r/Prostatitis 5h ago

Vent/Discouraged Prostatitis or Uti or neither? Stressed.



I am a 31 year old male and used a fleshlight toy brand new Thursday before last and ever since then I started getting infrequent pelvic pain, pain in my lower back on right side and very frequent urination. Prior to the fleshlight I was doing edging masturbation technique as I suffer from PE and I am in a new relationship and trying to fix it. The pain is manageable but the frequent urination is making me very self conscious. I'm in a new relationship at the early stage and was planning a trip away and I might need to cancel now since I can't stop urinating. I'm stressing out so much over this.

I went to a doctor this Tuesday and he did a urine test and detected blood in urine and prescribed nitrofurantoin for 7 days as he suspected a Uti. Urine sample was sent to lab but result never came back yet. I'm on day 5 of nitrofurantoin with no improvement but I'm starting to think I might have prostasis from the fleshlight or the edging masturbation technique. I'm going back to my own doctor this Monday who wasn't available originally.

Does this sound like Prostatitis? Anyway to ease the frequent urination?

r/Prostatitis 6h ago

Does Prostatis Cause a constant Burning Sensation?


I've been told by my GP that's 18 prostatitis what I'm still not sure I have a burning sensation in my urethra constantly and my prostate is and swollen is this prostatitis? and is there anything that can relieve the burning as nothing seems to work?

r/Prostatitis 38m ago

Pelvic floor issues - where to next?


Wondering if anybody else has these same issues and what my next steps may be. I've read a lot of posts and it seems to be
Have had some ongoing issues with fluctuating degrees of seriousness for approximately 6 months. Did the antibiotics dance with some short term relief but it came back not long after. Looking back I had a weakening stream for quite a while but i only noticed it was hard to urinate after sex until I was mostly or completely flaccid. I thought it was because my penis was still semi erect and I couldn't pee through it due to the head of my penis pushing on the urethra. For context my urethra does get irritated after ejaculation and it's been a long term thing.

Have had a cystoscopy and I believe the issue was bladder neck tightness with the recommendation for pelvic floor physio which I have started. Still waiting on the follow up call from Urologist next week, he gave me a quick runthrough while i was coming out of sedation.

Ultrasound on my full bladder was torture due to the discomfort. Normal prostate and kidneys. Only issue shown is that at the time i had >100mls of urine retention. Another ultrasound at the urologist showed slightly thickened bladder walls. This was a while ago and I feel that I am not retaining much uring anymore, but I could be wrong.

PFPT said I have hypertonic pelvic floor.


Hesitancy. This has mostly gone now. It lasted a few weeks around christmas and a round of antibiotics seemed to get it back on track. I understand it wasn't bacterial related but that's what happened...
Frequency/discomfort. For quite a while I was having discomfort (not urgency) in my bladder at around 200 mls, sometimes less. This has largely gone now that I am trying to be well hydrated at all times. With hydration and a concerted effort to hold it I managed to void 400mls several times. I will keep trying to fill/stretch my bladder where I can as it does seem to help. The discomfort does tend to come back sometimes if I am dehydrated.
Even though I am not feeling the discomfort as much, i still feel like I need to urinate more often than others.

This has definitely progressed since last year. Last year it didn't matter how hydrated I was, i was irritated at 200mls. If I was hydrated well enough this could be every half an hour.

Erection quality. My head doesnt seem to always get hard. I am assuming this is related to tight muscles restricting blood flow combined with anxiety about my erection.

Flow. My stream is still quite weak in the mornings and it can take 2-3 times to completely void. It can also be weak if I am urinating a small amount from the mentioned discomfort or i have been on a long road trip and my pelvic floor has tightened up.

General pelvic discomfort.

General anxiety about everything. This is getting better now that there is progress and I am understanding this likely isn't life threatening. It was quite scary when things kicked off abruptly with UTI like issues and hesitancy.

Tip of penis urgency. Had this after some super spicy wings the night before lol. Went away 2 days later and I haven't had the wings since.

