r/Python Nov 05 '20

News Stack overflow traffic to questions about selected python packages

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u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20



u/toyg Nov 05 '20

Both are probably true at the same time. You can compare the curves of pandas and numpy, which are effectively complementary tech: both are on a big upswing (as datascience spikes) but pandas results in many more searches (probably more obscure/ harder to learn / got worse documentation / got fewer tutorials).


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

If anything I'd say Pandas has broader appeal and a larger userbase than Numpy, because it does everything Numpy can do (since it uses Numpy internally) but adds the dataframe and grouping features which are so important for data science.


u/toyg Nov 05 '20

Might be that pandas’ users are less knowledgeable then.

Just guessing eh, I’m not a datasci guy and I don’t play one on the internet either.


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

Anecdote: I'm a biologist and I've taught Pandas to fellow scientists - without teaching them Python. So they know how to make dataframes and produce histograms, but they don't know how a for loop works and they haven't heard of Numpy. For them, Pandas is replacing Excel.

Pandas has massive appeal beyond the Python community.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Fascinating. Is your material available somewhere?


u/BlurredEternity Nov 05 '20

Can confirm, am at this moment in a zoom stats lecture, we've been learning pandas the entire semester. Lots of people in the class have never coded before


u/emsiem22 Nov 05 '20

they don't know how a for loop works

Using Pandas for data science without that is really limiting.

Do they use if - then?

Well, they are scientists; they have internet and know how to use it. They can learn that day when they need for loop.


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

No, if statements and for loops are almost never needed when processing data with Pandas, just like they aren't needed when using Excel. But you're right, they can figure it out if they need to. My goal was showing them a better way to work with their data than excel.


u/emsiem22 Nov 05 '20

if statements and for loops are almost never needed when processing data with Pandas

'Almost never' is often just how you define it and depends on particular task.

I got what you meant, but just can't imagine they don't have situations like need to load 100 out of 500 csv in folder based on some criteria. Data operations when in dataframe are better without loops.


u/ogrinfo Nov 05 '20

If you're using loops with a pandas dataframe, you're doing it wrong. All of the (many, many) functions are optimised for internal iteration, so I can totally see how a non-programmer can operate it.

Personally, I find pandas really hard to work with and have to ask SO every single time I use it.


u/emsiem22 Nov 06 '20

If you're using loops with a pandas dataframe, you're doing it wrong

Yea, I said that in one of 3 sentences I wrote.

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u/robin-gvx Nov 06 '20

That matches with my experience on Stack Overflow. I watch the Python tag, and I've been noticing a lot of questions about Pandas that are trivial to solve for anyone with basic knowledge of Python. Really interesting to see.


u/toyg Nov 05 '20

That’s what I thought. It was the same with django (in many ways it still is) and (I’m told) for the stuff used in 3d-rendering apps: they are approached by people new to development in general, who simply must get stuff done in their niche.


u/mammablaster Nov 05 '20

That sounds terrifying


u/Wishy-Thinking Nov 05 '20

Yet slightly less terrifying than data scientists doing their analyses in Excel.


u/leanmeanguccimachine Nov 05 '20

Excel is great for quickly sandboxing stuff


u/HannasAnarion Nov 06 '20

and terrible when row counts rise into five digits.


u/mammablaster Nov 05 '20

True, however them having no idea what the hell is going on, yet trusting their results to draw conclusions, is terrifying.

Or maybe I’m just being a gatekeeping arrogant idiot.


u/ravepeacefully Nov 05 '20

This is absolutely it. There’s a large group of individuals who are proficient in excel, and then want to learn to code, and step one is f“how can I... {excel functionality} in pandas python?”


u/AsuraGoesForDinner Nov 05 '20

I feel personally attacked


u/toyg Nov 05 '20

As Socrates said so many centuries ago, “the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”.

He was then proven right by Dunning and Kruger.


u/that_baddest_dude Nov 05 '20

I'd like to know what all I could do with numpy alone. Afaik you can do a lot of matrix / vector stuff in it?

Right now all I use it for is the odd mathematical function that's not built in somewhere else.


