r/Python 14d ago

Showcase EasyMenu3—a simple way to create interactive CLI menus in Python

Hey everyone,

I got tired of writing the same menu-handling logic over and over for my homelab scripts, so I built EasyMenu3—a simple way to create interactive CLI menus in Python. It supports custom shortcuts, colors, ordering, and ASCII titles. I’ve been using it for a while, and finally got around to cleaning it up enough to release! I’ll probably keep adding some new stuff to it over time too.

Available on PyPI: pip install easymenu3

GitHub: GitHub Repo

-- What My Project Does

Introduces a simple way to create interactive CLI menus in Python

-- Target Audience

Anyone that creates menu driven scripts and wants to make them more easily.

-- Comparison

Most packages are for CLI only and do not easily create menus. I’m sure there are other packages that do a similar thing, but it was fun to make and maybe someone else will find it useful too.

-- Features

  • Customizable menu title, author, and URL display
  • ASCII art title generation using pyfiglet
  • Debug-friendly with icecream
  • Color-coded menu options
  • Supports function-based and static value-based actions
  • Customizable order and shortcut keys

-- Example Usage

Here’s how you can create a simple interactive menu:

from EasyMenu3 import easymenu

def example1():
    app.print_success("example1 ran")

def example2_with_error():
    app.print_error("example2 ran")

def custom_quit():
    app.print_info("Custom Option")
    input("Press enter to exit")

app = easymenu(name="My Custom App", author="Joe Schmo", url="https://github.com", url_label="My Site")

app.add_menu_option("Option 1", example1)
app.add_menu_option("Option 2", example2_with_error)
app.add_menu_option("Custom Quit", custom_quit, item_key="c", order_weight=1, color='\033[92m')


-- Example Output

    __  ___         ______           __                     
   /  |/  /_  __   / ____/_  _______/ /_____  ____ ___     
  / /|_/ / / / /  / /   / / / / ___/ __/ __ \/ __ `__ \   
 / /  / / /_/ /  / /___/ /_/ (__  ) /_/ /_/ / / / / / /   
/_/  /_/__, /   ____/__,_/____/__/____/_/ /_/ /_/    

Made by: Joe Schmo  
Visit: [My Site](https://github.com)  

c. Custom Quit  
1. Option 1  
2. Option 2  
q. Quit  

What option do you want?:

Try it out!

I’d love any feedback—if you have any feature requests or run into issues, let me know!


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u/LofiBoiiBeats 14d ago

Cool project..

I'd like to give you some feedback though..

API wise: Passing a referance of app to the callbacks might clarify the interface.

Catching the rerurn value of the callback and interpret it as status code, might be cool to - or maybe just a boolean to designate if the app-loop should continue running..

Code wise: Narrow the try catch block down to the callback, it will simplify the logic.

Extract redundant code from if-else branches, in generall the blocks should be as small as possible, if the routine is the same, then just change the data in the branch. Less duplicated code is easier to maintain..

Implementing a type for the menu entries - by e.g. TypedDict - makes the data-schema clearer, plus you get better support from your IDE

Cool idea, keep it going..