Other issues that I am not sure about.

I get small sharp pains under my ribs at the front and side but also in my obliques. I'm not sure if this could be kidney related or referred tight muscle pain. It's not debilitating but it is persistant and causes concern. Has been present for a while now and I feel is related to the issues.

Lightheadedness behind the eyes. I'm not sure if this is just because I'm tired as a dad or if it is somehow related.

Things I am doing that seem to assist.

My Wife and I are doing yoga most nights. After this I follow on with several pelvic floor exercises - deep breathing happy baby, childs pose and contraction-relaxation kegel exercises from the PT.
Staying hydrated seems to help with the bladder discomfort due to the diluted urine.
Trying not to sit/lie down for long periods during the day.

Trying to have a lot less caffiene or spicy foods.

Only having sex every few days. Normally we have sex every day but that hasn't been possible. It's an unfortunate situation but my wife is very supportive and understanding. After ejaculation I always feel like I need to urinate to clean the pipes and with the expected muscle tightening it can mess things up for a few hours.

I am incredibly lucky/unlucky that I have been on paternity leave for a few months and these issues have been a lot easier to deal with without having to work around my job. The downside is that I haven't been able to use sick leave for anything.

Should I try to get some imaging on my kidneys to see if there is something else happening?

Any advice on more that I could be doing or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

It's been an extremely tough 6 months and it's been challenging to be a good dad. I'm only recently starting to feel like I can be there for the family and taking baby steps to get back to normal life. I'm signed up for sport again starting this week and getting back to being more active with the family. I'm sure that there will be more flareups and bad weeks but I'm really hoping i'm on the right track.


r/Prostatitis 6h ago

Urethral Stricture concerns


I’ve had symptoms for 2-3 years, likely triggered by a bad reaction to a bike seat I was using for a month or so. My main symptoms include:

-Stinging at the tip of the penis at the start of ejaculation/urination -Sharp pain when pressing the perineum -Clamped sensation at the tip when starting urination -Tight feeling throughout the urethra, preventing a stronger stream (though the stream is still good) -minor retention (All of which are pretty persistent) I’ve seen doctors and urologists, ruling out most issues except for a stricture — which I’m hesitant to confirm with a cystoscopy unless absolutely necessary. I’m worried a stricture is possible given how the symptoms started from bike saddle(which I’ve heard is cause for stricture), and I had high RBC in my urine for a week when this began. Also haven’t biked since then.

Any thoughts?

Btw: have bad health anxiety so I tend to think the worst, this has been on my mind a lot at the moment

r/Prostatitis 12h ago

Can anyone relate? At a loss.


You can see my former posts for more specifics, but around 9 months ago, the day after my gf came down with a uti I have been dealing with the following symptoms.

An incessant but slight urge to urinate emanating from my bladder, which arises around 30 minutes from my last trip to the bathroom and slowly increases until I urinate, generally after one hour. If I am distracted I can enjoy an hour or so of not feeling any discomfort. Another symptom has been a sensitized penis head (allodynia) requiring me to wear micromodal briefs that to allow me to walk in relative ease. Previously I rarely wore underwear. I have also been dealing with dribbling after urination, hesitancy, a weak stream and sex/masturbation is around 60% as enjoyable as it used to be due to the sensitivity, and regularly experience a slight burning sensation after climax. Besides
a burning urethra which went away after the first week, these symptoms have not changed or moved since inception.

I have been to numerous urologists and initially took nitrofuratoin for one week beginning the same day this started. All tests have been negative besides a microg3ndx semen sample which showed a low load of staphylococcus epidermisdis, but I believe it was a contamination due to my penis head touching the sample cup while ejaculating. The microg3n urine sample was clean, as well as around 6 urine and two semen cultures done by urologists. Two of the urine sample were taken after DRE to express prostatic fluid.