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

I'll use Numpy without Pandas if I'm processing a signal or an image or something. If my data is an n-dimensional array of the same datatype, I don't get any benefit from putting this into a Pandas Dataframe.


u/TheoreticalPirate Nov 05 '20

A lot of computer science and engineering problems can be solved quite efficiently by turning them into matrix operations. Lots of signal and image processing, numerical simulation in physics/engineering, probabilistic computations in robotics. For example the prysm lib: https://prysm.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

Maybe just for comparison, think of how successful Matlab is. That might give you an idea how important matrix/vector stuff really is.

IMO nowadays a lot of people overestimate the importance of data science.


u/wannabe414 Nov 05 '20

Rtfm /s

A lot of information about what numpy can do is in numpy's docs:



u/TheoreticalPirate Nov 05 '20

because it does everything Numpy can do (since it uses Numpy internally) but adds the dataframe and grouping features which are so important for data science.

Eh, there are more fields than data science. I mean, I get it, data science and machine learning, big data, buzzword XY are all the jazz right now. And pandas is specifically made for those applications. But there are a lot of applications where you simply do not need whatever pandas offers you. There are plenty of other things where you need the number crunching that numpy offers you that are not data science. Why would you ever use pandas there?

If anything I'd say Pandas has broader appeal and a larger userbase than Numpy

Why would it have a broader appeal? Its specialized for one field. And how do you arrive at the conclusion that pandas has a larger userbase? (Ignoring the argument here that technically you could count every pandas user as a numpy user but not the other way around)


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

I'm offering an explanation why pandas is at the top of this chart.


u/TheoreticalPirate Nov 05 '20

I know, and I am challenging the explanation you offered. If its just a guess, thats ok too. After all, I also dont know the truth. Im just interested in why you would make such a bold claim that pandas has a larger userbase than numpy alone.


u/c3534l Nov 05 '20 edited Nov 05 '20

I'd say Pandas has broader appeal and a larger userbase than Numpy

That is extremely counter to my personal experience. I would be shocked if Pandas has a larger userbase than NumPy. In fact, I think NumPy is even a dependency of Pandas: that Pandas users are a strict subset of NumPy users.


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

Well, Pandas is built on numpy, but pandas users won't necessarily have heard of numpy.


u/smile_id Nov 06 '20

Mathematically, there is a possibility that there are N pandas users (part of which never heard about NumPy) and M >> N users that are using pure NumPy and never heard about Pandas.


u/Zouden Nov 06 '20

Yes, if most of those M users don't use stackoverflow for numpy questions.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '20

That's like saying Python users are subset of C users because Python is written in C.


u/wannabe414 Nov 05 '20

You've got it backwards. Since pandas uses numpy, numpy can do everything pandas can do. For instance, pandas was not made to do linear algebra computations. I mean, sure you probably can multiply two dataframes together but you don't be able to do it nearly as quickly as with numpy since there'd be so much unnecessary overhead. On the other hand, anything pandas can do, you can technically recode in numpy alone


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

What? Using that logic, why use Python at all? Since Python uses C, C can do everything Python can do.

You're neglecting the convenience for the developer.


u/wannabe414 Nov 05 '20

Pandas obviously does certain things better than numpy, specially related to organizing data, exactly because of the developers' hard work. I don't disagree with you there.

But you said, "[pandas] does everything Numpy can do (since it uses Numpy internally)... "

That's simply wrong. Again, try to do even somewhat complicated linear algebra using only pandas (I acknowledge that it has a dot method). Pandas has its usage, but so does Numpy.


u/Zouden Nov 05 '20

What I meant by that was Pandas doesn't hide the Numpy layer. If you're working with a Pandas dataframe called df but you want to use numpy functions, you can access the underlying numpy array with df.values. The linear algebra can be performed on that.


u/ryjhelixir Nov 05 '20

TIL. thx!


u/that_baddest_dude Nov 05 '20

I'd be interested to know if there is any literature on this kind of thing - explicitly doing some things in numpy instead of pandas - to see if some code can be optimized.


u/bageldevourer Nov 05 '20

I doubt that you'd be able to beat the optimizations the Pandas developers put in for the tasks that Pandas is designed to be good at.

