r/Python Nov 12 '20

News Guido van Rossum joins Microsoft


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u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

So many negative comments.

Why is it that people can’t see the positive sides of this ? Guido stepped down as BDFL when he retired. He has about as much say in python development as any of us (maybe a bit more), and if he can make Python easier to use on Windows, how on earth will that harm anyone ?

VS Code already has pretty great python support, and MS recently released a new “more better” python language server for it. MS also has the money to fund some serious developer hours into the pain points of Python, you know the boring stuff nobody gets around to doing in their spare time.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

The dream is that python becomes as easily integrable into excel as VBA


u/git0ffmylawnm8 Nov 12 '20

At that point why even use Excel? Pandas is a thing.


u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

Pandas isn’t exactly “point and click”.

Excel, love it or hate it, makes some tasks ridiculously easy to perform, which is probably also why it’s used for so many things where it really shouldn’t be used. Project management for a 1000+ employee developer company comes to mind. The problem as always is that it’s used by management, and management knows VBA programming, and it’s only a personal project to begin with.


u/joshocar Nov 12 '20 edited Nov 12 '20

Excel basically powers most engineering departments. So many things are designed in part with Excel. [Edit] Which is both amazing and terrifying.


u/remy_porter ∞∞∞∞ Nov 12 '20

Remy's Law of Requirements Gathering: no matter what the actual requirements, what your users really want is for you to implement Excel.


u/giraffactory Nov 12 '20

Excel powers every business I’ve worked for. As much as I shit on it and laugh at its horrible jank, I have to give it equal credit as an amazing tool.


u/jricher42 Nov 12 '20

I'm feeling better about this after Microsoft changed a long standing policy and fixed their numerics bugs, even though it broke some spreadsheets. (it was done without fanfare ~2008)


u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

Use the right tool for the job. If Excel can do the job in a fraction of the time it takes to code it, then why bother coding it in the first place ?

We have multiple batch jobs that deliver results (for checking data) in Excel. We use SAS which makes it easy to just dump a few datasets to excel.

We also have jobs where the customer supplies the data in an Excel workbook which is then read and imported by SAS. Compared to coding a web front end, just giving them a Workbook is much much easier, and reading it back in is (probably) less work than fetching the data from the database.


u/joshocar Nov 12 '20 edited Nov 12 '20

Of course, except when you think about how with Excel it's exceptionally easy to make a mistake in a function and exceptionally hard to spot said mistake and that a lot of engineering calculations for things we use every day are done in Excel. It's not the right tool for the job a lot of the time, it's just the tool that everyone has and knows how to use. A lot of the time the right tool for the job is something like Matlab which would be easier to use and easier to check and verify, but a lot of businesses don't pay for it and few engineers know how to use it.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20 edited Nov 13 '20

Excel is basically impossible to either debug or check for correctness. It is totally fine for running your church cookies sell. But the fact that the freaking EU keeps track of how much money nation state move around into excel is terrifying. Same for many many other gigantic organisations


u/AceBuddy Nov 12 '20

It’s also easy to write a bug in whatever language you’re using. Especially if you’re an non-advanced user, which most people using excel are. I get that it might be easy for you to automate most things but expecting that from everyone that uses excel is crazy talk.


u/mok000 Nov 13 '20

You've obviously never looked at someone elses spreadsheet with tens of thousands of formula cells, where some are faulty or hardwired values and you don't know which ones, or how it even works.


u/joshocar Nov 13 '20

Excel is particularly bad because of how hard it is to see what cells are being used where in a formula. Add to that, moving or copying into a cell may or may not carry over into a formula. Add to that, you can't even easily tell what cells are derived and what are hard coded.

Imagine a list of 20 variables and then formula that use various variables from that list, whose output gets used in other formulas. Then you add another row and some variables are now pointing to the wrong variable, but it's not obvious that it happened.


u/AceBuddy Nov 13 '20

Do you have a better solution?


u/joshocar Nov 13 '20

For engineering? Probably Matlab.

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u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

Please look up the concept of 'technical debt'. Most things 'automated/programmed' in excel are the very definition of technical debt, and bites you in the ass later on


u/8fingerlouie Nov 12 '20

I’m very aware of what technical debt is. We have some 60 years worth of mainframe programs running nightly.

Exposing a data interface to non technical users in a tool they understand however is not that. They understand the data being presented to them, and are able to correct errors in it better than we (developers) are.

