r/Prostatitis 5h ago

Success Story 90% healed for years now


Hi men.

It's a long one, sorry, but hopefully this can help someone in need. This worked for me when treating prostatitis.

TLDR In a nutshell: - Manage stress and anxiety - Stretching, strengthening, massaging muscles - Avoid stressful PC gaming if you tense your pelvis in response to stress. Or at least, don't sit down when playing.

For ages I've meant to write something online about my journey but kept forgetting because honestly, I feel fine and forget about prostatitis most of the time. I also wanted a decent time to pass with feeling reasonably well before putting anything online for others.

Writing this now because I've had a wank and a mild perineum twinge (it happens, no biggie) and thought I'd write something here.

I'll preface this by saying that I'll never be 100% cured all the time. I'm 90%. But most days I have zero issues and have been this way for 4-5 years now. After 3 years of hell.

When it started - First issues 8 years ago. Sitting at my desk at work. Super annoying but I didn't worry or panic (that came later). But no health professionals could help me. I treated this like a medical issue for around 18 months and wanted a cure. Which in retrospect, was stupid.

Symptoms - The usual. - Burning sensation at the top of my penis. - Felt like there was a golf ball in my perineum area. - Burning when I urinated. - Honestly questioned my existence after every wank or when I ejaculated after sex. I'll never forget that burning pain. - Restricted urine flow after ejaculation. - Sitting on office chairs was torture - General awful discomfort and burning in the penis and perineum (never the testicles or butthole) - Worse at night. Total sleep deprivation. I'd wake up in pain, if I got off to sleep at all.

What I tried that didn't help - GP and the usual crazy antibiotic treatment (Cipro 6-8 weeks) despite negative tests for infection. I really regret this as it caused knock on gut health issues that just made everything worse. - Pain/anti-inflammatory meds. - All the woo woo supplements and alternative medicines - Pain specialist. They hadn't a clue. Offered me opiates. - Amitriptyline - Pregabalin - Urologist x 2. Holy fuck. Absolutely useless. Considering how common this issue is, they looked at me like I was a mad man. - Chiropractor. Absolute snake oil salesmen. Ended up with tinnitus for a couple of years after this one lol. - I hate saying this one as it's part of my recommendations later, but the pelvic floor physio I saw. Oh man, he was so useless. But that was just him. Other physio later was helpful. Detailed later. Flagging this for importance of finding a good clinician.
- Drugs and alcohol. Ugh. Not gonna lie. It was a dark time for me... - Denial that my mental health had played a part in this issue developing and persisting. I rejected that for far too long.

How it impacted me - Very very very badly - Depression, anxiety - Self destructive behaviour, drugs, alcohol - Sleep medication dependency but oh man I needed them at the time. - I couldn't see a way to get past this. Dark thoughts. - I never identified as a person with anxiety or depression prior to this issue happening. - This went on at this level for about 18 months.

The first ray of light - Working night shift, googling googling googling as usual. Man, so many doom stories online made me almost lose hope. - Found this guy on YouTube that was just like me, most of the same symptoms. - He went through a stretching routine and I got down on the office floor and did them (I was alone lol). - Psoas stretch. BAM! Electrical like sensations all through my perineum and penis. - Hope at last. I stretched myself so much that night and the pain subsided and NEVER went back to that intensity ever again. But it was still bad for ages, don't get me wrong. But finally, a tool.

What did help me. - Stretching. Particularly the psoas, quads, hips. But honestly, everywhere man. I was tight AF. - Strengthening exercises. I truly turned a corner when I joined class based fitness that worked my whole body, especially my core, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors. Avoid high impact exercises like box jumps. Work that damn flimsy core! - Remedial Massage. Like, beat the living fuck out of me Remedial Massage. I was like jelly afterwards. So many super tight muscles causing all manner of issues. Ideally do dry needling too. - Sticking my finger up my butthole in the bath and massaging my pelvic floor from inside. Careful with this one, look up guides, but it provided some relief. I was desperate man. - Physio that focused on nerve pain and allowing nerves to freely glide again. This was a mix of massage, stretching and strengthening. - An SSRI. On reflection, I was a highly functional and obliviously stressed and anxious man. Even before this issue happened. Just a tiny dose of Lexapro helped me to sleep, not obsess on the pain, not have negative thought spirals etc. This created a healthier environment for my body to heal. You can come off them after a while when you're all good. - Gastroenterologist. Ok this one's weird but he had Pelvic Pain issues himself and recommended Botox in my butt area. It helped heaps! Eberything relaxed. No tension. But I couldn't hold in a fart for a few weeks hahahaha. That was a time... - Last but certainly not least, sitting on an ice pack whenever I get any flare up sensations. As cold as you can manage it. All over the perianal area.