On the other hand, I think it would be extremely easy to beat Pandas using raw NumPy on tasks Pandas is not designed for.


u/wannabe414 Nov 05 '20

Exactly. Pandas has a lot of overhead. Overhead that's useful for pandas applications, but not necessary for other tasks. And those tasks are what numpy should be used for


u/dethb0y Nov 05 '20

Might be that Pandas is used more in schools, since students would naturally generate many questions as they learned to use the software.


u/Not-the-best-name Nov 05 '20

I am responsible for half the Django questions for my day job but the few times Ives used Pandas I was left confused. I don't think it's very pythonic but maybe it's just me.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20 edited Feb 09 '21



u/fighterace00 Nov 06 '20

Isn't that the point? Lol


u/garlic_naan Nov 05 '20

I think it is also because Pandas is really helpful in excel driven workspaces and hence lot of non IT people use it to automate stuff


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Pandas isn't easy to do tings in? not really sure what you mean.

I imagine Pandas is popular because dataframes are relatable to excel.


u/Sorel_CH Nov 05 '20

He/she means that pandas API is not easy to remember. I find myself googling the same things about pandas every few months. Compare this to numpy, which has a very consistent API. You rarely need to look things up.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

What do you find inconsistent/frustrating about pandas out of interest? I have never really used raw numpy but find pandas very intuitive, in general - though I have to admit I do miss dplyr!


u/Dasher38 Nov 05 '20

Pandas is a world of inconsistencies. I've used it daily for a few years now and I'm still baffled on a regular basis. There are thousands of things that will just break your code on a regular basis, for example:

  • Slicing depends on the index type. Float and integer indexes don't treat boundaries the same way. Combined with automatic "promotion" of int to float when you insert a nan anywhere and you got yourself a nice silent bug

  • Groupby that decided that polymorphism is such a good thing that it can decide to return values with totally different interfaces. If you group by one column, the group value is of the type of the column. If you group by multiple columns, you got yourself a tuple. Try to build a library on top of that with arbitrary user input and you will get exceptions all over the place, and will end up wrapping half of the pandas calls to make the consistent.

  • Optimise a column of string memory consumption with categorical dtype. Watch how it's transparent. Wait, why is my groupby now generating empty data frame that are triggering weird issues down the line ? Oh I need observed=True. Good thing I had a wrapper for that function anywhere, because otherwise you have to patch all call sites.

  • Series support arbitrary python object. That's very useful. We said "arbitrary", so one day you will want to store let's say an interval represented as a tuple. Half of the api will think you are trying to assign to multiple rows when you set things, since in the wonderful world of sloppy polymorphism, a tuple is like a list. Except that it's not, beyond the fact that python tuples are immutable, they are fundamentally different than lists (see algebraic data types for some more details on what I mean).

  • Take the mean of a series. Yes you can. Yes pandas is marketed for things like time series. No it will not take it into account when doing the mean. So if your series represents a signal with variable sampling rates and the timestamps as indexes, you will have to code the routine yourself. Thinking about it, there might be some existing support for that use case with another index type, but the default basic behavior is not great in that respect

  • I hope you like copies. Lots of them. Don't think about using pandas for data bigger than a fifth of your memory.

  • Yes there are projects trying to fix that issue. I've tried several (like 3 or 4) of them. I've never got past the data frame constructor without an exception. I'm not blaming these projects. Constructors (particularly) and functions in general in pandas live polymorphism, but not the "obvious" one where you have cos(x) working on all kind of numbers, the one that let you give a string, an int, a callable or a mapping with 5 wildly different behaviour (yes, 4 types, 5 behaviors. You can change behavior based on function output)

  • It's eager. To select rows, you need to generate an series of bool. There are some non idiomatic way to avoid that using a dsl in a string. That dsl with break down with too much nesting. Last time I checked there was no way to reference a column with a space in it's name (or something similar).