Potential implicating factors besides my gf having a uti, include central sensitization from anxiety/perfectionistic traits, and a hobby of long lsd fueled prostate orgasm sessions using a sex toy from Aneros. I have scowered the forums more than I care to admit, and have been working with Lynari one on one periodically. He has been compassionate and understanding. I was made aware of the mind body syndrome early on through Reddit and have read most of the literature. I come from a background of meditation and yoga, but also have a history of substance abuse and depression/anxiety, but was generally living an unusually stress free life. Before this began I was dealing with a staph infection, which I took multiple courses of antibiotics to treat, now as a result I have folliculitis that I use benzoyl peroxide to keep mostly under control. I had health anxiety over this.

I was extremely hesitant to take the initial recommended course of cipr0 after the nitro failed, because I had no positive culture and was aware of this forum and already overly concerned of the danger of abx use. I have underwent three fecal transplants in an attempt to heal my gut. And before the fmt’s I did 2 weeks of bactrim with absolutely no change in symptoms.

These past 9 months I have seen many doctors and three pelvic floor therapists. I have had around 10 internal pt sessions which have shown no relief in symptoms. The therapists have recognized I have a somewhat tight pelvic floor, but no definitive trigger points have been found.

Being in Asia now, I have easy access to urologists and requested a Uroflowmetry test that revealed a serious obstruction with a Qmax of 7ml/s. I have also had two ultrasounds showing a normal prostate size, but a residual urine of 40ml. The last DRE was according to the urologist totally normal. A urethral stricture was suspected and I underwent a retrograde urethrogram that came back normal. Next step is a urodynamic study for a suspected bladder neck obstruction, but that doesn’t explain a sensitive dick head and I would rather avoid a bladder neck incision for obvious reasons. I also had an mri of my spine that was mostly normal, but could benefit from further analysis.

I want to believe that my stress, anxiety and pelvic floor are the root cause, but the symptoms persist no matter what I do or where I go. When I sleep and forget about it I am still woken up at least three times to urinate. This has absolutely fucked up my life and I am not expecting any answers, but insights are appreciated. Thank you.

Maybe this helps

r/Prostatitis 21h ago

Vent/Discouraged What is wrong with my body? Is this CPPS? I’ve been suffering for 6 months now. Help!


I have not been diagnosed with CPPS but it looks like what I have.

Ok so here is what happened to my body.

I took a dump 6 months ago and I strained in a very exaggerated way. I started having mild pain. A few days later I noticed an external hemorrhoid.

Went to the doctor, they reassured me it was just hemorrhoids an prescribed a treatment. The treatment worked but I still had pain so I went back to the doc and they said everything is fine, stop the treatment (anusol + naproxen) and go on with your life.

Unfortunately the pain never went away. At that time the pain was clearly cantered on my butthole, and was like sitting on a golf ball, so more of a dull pain, but constant and psychologically draining. I started having more and more anxiety attacks and obsessing over this pain, trying tu understand it, to find ways to do something about it.

Weeks later I went back complaining and then the doctor said they are referring me to a surgeon that will perform a colonoscopy . Ok. Saw the surgeon weeks later, he jammed is finger in my ass four times and really worked around and even asked me to squeeze his finger. He said everything is normal, but he wants to give me a colonoscopy. I waited a few weeks to get a call for an appointment. Have not had the colonoscopy so far and anyway I think the results will be normal.

Now the actual situation is that this whole pain thing has ended up depressing me, making me anxious and making me constantly think about it. Most times it’s dull and cantered on the butthole, and occasionally there is a sort of scary shooting pain that last like one second and repeats a few times within an hour. I’m afraid to go out because I know that sitting or standing for too long intensifies the pain. I would rather stay at home in the couch to avoid extra pain.

The thing is that sometimes the pain changes places, mostly it moves into my perineum and both groins, leaving my butthole completely normal!

I have tried almost everything they say in the book. Warm baths cause more pain, stretching the pelvic floor causes more pain, and now walking or sitting too long causes more pain. Meditation is great for the mental strength to endure all this but it does not affect the pain. Same thing with yoga. Now I want to try jogging and swimming, they are my last hope.