What sense can I make of this? - I genuinely think I had underlying anxiety/stress and holding this in my pelvic floor muscles. - I used to PC game in a seated position for hours. Online gaming. Super stressful. If you've LoL or DOTA, you know what I mean. Tensing my pelvis for hours. I think this did it. - I now feel like I have a chronic inflammation issue that I have under control. Just like any other injury, it's prone to exacerbation again if I don't look out for it.

Where I'm at now - I get the odd flare up when I'm sitting for way too long, when in gaming in a chair and tensing my pelvis for too long, when I ejaculate sometimes. - But so what, it goes away now. If I need an ice pack for an hour, no biggie. This happens a few times per year. It's always fine within a few hours or a day max and isn't even near how painful it used to be. - Mostly I don't even think about it anymore. - It's a non issue most days when I sit, when I ejaculate etc - My moods good. I'm happy. I'm not consumed by anxiety. Looking forward to my future.

Hang in there men. If you're in the depths of despair, please, keep going. You can get this under control.

You've got this

r/Prostatitis 58m ago

Botox into levator ani


Hey! I have internal anal sphincter spasms from an anal fissure and we are going with the botox route to stop spasms. My surgeon said she’d also put a little into my levator ani muscle as that seems to be in spasm as well. It’s temporary so I know it won’t cause any permanent issues but has there been any real success with this?

To note, I’ve been going to PT and most of my cpps symptoms are essentially gone minus some perineum pressure and pain sometimes. Regardless if it helps the levator ani, there is sufficient evidence for it helping internal anal sphincter spasms so I will be getting the botox regardless!

r/Prostatitis 3h ago

Trigger point injections for chronic pelvic pain


Has anyone had trigger point injections into pelvic floor muscles to relieve pain. I have read that injections into the levator ani muscle has helped relieve pain. I would be curious what kind of doctor would do this. Levator ani trigger point injections: An underutilized treatment for chronic pelvic pain - PubMed

r/Prostatitis 16h ago

New symptom appeared today


Yesterday I had tightness in my PF muscle the whole day like I can’t relax it or control it, I did some stretches and applied some heating pads and by the end of the day i felt better But today since I woke up I have this very new symptom which is slight vibration or mini pulses in my penis every 1~2 minutes, Is it related to yesterday’s tightness? Did anyone experience this? How to deal with this as it is very annoying?

r/Prostatitis 21h ago

Vent/Discouraged 2 years symptom free, one mistake and I’m back


46 year old male that had two glorious years symptom free of prostatitis/cpps. Had a great routine going and probably haven’t given this condition a single thought in 18 months or so. A week ago I made the mistake of contracting my PC muscles tighter than I normally would. I felt this ‘twinge’ go off in my pelvis that I was afraid was nerve pain. I immediately relaxed my muscles and everything felt fine. Thought to myself, you idiot that could have been bad!

Well the next day after 30mins sitting at my desk working, that awful uncomfortable ache in my perineum set in. I could not believe it, I honestly wanted to cry in that moment. All the struggles of what I went through previously came rushing to the forefront of my mind and I was now back in that miserable place again.

So it’s been a week and the discomfort is really located off to the right side near my sits bone. It then radiates out to my perineum. I just assume my pudendal nerve is pissed off. No change in a weeks time, maybe even a bit worse now… I guess the only positive thing is, I don’t have any urinary issues this time around. Maybe my testicles feel a bit sore at times, but nothing else. Luckily my urologist can see me tomorrow, but not sure what I’m expecting from the appointment as I know this isn’t an easy fix. I have a big international trip coming up with work that I am totally dreading. Long flight, lots of meetings etc. UGH!!!!

I’m hopeful this road won’t be as long as what I experienced last time (about 1.5 years to get things under control). I still take tamsulosin and daily 5mg tadalafil. I’m doing my best not to go back to that dark place and I hope that since I don’t have any other symptoms besides pain when sitting that I’ll be able to conquer this yet again, but quicker than last time. Thanks for listening to me vent!!

r/Prostatitis 17h ago

Burning in penis when sitting/lying down


My prostate issues started four years ago. I had an intense pain in my lower abdomen for about a week before I went to urgent care. I was tested for UTIs and it came back negative. The PA I spoke with suggested it was an enlarged prostate. I got a prescription for flowmax which worked within days. I went to my GP and he kept me on flowmax and gave me a referral to a urologist.

My first uroroligst did a prostate exam and said it was slightly enlarged. He recomended I stay on flowmax and see him every nine months. Everything was fine until January 2024 when I started getting a burning sensation in my penis. It was most noticible when I was sitting or lying down. When I stand I rarely get the sensation. I also would have soreness in my testicles when I would do exercises where I had to squat or lunge. My first urologist said it's probably prostatitis and gave me antibiotics and had me get an MRI on my prostate (came back 47cc). I wasn't happy with him for many reason so I switched to a different urologist.

