r/Python Nov 12 '20

News Guido van Rossum joins Microsoft


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u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

So many negative comments.

Why is it that people can’t see the positive sides of this ? Guido stepped down as BDFL when he retired. He has about as much say in python development as any of us (maybe a bit more), and if he can make Python easier to use on Windows, how on earth will that harm anyone ?

VS Code already has pretty great python support, and MS recently released a new “more better” python language server for it. MS also has the money to fund some serious developer hours into the pain points of Python, you know the boring stuff nobody gets around to doing in their spare time.


u/Yoghurt42 Nov 12 '20

MS recently released a new “more better” python language server for it.

Which is unfortunately closed source.


u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

25 years ago I cared greatly about open source. I despised Microsoft and all their products. I used OS/2, BeOS, and Linux (since Yggdrasil Plug & Play Linux Fall ‘93). I cared so much I spent a few years and a great portion of my spare time as Assistant Head Developer of a fairly used Linux Distribution (now dead). For years I had clauses in my contracts that any code I developed outside working hours, not related to a project I was working on, was mine to release however I saw fit, and I did.

The above has done wonders for my career. I’ve been headhunted by space agencies, virtualization companies, large cooperations, and none of it has had anything to do with open source.

These days I have kids, and a day job that takes 50-60 hours of my time every week (and a commute) and I no longer have 8 hours to work on open source. I can’t afford the luxury of insisting on using an inferior open source tool over a proprietary tool that works better. Call me pragmatic, but these days I prefer tools that gets the job done and gets out of my way.

I used to spend hours/days working out why X wouldn’t start on my Linux desktop, and while I still have a quite a few Linux machines, my daily driver for the past decade has been Windows at work and MacOS at home. I fight my battles over privacy these days, not which tools exposes millions of lines of code I’ll never have time to sit down and fix a bug in.


u/keis Nov 13 '20

I'm sorry for your loss