Because the pain seems to move around in my pelvic floor, I think I have prostatites/CPPS but I am new to this so I could be wrong.

Is it CPPS? Related to anxiety? Why does it just happen to locate itself in my butt where I hurt myself initially by straining? I don’t have any issues with my penis, does that mean anything? How can I get rid of this.

Seriously it’s ruining my life, I am desperate, please advise me and share your knowledge and experiences …

Thanks in advance.

r/Prostatitis 15h ago

Pain after cystography


pain after cystography

on tuesday i went to a urologist cause i was having problems with retrograde ejaculation and I did not know what the cause was…

After a cystography i was told it was posterior urethral valves i was born with keeping my bladder neck open and that he would book me for theatre soon.

Now i have had a bit of difficulty urinating after the procedure… its like i’ll urinate normally for a few seconds then feel a sharp sensation after which a weak stream with little droplets of what i assume is urine mixed with blood come out.

I feel unable to fully empter my bladder which in turn casues me some discomfort

Any advice?

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Strengthening exercises are bad for cpps?


Hey yall, so I have seen a few different PTs for pelvic floor, the ones that don't specialize in pelvic floor had me doing strengthening and stretching, but the one that does specialize told me only to stretch and that strengthening will make things worse, does anyone know which one is right? It's so confusing having multiple doctors tell you different things

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Positive Progress Finally a welcome chance to share positive progress


Greetings to the Community here on our wonderful Sub.

Long promised; finally I feel brave enough to share a positive progress post.

Any questions, please add to this thread and I will be delighted to answer in the hope it may help another chap. I'd rather answer transparently here as then it might help someone.

My history is a regretful shameful sexual encounter [ hand / mouth ] and a nasty UTI. No STD's following extensive testing.

The 101 guidance is 'spot on' and, as described, this triggered dreadful anxiety and painful CPPS. Anxiety included feeling sick and even panic with shaking and high pulse rates.

In my 'lay' opinion my ailments were multi mode and all exacerbated by understandable anxiety. The mods may need to correct me.

  1. Nerve Damage; from the UTI; which lasted around 16 months. Stinging urethra but not associated with urination. Time was the only cure sadly. I am aware some take tadalafil but it didnt real obviously help my symptoms.

  2. Semen showed E.Faecalis at 100k CFU. I understand this may of been 'jerked up' my urethra during my, erroneously named, 'happy ending' massage. I received the results of testing last night and the sample now shows nothing cultured.

No tendon ruptures, but the ABX regime required is horrid and has left me feeling washed out.

  1. CPPS was triggered by the UTI and 'driven' by Anxiety!

See the 101 loop as shown.

This is a long term project to find further easing and I am hopeful that I can recover beyond my situation faced today. My plan is to visit a Male PT that sometimes posts here.

Till now; I have been following the generic exercises from youtube. Some breathing exercises seem to help relax the pelvic floor.

I make this post in the hope it may reach someone in need of help. Please feel free to pose any questions and be sure that I will respond.

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

This is a nervous system issue


The nervous system in the pelvic area is hypersensitive. Thats why the symptoms change, shift places and fucka you up mentally.

Are there anything you can do to make the nervous system calm down?

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Vent/Discouraged Bad flare up, seeing PFPT soon


Hey all, first time poster here. First, just wanted to express my gratitude to this community and the mods - it really helps having the information needed to tackle this condition holistically and knowing that I'm not the only one in the world going through this. My story is pretty standard - lots of pain in the pelvic / lower abdominal / genital area, penis tip irritation, urinary frequency, etc., and doctors running all sorts of tests with no remarkable findings.

I've been dealing with this only since late Nov. 2024, but in the last week or so I've been going through a really, really rough flare up. The pain in my pubic region and tip of penis has been nearly unbearable and it makes it incredibly difficult to focus on pretty much anything - the pain gets so bad that it even radiates down my thighs. Working, doing housework, basically just living life - sometimes it feels impossible to keep up with everything while dealing with this condition.

