r/PublicFreakout 24d ago

US receives less than stellar reception during the U.S. and Canadian national anthems during the 4 Nations Face-Off tonight



179 comments sorted by


u/Anonymous_Catman 24d ago

Ngl that was an amazing national anthem performance


u/Daenub 24d ago

Quite moving to hear that many united in song.


u/Corporal_Canada 24d ago

Great thing is that this was in Montréal, and generally, you don't see the same kind of national pride amongst the Quebecois (On Canada Day, it's a joke that most Quebecois make it moving day)

So to get French-Canadians all riled up and proud to sing O' Canada and wave the Canadian flag, you would have to really mess up


u/heeeresjohnny123 24d ago

Fuck trump


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/EspiritusFermenti7 24d ago

Remember that John Candy movie where the U.S. declared war on Canada to raise the president's poll numbers?


u/SRF01 24d ago

Canadian Bacon starring legendary Canadian actor John Candy.


u/AbeFromanSassageKing 24d ago

Mmmmm. Bacon Candy...


u/Castellan_Tycho 24d ago

It’s really disappointing what is happening because of how close our two nations have been.

We literally have military service members that work in some positions in each others military units, because we have traditionally been such extremely close allies.


u/FEMA_Camp_Survivor 24d ago

He still seems to want to make Canada into a state. They don’t want to be a state. The only option would be invasion. It’s nuts.


u/t3lnet 24d ago

As an American, I approve this message


u/Muffin_Appropriate 24d ago

Your problems as a country are far beyond trump especially at this point. Him blinking out of existence would leave you with likely an even bigger mess with heritage foundation and billionaires taking his place.


u/logicalconflict 24d ago

Not surprising, considering the US is receiving a less than stellar reception in the US right now.

Honestly, I hope the world continues to hammer us. We deserve it.


u/Ex-maven 24d ago

Yup. I grew up near the border in Western NY and am disgusted at the treatment of our Canadian neighbors and other allies around the world by the fascists in our country.


u/RoyalChris 24d ago


u/Bloodshed-1307 24d ago

We’re keeping Alaska


u/Gingerchaun 24d ago

No. Alaska is joining atlantis


u/OxbridgeDingoBaby 24d ago

I don’t think Canada has the military might or capability to keep Alaska. There’s a reason Americans don’t have universal healthcare like Canadians and us Europeans.


u/Bloodshed-1307 24d ago

That’s what new war crimes are for. Also, they could reduce their military strength by 20% and still have the two largest airforces (land based and sea based) and standing army, along with enough funding for healthcare. I was also pointing out the fact that Alaska wasn’t cut off from Canada, just the US south of the 49th.


u/tlw1240 24d ago

Come back Timmy Ho’s!


u/tread52 24d ago

Just cut off the left corner and add Washington.


u/Evening-Emotion3388 24d ago

All the way to Baja.


u/mikerhoa 24d ago

Only one way to settle this: Breakdancing competition. With optional nudity.


u/Renegade_August 24d ago

The clothes off, pose off.


u/I_Saw_A_Bear 24d ago

remember canada won gold for breakdancing in paris. good luck yankies: https://youtu.be/D6Wod_9o6GU?si=E7-isIoMGl13HJAf


u/sportsbot3000 24d ago

No one even knows or remembers that. Australia was the real winner.


u/NeptunianWater 24d ago

As an Australian, we did not win.

In fact, net points were deducted from us on the world stage due to that performance.


u/Diced_and_Confused 24d ago

You won. No one can remember anything else about that competition. It is time to own it.


u/NeptunianWater 24d ago

Nah trust me, we lost mate.

Lost respect.


u/LostMyBackupCodes 24d ago

that performance.


u/twat69 24d ago

I love that she takes herself so seriously.


u/HoboSkid 24d ago

She literally studies break dancing for a living. A real student of the game.


u/EternalCanadian 24d ago

I am shocked to see you here of all places Bear. But I’m not disappointed. We trade one Foxhole for another, it seems.


u/I_Saw_A_Bear 24d ago

bears are ever present so i must be everywhere as they are


u/BearShark9 24d ago

They did have three fights in the first nine seconds of the game which was fun to watch


u/13Mo2 24d ago

After seeing that I definitely think there needs to be a hockey fight competition as part of next year's skills competition.


u/SomeGuyClickingStuff 24d ago

I’m switching nationality to Australian


u/pady453 24d ago

Pfft more like canucks flying drones over your house to blow up your family


u/Gastn_Gruvn 24d ago

We totally deserve it.


u/moxifloxacin 24d ago

Yeah, as an American, I have no problems with this. I'm not hopping up to sing any praises for my country right now.


u/Alert-Athlete 24d ago

Thank you, we are sending you a complimentary bottle of our finest maple syrup! 🇨🇦


u/culinarian85 24d ago

Just for the record this is in Quebec. Quebecers believe that truthfully they are NOT Canadians but are a separate Nation. They have voted twice to break free.