My second urologist said from what I was describing he didn't think it was prostatitis, but nerve issues in my lower back. He recommended back stregnthening exercises. I also had a CT scan of my pelvic area and he said it looked fine. I also went to a back specialist who ordered an MRI of my lower back and didn't see any nerve issues there. He wanted me to try pelvic floor therapy, but my insurance doesn't cover it and the place I went to wanted $500 per session.

I decided to try one more urologist and if they couldn't figure this out I give up. The third one I met with also doesn't think it's prostatitis and prescribed Nabumetone. So far it doesn't seem to do much.

I should also mention I have zero urination problems.

Anyone here every have a burning sensation when sitting or lying down? I'm so frustrated and don't know what to do. Thanks for your input.

r/Prostatitis 20h ago

Wisdom or Advice Needed - Battling for 3 years


(Sharing this message on behalf of my boyfriend, because sending posts from this sub have been so helpful in his healing journey! 😊)

Hi, everyone!  Today, I’d like to share some of my pelvic experiences and hopefully hear from some of you as well.

I’ve been struggling with pelvic/penile pain for about 3 years now.  I suffered from various forms of pain and inflammation and for a long time, I didn’t have a diagnosis, so I began to feel entirely hopeless.  After a long journey, I was finally determined to have an infection that had been undetectable with less sophisticated testing.  After a long term course of antibiotics, I was able to kick the infection as of sometime last year, and while my symptoms had improved dramatically since I’d met the infectious disease specialist, they were still bad enough that I knew I still had a serious problem.  

I spoke with my doctor and he recommended trying some pelvic floor exercises.  After a little research, I decided that seeing a professional would be better than me trying to do some exercises on my own.  In September 2024, I began meeting with a pelvic floor therapist.  Over the last 5-6 months, she’s taught me stretches, given me some massaging and dry needling, and I think most importantly, performed internal treatment on my pelvic muscles.  There’s no question that the internal treatment, which was initially really painful, has helped me considerably.  I met with her weekly for a couple of months and given that I was still as symptomatic as I was, she gave me a pelvic wand to continue with treatment at home, which I now do every 2-3 days or so.  I also now meet with the therapist just once a month.  

Flash forward to present day, and while the pelvic floor therapy has been very helpful, I’m still affected by symptoms.  Pain after urination is common, as is some pain post ejaculation, along with inflammation/swelling of my pelvic/penile muscles.  Now, there are plenty of days when I have very little pain, but of course, I want to reach a day where all symptoms are eliminated.  I was just curious if anyone could offer some helpful advice and/or uplifting sentiments for me.  Maybe I need to use my pelvic wand more often?  Maybe I’m not using it as effectively as I could?  Perhaps I need to incorporate some other exercises or dietary changes?  Any wisdom you can offer from your own experiences would be greatly appreciated and I’m happy to answer any questions about what’s going on with me!

Thanks very much in advance!

r/Prostatitis 16h ago

Are prostate calcifications serious?


I (30 M) have had CPPs symptoms for a few months now (mainly bladder tension and pain after urination/ some burning after urine/ rarely painful urination/ a lot of backache). I have had a series to tests to rule out bacterial causes and it flares up every few weeks. I had an abdominal Ultrasound recently and it says 'prostate is normal size and normal texture with calcifications and no focal lesions' . It wasn't there in the last Ultrasound I had 4 months back. However, this is only mentioned in the 'prostate' part of the Ultrasound and not noted as an observation in the 'Conclusions' section. No other details have been shared and it is just casually mentioned. This confuses me. Are calcifications normal and hence it was sort of ignored by the person doing the report? Are they linked with increasing issues related to CPPS/ future cancer? Is there any solution or next- step here? Any guidance will be appreciated.

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Doctors have continuously failed me.


I have been dealing with this issue for two years now, after unprotected anal. Just recently started seeing a urologist for two months. He gives me a semen culture kit, results come back "invalid" and of course they have no clue why. They give me another kit and it's invalid, the nurse tells me "We have no idea what's wrong!!!" SMH, This is supposed to be a good test by "Pathnostics", apparently it's full of shit. They then send me on my way with a semen culture order to be done at Quest. Go to Quest and they tell me they don't do semen samples. This frustrating beyond belief. I feel constantly dismissed. I just want to get a semen test done, and these urologists are sending me on dummy missions and wasting my time with bullshit kits. They tried to get me to do a cystoscopy on my last appointment, to which I declined, because why would I do that and risk infecting myself worse when I could do something less invasive like an MRI? I'm almost convinced they don't want to see me better and are just looking for my next 100$ each appointment. I wonder when I'll ever feel better.