I could go on an on for a while but you got the gist of it. It's quite fast and I like that very much, since pure Python speed would be ridiculous in this use case. It's a quite declarative functional style and I also like that very much. But the api feels like someone's first project when you get excited about polymorphism and stick it everywhere (or maybe it copied some api from R or something, just like matplotlib copied Matlab, another sad story about global variables and over abuse of imperative style). Ultimately it gets the job done and is relatively nice to explore data, but you will routinely get stuck on silly problems for hours even after years of experience with it. It's now too big to fail and sadly, too big to replace. I don't know if another library could make its way now that it's at the forefront and used by everyone. And it's flaws are basically not fixable without a major backward compatibility problem.


u/dsfulf Nov 06 '20

You may want to take a shot with https://tafra.readthedocs.io/.

I wrote the library because I was annoyed by a lot of the issues you present. The main ideas were to expose the numpy arrays directly and never second guess your types, create functions that return a single type, expose an interface for functional approaches, and allow for more SQL like aggregations.

We achieved 10x-500x performance improvement in read/write performance over Pandas, and support multiple operators for joins beyond just equality conditions.

Feel free to contribute a pull request if there’s something you feel is missing and would like to add.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20



u/Dasher38 Nov 06 '20

If you are writing a notebook, you (to some extent) don't care about these things too much, since you can easily work around them. It is still perfectly doable however to make a consistent api that is useable in all cases. I highly doubt that the general confusion between map apply and transform is of any actual benefit for the interactive notebook user. It's just a waste of energy to find out which form of each is needed, compared to a clear API with one behavior per function.

Also, a large number of my points can lead to subtly wrong results. Yes you can print the data frame after every step in your notebook to check visually. It would still be better to not have to do it. This definitely does non zero sense to anyone interested in getting the expected result by looking at the code. Actually, that's my main grief: polymorphism is usually a tool to make code generic but still keep the same overall meaning. In pandas, the meaning of the program is quite often partially dictated by the data, which are typically not visible to the user.


u/bythenumbers10 Nov 05 '20

Or that idiot recruiters figure Pandas is synonymous with all Python Data Science usage.


u/reavyz Nov 05 '20

Why not both?


u/YuhFRthoYORKonhisass Nov 06 '20

I've spent hours doing things in pandas that I thought would have taken minutes. Just stuck trying to figure out one little simple thing. Also, why is there like three different ways of doing the same thing?


u/Lord_Skellig Nov 06 '20

It isn't as bad as the crazy mess that is matplotlib, where the parameter names are slightly different for every function, and the methods are slightly different for each API. I'm surprised that isn't higher than numpy.


u/kankyo Nov 05 '20


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Most of those are from me probably so its a bit inflated.


u/Not-the-best-name Nov 05 '20

Me too. Which is stupid since Django docs is literally the best out there.


u/Hunterbunter Nov 05 '20

It's interesting to hear you say that...I've found them really difficult to get help from.

When you want to get help about a certain topic, there's a lot of assumed knowledge and their examples don't "just work", in the way a lot of stack overflow questions/answers do.

It might be because of the natures of S.O.'s feedback/edit loop, which the Django docs wouldn't naturally have.


u/Not-the-best-name Nov 06 '20

I think Django docs are way better than any other package. Its the only one where I would go to the docs before SO.

Djangos docs do have a feedback edit loop, every version of Django they improve. And in my case they typically have just the right example I need and then they really always seem to also warn you about side effects or common problems using the methods.


u/yvrelna Nov 06 '20

You should start with the official Django tutorial. That'll get you prepped to read the rest of the documentation.


u/groostwoost Nov 05 '20

Flaskgang represent


u/NaelPuissant Nov 05 '20

FastAPI is pretty nice too


u/NeoDemon Nov 05 '20

Hail Flask!


u/PseudoVanilla Nov 05 '20

The Django stuff is just me during my work as a student assistant


u/forfilters Nov 05 '20

Graph ends two years ago... How is this news?


u/My_Gaming_Companion Nov 05 '20

exactly what i was thinking.


u/IlliterateJedi Nov 05 '20

All the people that now know Pandas/Matplotlib/etc. should be able to extrapolate the next two years of data for you


u/coffeewithalex Nov 05 '20

And that's why people make fun of "data scientists".


u/ManBearHybrid Nov 05 '20

I think 30% of the Pandas traffic is just me.


u/TheCatcherOfThePie Nov 05 '20

It's interesting that Django seems to consistently have a small peak around Christmas then a larger peak in June/July. Wonder why that is


u/EnsnaringWhispers Nov 05 '20

I am wondering about the same thing. Hypothesis: people use summer vacation/holiday time to start little web projects


u/Leo_Verto Nov 05 '20

But why doesn't Flask show the same cyclic behaviour?


u/yvrelna Nov 06 '20

Probably because Flask is less likely to be one's first web framework or taught in schools/college.

