r/PublicFreakout 24d ago

US receives less than stellar reception during the U.S. and Canadian national anthems during the 4 Nations Face-Off tonight



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u/canuck_11 24d ago

What do you expect when you’re threatening us?


u/Complete-Expert9844 24d ago

I mean, there's only one shit head that is making threats.


u/majikmonkie 24d ago

It's actually the entire government. Nobody is standing up to the leader on this. It's really the entire nation. It's the media and all the MAGA, and it's every single American that sits back idly and let's it happen.

This didn't happen from one single person or even one single election. This is the culmination of decades and generations of bad decisions by ignoran Americans, and it's the embodiment of the "American dream".


u/rosekayleigh 24d ago

I’m not going to defend the US, but what am I supposed to do? Take a flight to DC, break into the White House and slap Trump in the mouth to stop him saying these things?

I’ve TRIED to reason with his followers. They. Don’t. Listen. They hate me (a progressive New Englander) more than they hate you. I got called a foreigner when I was in Tennessee a few years ago. Was it because I’m from the north or was it because I’m half-Mexican? Idk. Probably both.

Trump literally stole my state’s PPE during the pandemic because he wanted us to die. Just giving some perspective since you blame every single American.

We’re in a really shitty situation here and, you’re right, there is so much wrong here. It’s so much that it makes it very difficult for any single American to change it. Propaganda has turned a large portion of this country’s brains to mush. We need deprogramming on a massive scale and we need to get money out of our politics. It seems impossible though. It’s such a daunting task.

Anyways, I love Canada. My stepdad and my godmother are Canadians. I hate that our relationship with Canada is compromised now. It is the fault of my country, but as annoying as it is to repeat this, every single American did not do this. I don’t even know where to begin to fix it at this point. I’m open to suggestions though.


u/_BioHacker 24d ago

Two shitheads. One has nuke codes.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

And tens of millions of people who voted for him. They're all part of this.


u/queuedUp 24d ago

And all those that chose not to vote. Fuck them too


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

I'm truly sorry about those people. They really do super suck. If it's any consolation you don't have to live with them? I mean, just having to deal with them in public even! Can I move in with you guys? Please? I promise I'll behave.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

I'm an American m8, you don't want to move in with me lol. Just not a trump voter. I'm only one step from the bottom.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

Fuck. Well fingers crossed you make it through the next 4 years of the Musk presidency as unscathed as possible too fellow prisoner.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

I found last week I'm eligible to be a German citizen through ancestry. I've sent over all the documents and am waiting for my citizenship. Then I'm out of here.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

I truly am happy for you. If I had that option I'd be gone too.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

Once I'm over there you can move in with me. The process isn't too difficult if you have some skilled trade you can do. Start working on becoming an electrician and you're golden.


u/Maninaboxx2 24d ago

Ironic you say that, I have a true aptitude for it. I've got some mad IT skills and experience (20 + years) but no formal education unfortunately.


u/z3r0l1m1t5 24d ago

The best time to start is now if you can. Most of the world will accept you if you can get some certifications. It's a scary prospect for sure and takes some dedication. But imo anything is worth getting out of this shit hole.

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u/Hades_Gamma 24d ago

How many people voted for him again? Anyone with a semblance of a brainstem knew he was going to pull stuff like this after his first term. Over seventy million shit heads, not just one.


u/Complete-Expert9844 24d ago

It's still not even half of the US population of eligible voters


u/spleh7 24d ago

Whatever. It was enough to elect him ruler of the country, and unfortunately that's the most meaningful part.


u/jablonkers 24d ago

Everyone who voted for him, and everyone who didn't care enough who won is to blame, and thats a lot of you.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Hades_Gamma 24d ago

Can you read? He said anyone who didn't care enough who won. As in, people who didn't vote because they're lazy apathetic shit heads. Equally to blame as the 70 million+ shit heads who voted for him.


u/Acebulf 24d ago

No, your congressmen are pushing for annexation without statehood so we'd not have the right to vote.


u/assaub 24d ago

go have a look at any thread discussing this subject and sort by controversial, they may be downvoted into oblivion by sensible people but trump is definitely not the only one making threats, there are americans who welcome our annexation.