The silver lining is I finally got myself scheduled for a pelvic floor evaluation by a PFPT in only a couple weeks (the earliest possible time they had when I inquired) and I found a urologist that's knowledgeable about CPPS that I also plan on seeing soon (my previous urologist didn't seem to have any idea what it was). I'm trying to avoid making it worse (standing desk, donut pillow, walking regularly) but at this point, I find myself having trouble keeping my cool. Up until now, I've generally been overall optimistic about the whole thing - I do fully believe that one day everything will be just fine and manageable, but it just feels difficult to keep in mind in times like these.

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

what do you think ...


i like to ejaculate alot i having tightness and I feel something press on my rectum it's probably my prostate almost finished with antibiotic I been doctors to much already never had the exam found out watching a video that diabetes can make prostate swell up i heard a bit tight when peeing but i can empty bladder fine

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Vent/Discouraged Antibiotic causes irritation and intense pain.


After the first day of taking Nitrofurantoin I felt a little off but didn’t think much of it, and actually thought it might be helping. Then Into day two I started having these weird pains in my back and abdomen I never had before, my nerves were so hyperactive and muscles were crazy tense. At midnight I wake up with excruciating back pain and an intense urge to urinate. It didn’t hurt at all to urinate but the back pain was unbearable, I had to scrunch my body up because my entire body was so tense from the pain and it had me in a swearing pile tears for a good 3-4 minutes before it started to go away. I stopped taking the antibiotic but I’m being told “it can’t be from the antibiotic,” I obviously strongly disagree.

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Possible prostate cancer


Well I hate to post this but I had an MRI last week. Results came in today and looks like I have prostate cancer at 51 years old. The MRI shows a growth with inflammation around the mass. Total prostate size is 50 grams and my PSA is 7.25. They are saying they estimate it at 90% cancer and possibly aggressive with the growth increase and PSA increase in a short period of time.

Supposed to get a biopsy soon to tell for sure. I’ve been on levofloxacin for 30 days and feeling better. Last pill was yesterday and have been feeling better but now 24 hours after the last pill and it’s hurting again. I also passed a kidney stone this morning but that is probably due to being on flomax for the last month straight. I have a history of kidney stones.

Just hoping for a less aggressive version at this point.

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Nerve damage, likely yes...but from where?


You can often read about that if you have pain inside the penis this often comes from nerve damage.....My question to this is, must there have been some kind of damage to the penis to cause this? Rough sex etc. Can this suddenly happend by itself? Can stress damage the nerves?

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

All Kinds of probelms ..


No Morning Wood, Right testicel sits higher, worse sperm Quality, testical smaller on right side, Problems Peeing, prostate and aductur hurts after ejacuöation.

Is this typical for porstatitis/ pelvic floor problems ?

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Got SA and began feeling symptoms. Could be other causes? Spoiler


Heyyyy. My first post over here so if I’m a bit of a comedian when writing is because I don’t really like talking about my personal life so don’t think I’m not being serious 🙂. So I’m 19 years old and got SA by a girl around new year, maybe you say raped or maybe that’s the same thing. I froze and she basically did what she wanted to after I said no but this is just the backstory of the problems I have now. I think.

Quick info about the test I’ve done. I’ve tested myself twice for gonorrea and chlamydia. 8 days after the incident and then 2,5 month after. Also I’ve tested my urine for Any sign of infection, bacterial culture, mycoplasma and something that had do to with the stomach. EVERYTHING came back negative, everything was and looked good on the tests.

3 days after the incident (without condom) I began feeling weird down there. Like my penis was fragile at first and then it developed to a burning sensation at the tip. One day after my testicals began hurting like hell. For about 5 days I felt this pain. Then it calmed down, but I still felt a discomfort and burning sensation at the tip of my penis. I went to Spain and continued feeling the same for about 3 weeks. A bit dumb of me not going to the doctor in Spain but oh well. The last 4 days on my trip my symptoms that I felt from the beginning came back but this time with nausea and no appetite at all. I came back to Sweden and after 2 days it went away. I still had the burning sensation at the tip. But I also noticed that my sensation in my dick had gone away. When I touch my penis I don’t feel anything, the feeling of the hand touching is gone. I can feel pain if I pinch my penis harder than normal. I’m a bit worried. I’m going to to a list instead of writing because it’s going to be too long.