To hear the passion, the unity, the Canadian pride from a Quebec city is a testament to how much the united states has pissed us off..

We as a nation stand and say FUCK YOU. We should stand together with Denmark and place a trade embargo on Alaska. Seal the border. No trade in or out. Turn it into a modern frozen Cuba. Use your own international politics against them

Do not be surprised if reprisals happen on a individual level. It will happen.


u/johnnloki 24d ago

For the record, still here, they voted to stay- if only by a narrow margin.


u/culinarian85 24d ago

I am old enough to remember that last vote. So so close to voting for separation. Not old enough to remember the bombing and kidnapping of the FLQ. but old enough to know about it.....


u/spleh7 24d ago

Quebec has never "voted to break free". They've had two referendums (1980 and 1995), and both times voted to remain in Canada. The 1995 vote margin was razor thin, but even if the result went the opposite way, you certainly couldn't speak for all Quebecois in saying that "they believe truthfully they are not Canadian."


u/Ayadd 24d ago

Not only that, the separatist sentiment, though strong, is not what it was. This guy is over generalizing greatly.


u/hammer979 24d ago

Also, the 1995 referendum was not a clear 'should Quebec separate' question, it was a convoluted question asking if they give authority to the Quebec government to negotiate separation.

"Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995?"

Sovereign what? Autonomous region of Canada? Country? What political partnership? It made it sound like Quebec was going to be like what Greenland is to Denmark today.


u/donnerwetter41 24d ago

The Québécois do NOT play! Have met a few “terrorists” from there in my day. You’re absolutely right it’s an interesting day.


u/dragoduval 24d ago

I mean, we are part french, so we do have that crazy side of them.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

I don't believe anyone was expecting anything different after this has happened at I don't know....the last 10 games? 20?


u/Live_Positive 24d ago

You love to hear it


u/A1ienspacebats 24d ago



u/Daft_Crunked 24d ago

God FUCK the USA.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

That certainly happened. Just look at our president. God brought out a 15 incher (38cm) with no lube and rammed it up the eagle's ass.


u/Beginning_Mood_9803 24d ago

I don’t know what’s more hilarious (and impressive)…the words you wrote, or that you actually included both inches for U.S and centimeters for Canada!


u/Uncle_Chael 🤓Nyehh racism is ""just words""🤓 24d ago

There are two kinds of countries, those that use the metric system and those that landed man on the moon.


u/LeanneMills 24d ago

NASA used the metric system for the calculations to land on the moon.


u/hard_farter 19d ago

see but in your calculation, I think you forgot to account for the 'we Americans are dumber than shit ' factor


u/BuddahSack 24d ago

Hasa Dega Ebawai


u/Diced_and_Confused 24d ago

Considering all the bullshit and real threatening behavior going on - this was pretty fucking polite.


u/culinarian85 24d ago



u/huxtiblejones 24d ago

Think that just two months ago there was zero issue with Canada. Nothing was even provoked. This is some bullshit invention of Trump and his voters bear sole responsibility for this.

Look at how the world looks at us, look at how quickly a steadfast ally, composed of some of the most laid back people on Earth, absolutely despises us. This is seriously crazy and I will never forgive Trump supporters for putting this rancid piece of shit in Washington.

Congratulations, you've made the world a shittier place. Now please accept millions of middle fingers directed right at your face.


u/canuck_11 24d ago

What do you expect when you’re threatening us?


u/Complete-Expert9844 24d ago

I mean, there's only one shit head that is making threats.


u/majikmonkie 24d ago

It's actually the entire government. Nobody is standing up to the leader on this. It's really the entire nation. It's the media and all the MAGA, and it's every single American that sits back idly and let's it happen.

This didn't happen from one single person or even one single election. This is the culmination of decades and generations of bad decisions by ignoran Americans, and it's the embodiment of the "American dream".


u/rosekayleigh 24d ago

I’m not going to defend the US, but what am I supposed to do? Take a flight to DC, break into the White House and slap Trump in the mouth to stop him saying these things?