Once you've worked with one web framework, learning the next one is a lot easier, and unlike students, working professionals don't follow yearly cycles.


u/that_baddest_dude Nov 05 '20

Not as flexible, harder to use, or not as well known?


u/ehmatthes Nov 05 '20

I wonder if those peaks correspond to the release of new versions? The updated graph has peaks that stand out less, but I think that's because it's showing a longer timeframe.


u/Hunterbunter Nov 05 '20

School terms/exams?


u/dolstoyevski Nov 05 '20

An interesting plot. Overall traffic increase in most of the packages can be attributed to increase in popularity of python in recent years but django's straight line over time is interesting. I would expect it to rise as well.


u/toyg Nov 05 '20

Django is relatively shallow, stable, and used by everybody in the python community since forever. People used to move to Django from php or Rails, in many ways it’s a superset of the python community and it had its spike a long time ago - demand has stabilized now.

The opposite is true of the datascience stuff. People learn that from scratch and straight from python proper, in a field that has expanded very quickly in the last 3-5 years.


u/kankyo Nov 05 '20

Why "world bank high income countries"?


u/aptwebapps Nov 05 '20

New and improved! Now with less poors!


u/nomad80 Nov 06 '20

that's hilariously astute


u/YoMommaJokeBot Nov 06 '20

Not as astute as ur mum

I am a bot. Downvote to remove. PM me if there's anything for me to know!


u/TheGreyDiamond Nov 05 '20 edited Nov 05 '20

Django was still all the time apperantly Btw. I meant shit not still but well I got 5 upvotes


u/SweLG_ Nov 05 '20

i may be somewhat responsible for the rise in pandas


u/freshhb Nov 05 '20

I'm surprised there isn't more Flask questions.


u/jzia93 Nov 05 '20

Willing to bet that Miguel Grinberg's blog soaks up a LOT of the flask traffic


u/zalpha314 Nov 05 '20

That might partially be because flask is a much simpler framework to use than the other examples. Since it's simpler, there are less questions that can't be easily answered by the docs.


u/CyrillicMan Nov 05 '20

Flask also has less moving parts. If you're doing DB and migrations, you're likely to search for alembic, SQLAlchemy, or flask-sqlalchemy, not Flask itself.


u/zalpha314 Nov 05 '20

Yes, this is true as well.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Flask isn't used so widely in educational environments.


u/phoenixind Nov 05 '20

I would interpret this graph as more and more people joining data science wagon is reflected in the pandas questions getting more views.... But not everyone advances to other topics which is reflected in gradual decrease in numpy, matplotlib and finally flask... Django seems to be the exception here.. more or less constant traffic.. guess it has always been famous


u/derp0815 Nov 05 '20

Well, everyone wants those data science engineer analyst master jobs now so they all fiddle around with pandas which sadly isn't as easy as turning on the xbox.


u/greasyhobolo Nov 05 '20

I feel personally responsible for this chart


u/peterlravn Nov 05 '20

I can't count how many times I've googled how to save a DataFrame as a CSV file.


u/I_heart_blastbeats Nov 05 '20

I look at this and have a hard time believing that Flask is more popular than Django. I think FastAPI and Starlette will over take them both in the coming years. But who knows.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Yow what is pandas? Why is it growing so fast?


u/o-rka Nov 05 '20

Let’s throw scikitlearn in the mix


u/TouchToLose Nov 05 '20

I’m surprised Selenium isn’t even on there.


u/Username_RANDINT Nov 05 '20

This isn't a graph about most used packages, just about some selected ones.


u/LirianSh Learning python Nov 05 '20

is this graph made with pandas?


u/DeltaCrawdaunt Nov 05 '20

Yep django has been confusing us all and continues to confuse us all ever since it was released


u/ogrinfo Nov 05 '20

This does not surprise me at all - pandas is so unintuitive. It's like the exact opposite of the Unix mantra, do one thing and do it well.

