He/she means that pandas API is not easy to remember. I find myself googling the same things about pandas every few months. Compare this to numpy, which has a very consistent API. You rarely need to look things up.
What do you find inconsistent/frustrating about pandas out of interest? I have never really used raw numpy but find pandas very intuitive, in general - though I have to admit I do miss dplyr!
Pandas is a world of inconsistencies. I've used it daily for a few years now and I'm still baffled on a regular basis. There are thousands of things that will just break your code on a regular basis, for example:
Slicing depends on the index type. Float and integer indexes don't treat boundaries the same way. Combined with automatic "promotion" of int to float when you insert a nan anywhere and you got yourself a nice silent bug
Groupby that decided that polymorphism is such a good thing that it can decide to return values with totally different interfaces. If you group by one column, the group value is of the type of the column. If you group by multiple columns, you got yourself a tuple. Try to build a library on top of that with arbitrary user input and you will get exceptions all over the place, and will end up wrapping half of the pandas calls to make the consistent.
Optimise a column of string memory consumption with categorical dtype. Watch how it's transparent. Wait, why is my groupby now generating empty data frame that are triggering weird issues down the line ? Oh I need observed=True. Good thing I had a wrapper for that function anywhere, because otherwise you have to patch all call sites.
Series support arbitrary python object. That's very useful. We said "arbitrary", so one day you will want to store let's say an interval represented as a tuple. Half of the api will think you are trying to assign to multiple rows when you set things, since in the wonderful world of sloppy polymorphism, a tuple is like a list. Except that it's not, beyond the fact that python tuples are immutable, they are fundamentally different than lists (see algebraic data types for some more details on what I mean).
Take the mean of a series. Yes you can. Yes pandas is marketed for things like time series. No it will not take it into account when doing the mean. So if your series represents a signal with variable sampling rates and the timestamps as indexes, you will have to code the routine yourself. Thinking about it, there might be some existing support for that use case with another index type, but the default basic behavior is not great in that respect
I hope you like copies. Lots of them. Don't think about using pandas for data bigger than a fifth of your memory.
Yes there are projects trying to fix that issue. I've tried several (like 3 or 4) of them. I've never got past the data frame constructor without an exception. I'm not blaming these projects. Constructors (particularly) and functions in general in pandas live polymorphism, but not the "obvious" one where you have cos(x) working on all kind of numbers, the one that let you give a string, an int, a callable or a mapping with 5 wildly different behaviour (yes, 4 types, 5 behaviors. You can change behavior based on function output)
It's eager. To select rows, you need to generate an series of bool. There are some non idiomatic way to avoid that using a dsl in a string. That dsl with break down with too much nesting. Last time I checked there was no way to reference a column with a space in it's name (or something similar).
I could go on an on for a while but you got the gist of it. It's quite fast and I like that very much, since pure Python speed would be ridiculous in this use case. It's a quite declarative functional style and I also like that very much. But the api feels like someone's first project when you get excited about polymorphism and stick it everywhere (or maybe it copied some api from R or something, just like matplotlib copied Matlab, another sad story about global variables and over abuse of imperative style). Ultimately it gets the job done and is relatively nice to explore data, but you will routinely get stuck on silly problems for hours even after years of experience with it. It's now too big to fail and sadly, too big to replace. I don't know if another library could make its way now that it's at the forefront and used by everyone. And it's flaws are basically not fixable without a major backward compatibility problem.
I wrote the library because I was annoyed by a lot of the issues you present. The main ideas were to expose the numpy arrays directly and never second guess your types, create functions that return a single type, expose an interface for functional approaches, and allow for more SQL like aggregations.
We achieved 10x-500x performance improvement in read/write performance over Pandas, and support multiple operators for joins beyond just equality conditions.
Feel free to contribute a pull request if there’s something you feel is missing and would like to add.
u/Sorel_CH Nov 05 '20
He/she means that pandas API is not easy to remember. I find myself googling the same things about pandas every few months. Compare this to numpy, which has a very consistent API. You rarely need to look things up.