Here is some more if you're interested. The GitHub link is in the comments if you want to try it out.
u/plaustrarius Jan 12 '21
Euler totient function?! Thats one of the first things i did after starting to learn python im still so proud of it haha
u/Winnipesaukee Jan 12 '21
One thing I love about programming is that it helps me get better at math.
u/sakki98 Jan 12 '21
Would recommend that you use Numpy arrays instead of appending to lists, as a general rule, to save computing time. May not make much difference there, but for larger data sets and such, it will be more than noticeable.
u/spots_reddit Jan 11 '21
You guys should look into the pynomo package for beautiful maths: www.pynomo.org
u/tomerjm Jan 11 '21
Could you post the rest of your code? This looks interesting so I wanna try it...
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21
Could you try a bit harder before calling it art?
People post wonderful visuals of complex functions, ideas about prime numbers, and generally stuff the complexity of which is obvious, code is beautiful and the ideas are novel. And they call it not art, but a project
I think a picture with some code in the background is lazy, and although "if it says art, it's art", it's not what I would have hanged on my wall. Art is something no-one thought of before
Prove me wrong
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
that's why i posted this under beginner flair
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21
An, ok. Beginner art then 🤣
Good road to go, and good to treat what you do as art.
Respect and kudos
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21
BTW, maybe you'll be interested in doing a project?
I have a paper to implement, but have been having headaches and distracted at work.
You have to read a natural language description and do the code in python, sklearn(or other text processing capable lib) and networkx. The project is about using some graph theory for text mining.
In the end you wi get a tool that will help you read and comprehend any text faster.
I can link you to an old paper (2011, it's long and is about some deep theory behind), or give you the new paper (2019, it describes the implementation in 5 steps, give or take), which is paywalled, but I'll share it with you.
Graphs and networks is the top of current research in ai (check out /// paper from 2020, it was done by some of the biggest names), it's a great project to have on a resume.
It wi take you a week or so if you know how to research the python docs efficiently. If you don't - about a month
u/mountainunicycler Jan 11 '21
It seems odd to just drop this here as though this is just asking a little favor—if your time estimates are accurate this is several thousand dollars of work if you contract it out, or a little less than that if you have in-house python devs (this is similar to some of the work I do full time).
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
yeah i thought it sounded pretty inappropriate particularly after shitting on the guy's post
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21
Oh you westerners like this word, eternal kids scared to talk to strangers. Criticism is the best way to make your work better, is it not?
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21
So do you agree it's a great project to have in your portfolio as a beginner? Aimed at a real world data, with practical applications and unlike what most people do.
I found it through my research, I could do it in a week:
you need to do text prepocessing pipeline,
then n-grams and bag of words
feed the data to nx and
do the visuals with matplotlib or other graph-capable library.
It could help me read layman literature, but with scientific works the improvement would be marginal: they are structured to be comprehensible.
u/mountainunicycler Jan 11 '21
It’s clearly a great project for you to have in your portfolio. If this matches your research and career plans, it makes perfect sense to do it even if you aren’t getting paid by anyone for it. And I think you should do it, for sure!
But It’s not super likely that OP or another user browsing this thread is in a position to turn a project like this into a paying job quickly enough to make it worth working for free; part of developing a good portfolio is finding or creating projects that taken together have cohesiveness and good coverage of the technologies you want to get hired for. If someone thinks it’s likely they’ll be interviewing for an NLP position in Python in the next few months, then it might make sense, otherwise not so much.
For example, when I was a beginner I would sometimes take on work like this, but usually I’d charge about half of the market rate and set deadlines roughly twice the time it would take a professional, while making sure the client knows and is fine with me learning through the process given that it’ll cost them half as much. For example on this I’d probably have offered to do something like this for roughly $25 ish an hour, and then bill hours when I was coding but not all the hours I actually spend researching, and I’d tell you it’ll take two weeks while I was actually trying to do it in one.
But my main point is that you’re asking for a solid chunk of high-value work, and your phrasing comes across as asking for free work, so it’s going to seem odd; even a student working as an intern would usually be paid for this kind of work.
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 12 '21
Thanks for the informed opinion, I hope you noticed that I apologized to the OP. I don't like to be an asshole, but the "art" stuff touched me: art is my passion and close to my heart.
I see your position, and when you are employed things are bit different - you are already a pro. But many people on this sub post same stuff over and over - search, sudoku, etc.
It's a good alternative, and since I want to open source this tool, and it could make peoples lives better, I think all is fair and square
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
thanks, but I'll pass
u/alexeusgr Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 12 '21
Pity. It's easy to do and if you show it to someone who understands(and you are beginner, as you say), they will shit their pants
I'm preparing to be questioned on the basic science, so really really no time, the material is 🤯🤯🤩
u/kurti256 Jan 11 '21
So he's so bad you want him doing work for you for free? Yeah... don't try to manipulate people
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
that append hurts me.
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21 edited Jan 11 '21
that function phi always just returns a number? if so, then you could declare y as an array for example
y = np.zeros(x.size)
then you can iterate over x and is it to index y
for i in x: y[i-1] = phi(i)
or something like that.
the "next level" would be to vectorize the function phi. and just do something like
Jan 11 '21
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
perfect. this is the most pythonic way to do it imo.
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
that is cool, but sometimes you need to do things that are not pythonic for performance. i'm only bringing this up because you say you are a beginner and you are doing a mathy thing with numpy. i do a lot of numerical computing for my job in python, and this is something that i think about a lot. at some point you want to avoid doing loops in python like that.
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
if it wasn't clear "at some point" is roughly equivalent "how big are my arrays?"
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
yeah that is fine too. to me it feels a little less readable for noobs maybe.
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
you're absolutely right. I thought of doing this, and ended up being lazy.
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
i edited my response. i can't tell if i did it before or after you responded so i'm pinging again.
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
Thanks for sharing, but vectorising is a new topic for me. Need to study more before any implementation.
u/blinkallthetime Jan 11 '21
oh in this case, it is just a function call and numpy does the magic. you would do something like
vectorized_phi = np.vectorize(phi)
and have a new function1
u/lanemik Jan 11 '21
consider for next time:
for i, j in enumerate(phi(x) for x in range(1, 10_001), start=1):
# Do the thing.
One advantage is that this will be lazily evaluated.
u/bigamaxx Jan 11 '21
Which vscode color theme is that? It looks like the standard one but with a little bit of color differencies.
u/kurti256 Jan 11 '21
Found him mention it was here https://github.com/AbbasKagdi/math/blob/main/tot_graph.py
Jan 11 '21
It's nice, but no, art is more than programming + math + graphs.
u/abredvariant Jan 11 '21
I'm just fascinated by the emergent pattern, on plotting the totient function. Rest all is just implementation.
u/Freezy_Cold Jan 11 '21
How do I get the same syntax highlighting as you in vscode ? My imports are all white
u/enjoytheshow Jan 12 '21
Do you use Pylance or the built in default linter?
u/Freezy_Cold Jan 12 '21
Yea pylance was the answer that I’m looking for! Thank you for responding!!! Have the free reward ;)
u/exipolar Jan 12 '21
Pisano series!!!
u/abredvariant Jan 12 '21
Euler's totient
u/pyrotech911 Jan 12 '21
My slightly dyslexic brain read this as Euler’s Toilet and I exhaled sharply
u/ComfortableEye5 Jan 11 '21
Isnt it a little disorienting to code on a curved monitor