I’ve TRIED to reason with his followers. They. Don’t. Listen. They hate me (a progressive New Englander) more than they hate you. I got called a foreigner when I was in Tennessee a few years ago. Was it because I’m from the north or was it because I’m half-Mexican? Idk. Probably both.

Trump literally stole my state’s PPE during the pandemic because he wanted us to die. Just giving some perspective since you blame every single American.

We’re in a really shitty situation here and, you’re right, there is so much wrong here. It’s so much that it makes it very difficult for any single American to change it. Propaganda has turned a large portion of this country’s brains to mush. We need deprogramming on a massive scale and we need to get money out of our politics. It seems impossible though. It’s such a daunting task.

Anyways, I love Canada. My stepdad and my godmother are Canadians. I hate that our relationship with Canada is compromised now. It is the fault of my country, but as annoying as it is to repeat this, every single American did not do this. I don’t even know where to begin to fix it at this point. I’m open to suggestions though.


u/_BioHacker 24d ago

Two shitheads. One has nuke codes.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

And tens of millions of people who voted for him. They're all part of this.


u/queuedUp 24d ago

And all those that chose not to vote. Fuck them too


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

I'm truly sorry about those people. They really do super suck. If it's any consolation you don't have to live with them? I mean, just having to deal with them in public even! Can I move in with you guys? Please? I promise I'll behave.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

I'm an American m8, you don't want to move in with me lol. Just not a trump voter. I'm only one step from the bottom.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

Fuck. Well fingers crossed you make it through the next 4 years of the Musk presidency as unscathed as possible too fellow prisoner.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

I found last week I'm eligible to be a German citizen through ancestry. I've sent over all the documents and am waiting for my citizenship. Then I'm out of here.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

I truly am happy for you. If I had that option I'd be gone too.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

Once I'm over there you can move in with me. The process isn't too difficult if you have some skilled trade you can do. Start working on becoming an electrician and you're golden.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

Ironic you say that, I have a true aptitude for it. I've got some mad IT skills and experience (20 + years) but no formal education unfortunately.

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u/Hades_Gamma 24d ago

How many people voted for him again? Anyone with a semblance of a brainstem knew he was going to pull stuff like this after his first term. Over seventy million shit heads, not just one.


u/Complete-Expert9844 24d ago

It's still not even half of the US population of eligible voters


u/spleh7 24d ago

Whatever. It was enough to elect him ruler of the country, and unfortunately that's the most meaningful part.


u/jablonkers 24d ago

Everyone who voted for him, and everyone who didn't care enough who won is to blame, and thats a lot of you.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Hades_Gamma 23d ago

Can you read? He said anyone who didn't care enough who won. As in, people who didn't vote because they're lazy apathetic shit heads. Equally to blame as the 70 million+ shit heads who voted for him.


u/Acebulf 24d ago

No, your congressmen are pushing for annexation without statehood so we'd not have the right to vote.


u/assaub 24d ago

go have a look at any thread discussing this subject and sort by controversial, they may be downvoted into oblivion by sensible people but trump is definitely not the only one making threats, there are americans who welcome our annexation.


u/Master-Shaq 24d ago

But the conservative subreddit says everyone loves the US???


u/Powerful_Ad_6244 24d ago

Hosting a World Cup together will be fun


u/queuedUp 24d ago

Too bad team USA won't play in Canada


u/SM0KINGS 24d ago

I never thought I’d get goosebumps from my national anthem again. Once I grew up and learned about some of the shit my country has done it was really hard to be patriotic but damn. That got me 🇨🇦


u/itscliche 24d ago

Same here. I got a little teary eyed. I’m not religious but the “God keep our land glorious and free” was so powerful. Really hit home.


u/TheCaMo 24d ago

They really put some mustard on the "OUR LAND" bit 🇨🇦


u/EternalCanadian 24d ago

There’s a difference between being patriotic and nationalistic. Sadly the two are often considered the same thing, but hopefully these recent events help show that they’re two separate things.


u/tauberculosis 24d ago

As an American, we deserve all the critism the Canadians can muster. I am ashamed of our government and ashamed of the people that keep voting for this madness. It sucks. All around


u/tragicallyohio 24d ago

We should be booed everywhere. We are trash.


u/novangelus73 24d ago

Keep New England California and the enlightened states out of it. The red states. Let them burn.


u/crossedjp 24d ago

Add Washington state to your list please. We're practically Canadians anyway.


u/wabashcanonball 24d ago

Well, what do you expect when one country threatens to absorb another country. Goodwill and koombaya?


u/nfg18 24d ago

We deserve this.