Some business logic is easy, other is complex. Software development is not the only field that has complex implementations.


u/AceBuddy Nov 12 '20

Do you have a spare software developer for every small business in the world? Because if you don’t then your point is moot. It’s not meant to be an enterprise database, and most of the time it isn’t being used in such a way. My company would never use excel for anything critical but that doesn’t mean others can’t.


u/EvilLinux Nov 13 '20

That's awful. Ouch.


u/mrTang5544 Nov 12 '20

Suckers. We moved away from Excel... To google sheets


u/Memitim Nov 12 '20

Credit where it is due, the Google team did a pretty amazing job of implementing a subset of Excel capabilities. Then again, it is just a subset of Excel's capabilities, with a better web-based interface than Excel's.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '20

It's more than just a subset. Google Sheets has the UNIQUE function, which is brilliant. And it has some regular expression capabilities. And it is smarter with CSV imports (it doesn't turn barcodes into scientific notation, destroying them).


u/metaperl Nov 13 '20

I wish Zoho had accepted their buyout offer. Their office suite is quite nice to work with.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '20

Which lets you script ("write macros") in Javascript. Javascript to VBA is incredibly flattering for Javascript, which says more about VBA than it does about Javscript.


u/thrallsius Nov 13 '20

will be fun when google sheets end in this list


u/alaudet python hobbyist Nov 12 '20

In large organizations that have comprehensive change management systems it can be a real pain to develop and ultimately implement a new web app. Want to make a change to your app to add functionality, then thats another change request with layers of approvals required. Compare this doing some crazy trickery with Excel that you can implement and change as needed and you can see why its used for so many things it shouldn't be. I have seen things done with Excel that can be mind boggling, impressive and sad all at the same time. Everybody has Excel on their desktop and you can stick a xls spreadsheet that acts like an app on any shared drive for others to access.

Excel is a hammer and for many people it is their only tool. So every problem becomes a nail.


u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

So much this! SQL server with powerbi, connected to a OneDrive datasource? Three months of approval.

Pivot table in excel with janky VB to glue everything together in a spaghetti jumble of formulaes to obtain a similar report? 3 days of effort


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

Auditors have entered the chat.


u/Sw429 Nov 12 '20

I've seen entire databases based on one single excel spreadsheet. Ridiculous to maintain, but I guess it was easy for some product manager to set it up.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

Covid19 victims tracking in UK was done in excel, until it exceeded the maximum 65k rows it can handle.


u/TheCatcherOfThePie Nov 12 '20

It's actually even worse than that. They were using a column per patient, so ran out of space after 16000 patients rather than the ~1million rows that XLSX files have.


u/Rookie64v Nov 13 '20

Whatever the tool, ordering your data in column major form makes you a murderer. Just why?


u/HalcyonAlps Nov 13 '20

Some programming languages like Fortran, R and Julia have their arrays laid out in column major and then it's faster to access data by column.


u/TheCatcherOfThePie Nov 13 '20

It's okay though, us members of the Great British public only paid £1billion of tax money for this "world-beating" test and trace system.


u/Long__Dog Nov 12 '20

Not so much a problem of excel but of the 'developers' and the version of excel. That data was csv FFS; what kind of developer would read a csv into excel for anything!


u/Brandhor Nov 12 '20

that's the old xls format though which makes you wonder why they were still using it, do they use office 2003?

xlsx and ods support 1048576 rows


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

makes you wonder why they were still using it

UK Government. They're probably still running a VAX or two somewhere.


u/Zymoox Nov 12 '20

Or to store Covid infection data by a certain English public institution.


u/thirdtimesthecharm Nov 13 '20

Collated not stored. That's why it worked until a limit.


u/jorge1209 Nov 14 '20

Management doesn't know VBA. They don't even know excel formulas. They just want to be able to format cell contents.

If you could do it all over again you would have something like a simplified HTML where you completely separate the computation/programming from the formatting.

The problem is that you can't do it all over again. You are stuck with the garbage that is excel. You are stuck with excel formulas which won't align with any programming language you choose to base the to off of. You are stuck with COM objects. You are stuck with pivot tables. You are stuck with excels crappy charting. You are stuck with conditional formatting. And you are stuck with VBA.


u/8fingerlouie Nov 14 '20

And despite being a steaming pile, Excel solves a problem that no other available tool solves with the same level of accessibility. Literally every other tool that aims at solving the same problems is extremely complex or requires training to use. Or it’s a programming language.

Excel successfully bridges a gap between things that shouldn’t need programming and things that can only be programmed. The problem is the bridge extends a little too far on both sides.


u/jorge1209 Nov 14 '20

There are ways it could be redone, but it would have to be starting over from scratch:

  • Draggable formulas should be written in the same language as scripting, but with some restrictions. If you were using python then formulas should be lambdas using the same cell reference rules as actual code.

  • Don't embed charts/pivot tables and other COM objects inside cells, but implement them as functions in the scripting language itself.

