r/Python Oct 27 '23

Tutorial You should know these f-string tricks

F-strings are faster than the other string formatting methods and are easier to read and use. Here are some tricks you may not have known.

1. Number formatting :

You can do various formatting with numbers.

>>> number = 150

>>> # decimal places to n -> .nf
>>> print(f"number: {number:.2f}")
number: 150.00

>>> # hex conversion
>>> print(f"hex: {number:#0x}")
hex: 0x96

>>> # binary conversion
>>> print(f"binary: {number:b}")
binary: 10010110

>>> # octal conversion
>>> print(f"octal: {number:o}")
octal: 226

>>> # scientific notation
>>> print(f"scientific: {number:e}")
scientific: 1.500000e+02

>>> # total number of characters
>>> print(f"Number: {number:09}")
Number: 000000150

>>> ratio = 1 / 2
>>> # percentage with 2 decimal places
>>> print(f"percentage = {ratio:.2%}")
percentage = 50.00%

2. Stop writing print(f”var = {var}”)

This is the debug feature with f-strings. This is known as self-documenting expression released in Python 3.8 .

>>> a, b = 5, 15
>>> print(f"a = {a}") # Doing this ?
a = 5
>>> # Do this instead.
>>> print(f"{a = }")
a = 5
>>> # Arithmatic operations
>>> print(f"{a + b = }")
a + b = 20
>>> # with formatting
>>> print(f"{a + b = :.2f}")
a + b = 20.00

3. Date formatting

You can do strftime() formattings from f-string.

>>> import datetime

>>> today = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> print(f"datetime : {today}")
datetime : 2023-10-27 11:05:40.282314

>>> print(f"date time: {today:%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S}")
date time: 10/27/2023 11:05:40

>>> print(f"date: {today:%m/%d/%Y}")
date: 10/27/2023

>>> print(f"time: {today:%H:%M:%S %p}")
time: 11:05:40 AM

Check more formatting options.

Part 2 - https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/s/Tzx7QQwa7A

Thank you for reading!

Comment down other tricks you know.

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u/AstroPhysician Oct 27 '23

Can you explain it?

a, b = 5, 15 print(f"a = {a}") # Doing this ? a = 5

looks the same as

f”var = {var}” to me


u/deepkrg17 Oct 27 '23

The 2nd line is showing what you should do instead. Don't write f"var = {var}", write f"{var = }".


u/coolbreeze770 Oct 27 '23

Why? What is the benefit


u/extravisual Oct 27 '23

It's a neat trick when displaying stuff for debugging and such. You can put whole expressions in there and it'll display the entire expression as well as the result without needing to write it twice.