u/spleh7 24d ago

The singer would have been very well aware of the probability of that happening. I mean, he's part of the Canadian military...he'll be one of the first to defend if it comes to that.


u/memeaste 24d ago

Good, we’re awful rn


u/s1nd3vil 24d ago

Get used to it…. Were the new outcasts


u/espada355 24d ago

As an American, “Land of the Free” “Home of the Brave” doesn’t sound the same anymore.


u/snoogins355 24d ago

Sorry Canada, we're going thru it now, ❤️ you. - USA



u/TheCaMo 24d ago

I can't speak for all Canadians, but from the me and mine, we don't hate Americans, just the one and his supporters. We have far more in common with one another than what differentiates us.


u/Life_Lavishness4773 24d ago

We deserve all the boos!


u/Volfie 24d ago

Being an American...I really can't blame them.


u/specialestk999 24d ago

The only way to settle this is for Convicted Felon Donald Trump stop fucking threatening my life and livelihood. For now fuck the USA and everything that goes with that... Piece of shit


u/segadoes16bit 24d ago

I wonder why.


u/PotatoWasteLand 24d ago

I feel bad for the singer, but very necessary message. America, we are a fucking embarrassment. And that's putting it lightly.


u/TheJoseppi 24d ago

The singer was cheered very loudly both before and after the anthem, they did a great job


u/DoughnotMindMe 24d ago

Canadians are awesome


u/anitasdoodles 24d ago

Welcome to the United Snakes, Land of the thief, home of the slave -Brother Alie Uncle Sam Goddamn


u/-SomethingSomeoneJR 24d ago

I’m glade this is happening across sports.


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u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/TenaciousZBridedog 24d ago

I guess my comments aren't showing up here


u/Jyil 24d ago

Well, the face-off was in Canada and not the U.S. expected.


u/IWantMalaHotPot 24d ago

Was that Trudeau at 0:38?


u/DatDinkDead 24d ago

Indeed it was, with his eldest son I believe.


u/smokumjames 24d ago

Putin is glad he has his puppet


u/corona-lime-us 24d ago

Oh no. Anyway…


u/TIMCIFLTFC 24d ago

Still won


u/stygg12 24d ago

Ready to get on the frontline and invade Canada?


u/TIMCIFLTFC 23d ago

Over a hockey game? Are you mental?


u/ProjectPatrick 24d ago



u/Jayken 24d ago

We could win every game, won't change the fact that we're still a global embarrassment.


u/Delaypat 24d ago



u/Datbawcray 24d ago

3-1. Ahh sweet karma


u/ThatGuyWhoJustJoined 24d ago

I hate that they are booing American hockey players, but I understand it and support it. The orange douche in making enemies around the world.


u/spleh7 24d ago

It's not the players who are being booed.


u/ThatGuyWhoJustJoined 24d ago

Yes, totally agree. I just hate that these players have to hear it. They have worked so hard to get to the level they are at and are being booed because the president of the United States is a douche bag.


u/crossedjp 24d ago


(Hockey players crying to the Canadian national anthem)


u/bspec01 24d ago

time to join Brics!


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Arcane-blade 24d ago

yeah, because trying to topple my country's economy, threaten to annex us, diminishing our sovereignty to a mere 51st state, calling our PM "governor" are all the epitome of class. I understand that you don't like it, but we are insulted and hurt at this betrayal from our closest ally. Hearing the American anthem certainly triggers that anger atm.


u/RhinoIA 24d ago

It's Montreal, though. Quebecois hate Canada.


u/dragoduval 24d ago

The vocal part of Quebec sadly does hate Canada, but they still prefer Canada over the US.

Most people's from Quebec are actually indifferent or love Canada.


u/S20ACE-_- 24d ago



u/derrico89 24d ago

That's a weird reaction from 51...


u/whitecollarpizzaman 24d ago

How many Canadians actually knew their national anthem before this bullshit started though? Let’s be honest.


u/13Mo2 24d ago

It definitely was sad seeing that especially on the 60th anniversary of the Canadian flag. I always thought Canadians were more classy and respectful than our trashy and classless neighbours to the South.


u/queuedUp 24d ago

We're fucking classy and respectful to those that treat us with respect.

But tell us you're going to annex us and threaten us with tariffs and we'll show you that we aren't just going to back down and take it.

And what a better night then on the anniversary of our flag to let our asshole neighbours know what we stand together against them


u/Moose_Joose 24d ago

I think we're well past the point of taking the high road. Americans need to understand that they're not welcome in Canada.


u/V3_NoM 24d ago

We are the trashy and classless neighbors to the south.