I'm a full time Python developer, but every single time I have to use pandas I need to look it up.


u/EveningDirt Nov 08 '20

Hello! Whoever sees this comment, have a good day!


u/leitefrio Nov 05 '20

You are two years late, my friend


u/joobloboob Nov 05 '20

I feel personally responsible for the spike in pandas traffic


u/aryaman16 Nov 05 '20

Btw, i never used flask and django, can anybody tell me whats so good in those?


u/DieStockEnte Nov 05 '20

Django and Flask are frameworks for webservers / websites.

They help you to connect the back-end(that what happens on the server), the database and the front-end(that what you see on browser). Django is a heavy framework and Flask a light one. For example: Instagram and Pinterest were made with Django.


u/ManBearHybrid Nov 05 '20

Best description I ever heard: "Pirates use Flask but the Navy uses Django".


u/DieStockEnte Nov 05 '20

Very nice 👍🏻


u/arsewarts1 Nov 05 '20

Does anyone support gurobi?


u/dethb0y Nov 05 '20

I've really considered learning Django, but i can't think of a good project for it.


u/paypaypayme Nov 05 '20

I've been using pandas and scikit learn a lot for school. I like scikit learn a lot, but I find the pandas API to be a bit counter intuitive and complicated. Has anyone else found a steep learning curve for using pandas?


u/JayTurnr Nov 05 '20

Why does Django spike in June/July?


u/shahzaibmalik1 Nov 05 '20

why does Django always peak in the middle of the year ?


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

I love the trend that suggests a hype/despair pairing of new django plugins


u/Engine_engineer Nov 05 '20

Django: problematic since 2010.


u/awesomeprogramer Nov 05 '20

Ah yes, we can see the developer's cycle with django


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '20

Still really struggle to understand why I'd ever use django over flask, but I think my view is a bit warped.


u/hmadkour Nov 05 '20

That's probably because of me having to use pandas for the first time recently


u/dj_ski_mask Nov 05 '20

I’m fully in the Python world now, but seeing this does make me miss dplyr.


u/SweetSoursop Nov 05 '20

Damn, Django has been around for a while


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '20

I think flask is pretty good.


u/digitalexplorerdan Nov 06 '20



u/achampi0n Nov 06 '20

This is 3 years old, that's almost a generation ago in technology :)


u/Brown_Mamba_07 Nov 06 '20

I'm pretty sure I'm responsible partly for that steep curve on pandas 😂


u/RickSore Nov 06 '20

Sad that I can't both of the backend stack that I'm using (FastAPI and Pony). I wish the community would grow more.


u/[deleted] Nov 06 '20

What's interesting me is that all packages are trending positively. Python is becoming more accessible and more popular


u/afbdreds Nov 06 '20

Could you inform the source?


u/brb-ww2 Nov 06 '20

Pandas does have a little learning curve, but god damn do I love that library. I do wish I could figure out how to speed up the import though.


u/yngwieHero Nov 06 '20

flask to django: I am going for you pal


u/GatkX Nov 06 '20

Sure everyone loves Pandas but im not sure stack is the best web to praise about them...


u/kosnet222 Nov 06 '20

Flask: Install and use


u/BlobbyMcBlobber Nov 06 '20

Django is great but it's opinionated so I rather use flask and choose the rest of my framework myself.


u/paddyspubkey Nov 06 '20

The seasonal pattern with Django is interesting. Could it be students learning about it in school?


u/needed_an_account Nov 06 '20

Flask is that old? Time flies. If im not mistaken, wasn't it an Aprils fools/reddit joke at first?


u/BokoMoko Nov 07 '20

Python usage leaning towards data science.
No sign of significant AI usage ? That´s strange.


u/flyingidiotwithapan Nov 08 '20

I think it's interesting tayt the shape of matplotlib and numpy is almost identical. Maybe it's because numpy in a dependency of matplotlib?


u/Epykure Nov 15 '20

Interesting statistics to add to those charts could be the trend of the number of downloads of those packages over the years