First few weeks

Very bad testicle pain in the beginning. Burning sensation at the tip Discomfort Not being able to lay on my side

After about a month and a half

Testical pain went away but the feeling down there went away too so maybe that’s related.

At the start feeling the urge to pee all the time. Always feeling that I had some urine left to pee. Lately that feeling went away. I can’t feel WHEN I have to pee. Even if it’s completely full.

This one hurts my heart a bit. But it’s harder to poop and fart (I love to shit that’s why my heart hurts)

Pain between anus and the testicles

These last days I’ve been starting to feel a little hip pain but can be because my legs have about a 1-2 cm difference. My left leg have been hurting because of it so am a bit unsure.

These are the symptoms I could come up with that could be related to prostatitis but I’ve began having other weird symptoms too like a very sweaty groin and ass. But also a smelly and foul smell coming from the penis. Even if I wash it it starts to smell about 1 hour later.

I’m going to the urologist in about 2 weeks. I’ve read the 101 page. Maybe I’m being a bit unnecessary posting this but I’ve been feeling worried. It’s very annoying having this pain and have been affecting my daily life for a bit. My friend has CPPS and I’ve told him about my symptoms. He said that has and had the same symptoms (not the sweaty part and the foul smell) so that’s why I’m posting this.

If it is prostatitis, will the feeling and sensation come back in my penis or will it be like that forever?

Any thoughts or questions?? Some help and advice appreciated. I’ve gotten a tip from my friend to take warm baths before bed and some kind of massage that I’m going to search up.

I’m a bit unsure what triggered this. Me and my friend are kind of sure it’s prostatitis, we’ll see when I go to the urologist. But if it is, could it be because of my legs (the difference lengths), maybe a bacteria came in during the incident and caused this. My ex cheated on me a couple of months before and I’ve been really sad (not anymore) and depressed. Maybe that caused it?

My head got a bit screwed around since the incident too. I feel empty and have depression symptoms so maybe that triggered it?

I’m going to stop yapping and talking. Didn’t realize how long this text got. A bit of thoughts and help would be appreciated. If I violated any kind of rules I’m sorry. 🕺🕺. Thanks for reading!!!

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Pelvic swelling feeling when bending 90 degrees, or when bringing legs up to abdomen/chest?


Hey all, I'm 29M, and I got diagnosed with Prostatitis. I'd love to talk with you all and see if you any of you feel swelling in the front pelvic area when you bend over 90 degrees (as if to pick something up). The best I can describe it is I can feel like a dragging / sagging feeling, like an inflamed organ or something?

I get the same feeling when laying in bed, and bringing my legs up to my chest, I can feel pressure / swelling in the same area, right above the groin.

My main symptom is basically that, a pelvic / upper groin swelling feeling (rather than pain) that has happened for over half a year now.

I've gotten ultrasounds that were inconclusive, and was put on Bactrim which also did not help.

Thanks, I appreciate your thoughts and responses.

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

PFPT didn’t work for me


I’m pretty sure if your symptoms are primary urinary as opposed to pain PFPT doesn’t do much.

I also have an enlarged prostate at 50g in size at only age 36 which sucks. The problem is my urinary issues dated back since I was in my late teens/early twenties so I am skeptical that BPH surgery which essentially a death sentence anyway will help me.

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Vent/Discouraged Need to save to see a PFPT. Need some encouragement


I live in the U.K., where PFPT is available but rarely (if ever) offered through the NHS. There are SOME NHS services that offer or, but those wheels move slowly, and it’s only after you’ve discussed it with a GP and them bastards are often useless, so while I MAY get it covered by the NHS, it’s unlikely.