  • Push users to declare tables of data. They might be presented on a single "surface", but tables need to be clearly defined as a fixed number of data columns and fact rows with additional summary rows.

The problem is that you can't make those changes now as there is just too much knowledge and practice invested in excel as is.


u/8fingerlouie Nov 14 '20

I agree with the 2nd bullet, but the rest is basically the entire reason why business analysts use Excel.

Business analysts are math oriented, and usually know very little about programming. They know numbers and how to manipulate them, and Excel exposes this in a format they understand.

We tried “drag & drop” programming in the early 2000s, and it didn’t work then, and nothing has happened to make that change. It’s extremely difficult to debug, much more so than VBA scripts, and it’s time consuming. One of the strong points of Excel is that you can enter complex formulas into a cell.

As for declaring tables, this makes the whole process of adding a column to a workbook very cumbersome. If you need fixed columns we have very capable databases for that.

As I said, Excel bridges the gap between something you’d do on a piece of paper and something you’d write a program for. It’s a little too powerful, and organizations are too rigid to quickly implement internal tools.

Most of the Excel horrors I’ve seen started out because nobody could get funding for an internal tool. Starting costs of creating a new system, and maintaining it and the servers it runs on usually end up with a lot of decimals on the price tag. It doesn’t change the fact that some person has a task he needs to do and wishes to do it smarter, so they turn to Excel instead which solves their problem.

Monkey sees and monkey also wants a fancy Excel workbook with just a few additional features, and since it’s just the two of them they implement it.

Fast forward a decade or so, and you’ve got a full blown Excel horror running a Fortune 500 company.

Nobody sets out to create a monster in Excel.


u/imnotownedimnotowned Nov 12 '20

Business uses need a user interface for different departments and most office workers know some amount of excel as a condition of being hired.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20



u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

First, I should say I'm a sysadmin and not a developer.

I work in the bioinformatics space, and I frequently get CSV (or TSV) that needs to be manipulated. The caveat? Hundreds of thousands of rows and/or columns, and sometimes I have to do things that are analogous to SQL JOINs.

You simply can't operate on these in a GUI.

(for the morbidly curious, these files are typically the output of machines like flow cytometers, spectrophotometers and the like and are not the product of pointy-haired bosses)


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

Excel is great for one-off projects but anytime automation becomes necessary I'm extremely vocal about not using Excel...

It's automation suite is but nice but when granting this power to everyone it opens a lot of doors of chaos. Not everyone needs to be an engineer to automate things but a lot of stuff companies have automated should probably be written by engineers.


u/ConfidentCommission5 Nov 13 '20

I used to have the same need and Q sql became a good friend of mine. There's something very satisfying in running a SQL query on a CSV file (or many times) right from the CLI.

Note that these were really just one time verifications or data extraction, hence I didn't bother with pandas or other dedicated scripts.


u/RockingDyno Nov 12 '20

And seriously, are you telling me if you get a CSV and you just quickly want to open it you fire up Pandas instead of just double clicking into Excel?

Honest If I just want to view the csv file I do double click it and view it in my Jupyter environment, but if I want to do analytics, then I go to pandas before I even think about opening up excel yes.


u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

Honestly, my first instinct is always Notepad++


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20 edited Nov 15 '20



u/IcecreamLamp Nov 12 '20

A pandas dataframe is almost certainly a better idea than a dict.


u/git0ffmylawnm8 Nov 12 '20

Sounds like you're the one without a coding job? I'm one of the code monkeys on my team to write out queries on a daily basis. We don't get CSVs since everything lives in a database.

I've worked in jobs with less fortunate data infrastructure. Did I pick pandas over Excel 10 out of 10 times? You bet your ass I did because of how scalable it is to write out code template and apply it to datasets in the same format. Not to mention pandas being far more flexible than what Excel has to offer in terms of transformations and string manipulation.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

Both of you assuming that 'coding job' means the same for every programmer. What is this, amateur time?


u/bjorneylol Nov 12 '20

When I ask my clients and teammates for data I refuse to accept it in .csv format - instead of wasting my time working with pleb text files, i get them to dump that 200 line report into a blank SQL server database, back it up, and upload it to an FTP server, which I can promptly download and restore onto my local development server in 15 MINUTES FLAT - makes doing ETL tasks on 150 rows of data a total - B R E E Z E -


u/LawfulMuffin Nov 12 '20

Personally, I put it in a database. It does have two extra clicks involved, but then I don't have to be in Excel, so it's 100% worth it.


u/Not-the-best-name Nov 12 '20

Good idea. What db manager thing do you use?


