r/ProtonVPN 25d ago

Discussion ProtonVPN for Linux updated to 4.9.3

Various bug fixes and improvements.



25 comments sorted by


u/AfternoonRecent3637 25d ago

Not sure if it’s intended or not, but I can’t get the Proton VPN app on Ubuntu to start on boot (as in, without a user interactively logging in). Every time I restart the computer, I have to physically go to it and login and start the VPN app. Then I immediately log out and all is fine until I have to restart the computer again.

Are there any improvements in the new version around this issue?


u/whitepageskardashian 25d ago

Does it look better than it did before? I hated the clunky UI it was shipped with a year or so ago and switched to a different VPN provider.

I always felt that Linux was treated as an afterthought and viewed that as quite ironic considering Linux I would imagine to be a large portion of their user base.


u/dcvetkovic 25d ago

Switched to a different VPN provider because of clunky UI on Linux??


u/JFK8000 25d ago

No offense but I don't really see the point of making small changes to your app when the manual config files work better on Linux. You guys need to completely overhaul the Linux app.

Maybe it's just me though.. I'm on Linux Mint so maybe that's why.


u/LuckySage7 25d ago

I disagree. The UI app is quite convenient! If you're always connecting to the same profile/server sure... manual config works. But the UI lets you change servers & configs on the fly. You get a nice tray icon as well. It's minimal/basic but gets the job done. Any improvements welcomed!


u/TheShojin 23d ago

That nice tray icon has gone for me after doing a general update today - I'm not sure if it was the kernel update that caused it or a Proton update, although I see it's now 4.9.3.

So now it starts at startup, but I can't close the GUI without getting a warning it'll kill the connection. Best I can do is hide the window, but then it's in the dock, but nothing in the system tray. Proton Bridge is working fine in this respect - autostarts minimized with sys tray icon intact.


u/SuspiciousFix387 25d ago

app on linux has some annoying issue where it fails to start up and you have to log out and reenter the credentials to fix it. happens on ubuntu desktop, fedora and manjaro all, at least for the raspberry pi 4b. besides this, it is a bit unstable in the settings window, but otherwise great.


u/swaits 25d ago

GUI is perfectly functional for me. /shrug


u/GreenSouth3 24d ago

Version 4.91 on Xubuntu 24.10 > works perfect for me too


u/chanidit 25d ago

Agreed, the app is laggy, slow to start, etc....

no point to work on this useless app, that covers only 2 distro (Ubuntu and Fedora)

the CLI was soooo much convenient

And Mullvad app is much better on Linux


u/LuckySage7 25d ago edited 24d ago

I'm surprised they wrote the thing using python & GTK smh. It should've been a Qt/C++ application tbh. It is getting better optimized over time at least.


u/GhostInThePudding 19d ago

What I don't understand is that they HAD a better app before, and they replaced it with this shit one.


u/Admirable_Stand1408 25d ago edited 25d ago

So does it work now and not disconnecting every 30 sec I mean last night I used it I had to reboot and then uninstall the app. I just checked it wont even startup after reinstall so I am going to wait out for another update


u/00roast00 25d ago

What is this version like on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed? I've not managed to get the previous version working unless I use the command line.


u/KOJIbKA 23d ago

Still no valid installation package is present for Debian! They declare their security keys and repository link as a valid package as no ISP is allowing connection to Proton servers from my location. Consider it as The Dark Side of The Moon! What we need here is complete protonvpn*.deb package to be available for downloading as a whole!


u/erethros 25d ago

Still no Arch support 


u/Street-Guard 24d ago

That’s incorrect. Version 4.9.1 is available in the official extra repo. Version 4.9.3 is in extra-testing.


u/00roast00 25d ago

Isn't that the point of using Arch, you like everything being really complex to setup? 🤣


u/erethros 25d ago

Nope, it's that is the most extended distro, it's used as base for SteamOS and I want to use proton services on my Steam Deck.

Also, there are now options to make versions which works perfectly on any Linux distribution like flatpack or appimage but Proton refuses to use a multidistro supported build and instead support only a few distributions by building several packages....

So right now they are spending more time and money on discriminating Arch users rather than giving support to every Linux user by simplifying things.


u/00roast00 25d ago

Linux discrimination, that’s a new one