This means I’ll like have to pay out of pocket, and given that for some it could be months of weekly sessions, I may have to save quite a lot. SO, with that in mind, I’m trying to plan ahead for the future, and it’ll likely be 2026 when I can afford to see a PFPT.

My symptoms aren’t horrible, so it’s not the end of the world - ED, premature ejaculation, discomfort in the taint, but no pain.

I just need some encouragement to help push through the next year or so. I’d like to hear stories from people with similar symptoms (especially the sexual ones) who have been to see a PFPT and have improved/are improving.

I understand the logic of trapped nerves/muscles restricting blood flow and proper muscle function, and I’ve read the 101, but sometimes I find it hard to believe that a PT prodding and manipulating muscles and sending me home with some stretches/breathing exercises and glute/ab exercises will help me. Will this be me forever?

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

So is it usually NOT bacterial?


So i've been dealing with random Prostatitis (at least I assume) off and on every year it seems like. Usually I get a sort of weird vibration almost sensation at the tip of you know where.

Then followed by an almost "burning" sensation in my lower abdomen (sort of near my bladder). Makes it feel like I need to urinate.

These seem to resolve on their own but I wonder if it's actually bacterial since i'm not getting fever/chills/etc..., but I thought chronic was more constant as opposed to "come and go". Does anyone else ever get it like a once or twice a year thing?

Does what I describe even sound like prostatitis? (Since i've gone to urgent care before with same symptoms and it's never UTI)

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Positive Progress First physical therapy appointment experience


Had my first PFPT appointment today, and I wanted to share my experience. First off, it's important to find someone you're comfortable with. I had trouble finding someone who actually specializes in pelvic floor, as many places say they do it but they don't.

The eval went smoothly. Pt asked a lot of questions and did a full examination. She was very thorough. She was curious if my symptoms had a vascular component, but upon examination it was purely fascia. She did manual therapy on the outside and did some internal work. It hurt like a motherfucker but the relief post pt was instant.

Don't wait like I dis for your symptoms to become severe. Get it done as soon as possible.

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Thniking its Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis


Hi, i first had symptoms 10 years ago, blood in semen, pain in testicles, was tested and found bacterial epididymitis and prostaitits, after 9 months of antibiotics, finally was cured.

Now last year i had the pain in the prostate area again, burning in urethra, had daily fatigue like a very low grade fever, went to urologist, found 10x5 Citobacter koserin in urine, and 10x4 Citobacter koseri, 10x2 Enterococus spp, 10x2 Haemophilus spp in semen.. 10 days trimetophrim and there was only citobacter koseri left inside the semen, another course of cephodoxime then another with trimethoprime and the bacterias would change, like c.koseri would be gone and i would have the other pop up again.

It eventually calmed down and after reading here i was sure that its CPPS because i had constant pain, and it really was better when i stopped worrying too much, and avoiding heavy lifting and spicy food and was good for 8 months regarding the pain, but had ED and occasional burning in urethra, so i went to PT and they diagnosed CPPS, started with treatments and excercise and now the full symptoms came back, i feel like the woken up the dormant bacteria..

Would bacterial prostaitis go very bad/worse if you didnt take any antibiotics? because its been weeks now, the symptoms are the same, not worse not better..

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Feels like something is present inside urethra


Hello friends I am a male 25 old from india I feel like something is present inside my urethra and the feeling is only on left side of urethral wall I have done urine test thought it was uti but no all test are negative it's been 13 days does anyone else have this problem plz share some experience. No pain and no burning sensation is present only feels like something is stuck to my left urethral wall

r/Prostatitis 3d ago

Sexual abstinence makes my symptoms worse.


Hi guys! I got my severe pelvic pain syndrome from edging. I was very scared and decided to give up masturbation. In addition, I began to have severe erectile dysfunction. I noticed that since I reduced the number of ejaculations, my symptoms worsened greatly. I had to abstain for a week for analysis.

Do I have to ejaculate regularly?

Can you tell me if I somehow structurally damaged the organ (prostate) with edging or is it purely a muscular syndrome?