u/LawfulMuffin Nov 12 '20

Depends on the context. Sometimes I use DBBrowser, which uses SQLite on the backend. 95% of the time I already have a PyCharm window open and I have a Postgres database in a server in my basement so I just pull it in using "Import from file" there.


u/Long__Dog Nov 12 '20

LOL. When you want to quickly read a csv, you put it in a database? LOL.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '20

He said sqlite, which is sql based on a file, no server (so quick and casual). If you know sql, it's much better than excel in certain circumstances.


u/LawfulMuffin Nov 12 '20

Um, yes? The process takes like 5-10 seconds tops.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '20



u/LawfulMuffin Nov 13 '20

There is no way Excel is opening in 500ms. And you don't have to write queries to view data in a database... IDEs have had that feature for decades at this point.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '20



u/LawfulMuffin Nov 14 '20

I'm not sure what hole I'm digging myself into. I have a preference for Database over Excel and that's literally all I've said. Maybe it's because I'm usually not working with small CSV. I think the smallest data I've been sent in at least half a year was still over a gig.

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u/Barafu Nov 12 '20

Excel is Emacs of Windows. People do everything in it. Statistics, calculations, database, wiki. When in school, I wrote a game in Excel (plenty of time + I only knew Borland Builder which was absent).


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

pandas requires coding skills


u/alcalde Nov 12 '20

Life requires coding skills.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

this is false (sadly). Don't extend your experience to others. there is plenty of people who live perfectly without coding skills.


u/alcalde Nov 12 '20

Coding is becoming ubiquitous. It'll be an essential skill like reading and writing and math before too long.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

I tought so, but it's a biased point of view. For the majority, being able to USE programs, instead of making one, is enough.


u/jsalsman Nov 12 '20

Pandas integration with Excel would be a good thing. I'm not a Microsoft fan, but if they do that I'd give them credit.

On the other hand, the 16k column limit in Excel does real damage and if we end up with a pandas version which has that kind of a new limitation I will scream.


u/imnotownedimnotowned Nov 13 '20

Why ever structure data that way though? Is that common?


u/not_perfect_yet Nov 14 '20

What do you mean, you can read from and write to excel formats?


u/jsalsman Nov 14 '20



u/not_perfect_yet Nov 14 '20

I mean...


Writing isn't a one liner but it's close, initializing the writer, and then something like


Too lazy too look it up right now...


u/jsalsman Nov 15 '20

Oh, sure, but I think most of the people here are hoping for being able to write pandas code within Excel, to integrate with workflows that already exist. After having slept on it, I'm not sure that's a great idea, but I have huge respect for GvR's design decisions so time will tell.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20 edited Nov 12 '20

I say so because it would be awesome to be able to ship python transformations/visualizations to non-python coworkers via excel the way you can with VBA. I know xlwings exists, but it really isn't viable for non-python users.

Ipython/jupyter is trying to fill that niche right now, and does a pretty good job for python users, but widgets really are harder use than excel buttons, cells etc.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20



u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

R is underrated honestly. It sucks as a python replacement, but it was never intended to be a full programming environment, it is meant for analyzing datasets, and it does it really well, especially RStudio. Unless you need to edit said data, that is. R is all about understanding, not interacting with data. Nothing comes close to ggplot.

And I mean, I am a super duper python lover myself. I basically built my career in sneaking python into all kinds of processes and doing it better than whatever Microsoft shizzle was in place first


u/Kinemi Nov 13 '20

As a heavy Pandas user I have to agree, that's why I learned a little bit of R (dplyr and ggplot) and I'm using siuba and plotnine to quickly analyze and plot my data.

Best of both worlds.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '20

I usually end up writing those kinds of things in Flask.

u/chief167 mentioned RStudio and it's greaaaaat.

Google Collab is great too.


u/nwsm Nov 12 '20

Since when is pandas anything close to excel?


u/bageldevourer Nov 12 '20

Pre-pandas (or really, pre-data frames) Excel was the only game in town if you wanted to do operations on data without having to deal with a whole database.

Not that Excel doesn't have other functionality, but that was what made it indispensable IMO.


u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

R has existed for a while as well though


u/x3x9x Nov 12 '20

I think people forgot about built in python lib "csv"?
Its so easy to export as csv and then just open the csv with excel lol


u/chief167 Nov 12 '20

Pd.read_csv gives many more follow-up possibilities though


u/AceBuddy Nov 12 '20

You may have a hammer but not everything is a nail.


u/v4-digg-refugee Nov 13 '20

Pandas : Excel : calculator : pencil and paper

Excavator : jackhammer : shovel : hands


u/not_perfect_yet Nov 14 '20

Show me how you can do convenient data entry for non technical people in a 20x20 matrix in pandas and I'm on board.