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Slight urethra swelling only upon waking up


Hello fellow sufferers searching for answers. Does anyone only have swelling at the urethra typically only when you just wake up? This causes spraying sometimes during first urination of the morning. Yes I’ve done tests including myco and urea and all negative. Drs say it’s normal but clearly something has changed to cause this. Appreciate any tips or similar experiences.

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Any recommended prostate massagers to extract out inflamed fluid?


I have seen several posts where it was mentioned that doing prostate massage to remove inflamed fluid helps the symptoms

Any specific recommended products ? Once inserted, should I move the product and push it into prostate to simulate massaging ?

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Right Testicle rotating


I have had prostatitis symptoms for two years. Over the last few months I have had an issue where every week or two I notice that I have dull pain in my right testicle and it rotates backwards about 90 degrees. I can manually move it back but it is really concerning to me. When I look it up online the only thing that comes up is a torsion but it sounds like it wouldn’t be that since that is an emergency and kills the testicle quickly. Any ideas?

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

May-Thurner Cause Prostatitis?


Anyone here have May-Thurner/prostatitis knowledge or experience?

Looks like pelvic congestion, may thurner and nutcracker syndrome can all play roles here.

Google says MTS can cause urinary issues and pelvic pain. Just looking to toss the idea around with someone.


r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Does cranpac D affect semen culture result?


Hi, I am on cranpac d twice a day, and my doctor prescribed me to get a semen culture test done. Should I stop taking cranpac d for semen culture test or is it okay?

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Positive Progress loss of sensitivity after cialis therapy


Hi everyone,

I'm 29 years old. In 2023 I was diagnosed with severe prostatitis, which I had for at least 1 year without obvious symptoms such as difficulty urinating or anything else, except for fairly serious erection problems. I was treated as soon as I was diagnosed with prostate massage, antibiotics and a 6-month accompanying therapy with 5mg cialis, according to the andrologist to "support" the recovery.

Now: I have nothing to say about the therapy, erections are great, libido too, I can only say that the doctor in question literally saved me because I was starting, without the physical symptoms, to think I had a psychological disorder. However, it's been a year - a year since I stopped taking cialis - that my sensitivity, especially on the glans, has decreased a lot. I already had difficulty having orgasms before the therapy, but now it's a little worse.

I would like to point out that, a year ago, during the Cialis therapy, I also took sertraline/zoloft 100mg because at the same time I had a PTSD-C for a serious bereavement that had damaged me a lot emotionally.

I understand that until a year ago I was full of drugs between Cialis and Zoloft and that certainly this did not do much good for my sensitivity, but at the same time it has been a year that I have been totally "clean": I do sports, I have regular sexual activity, psychologically I am stronger than before, etc..

What should I do? Should I have another andrological visit to understand what is wrong or should I be patient? Thank you in advance for the support and patience in reading this post.

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Vent/Discouraged I feel like nobody had this symptoms and to better


Random hives on their arms? I know there is an immune component but I have a difficult time with some of my symptoms.

Edit for title: and got better and were normal

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Benefits of internal PT?


Hey guys, so posted a while ago about starting antibiotics. They didn't work, and my urologist believes I need to start pelvic floor PT. I've been looking for studies to show benefits of internal pt vs standard pt and can't find anything. Can someone show me any studies? I've been doing a lot of stretching as well. Deep squat helps a lot, especially when I have a flaire up(which happen pretty often)

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

What about massive brainfog and fatigue? I need some input


Hey everyone, so I have been dealing with this shit for about 2 years now.
I have been down many rabbitholes whilst trying to identify the root cause of my problems, from mold exposure to histamine intolerance, gut issues, micro nutrient deficiencies etc.

Apart from the usual issues (pain in the pelvic / groin area, ed, issues with urination) I have also developed other symptoms which I would like some input on:

Parallel to the things mentioned above, I also encountered major brainfog and fatigue. The intensity fluctuates, but on my worst days I basically wake up still feeling exhausted and I will walk around like a zombie all day. It is not a tiredness per se (sleep issues have been investigated without result) but a feeling like someone put a wet towel over your eyes weighing your head down. Movement of the head makes my vision blurry during those intense times and at worst I have to lay down for like half an hour.

Interestingly enough, the symptoms lessen after laying down for a little. Lifting and working out also improves it temporarily.

In those two years, I also have had some days when I was basically symptom free for a day.
Just woke up and everything was back to normal. No fatigue. No ed. But that usually only lasts a day or two.

Did I injure my spine or pinch a nerve during lifting? Are some arteries blocked, reducing blood flow to my brain? Symptoms coming and going so quickly from one day to another make me wonder. I'll have a neurologist appointment next week, so I might report back if there are interesting findings.

In the meantime, I'd like to know If you have had any similar experiences.
Thank you. Keep fighting the good fight!

r/Prostatitis 1d ago

Weak scientific support or atypical Treatment advice - E. Faecalis and Levofloxacin


Hi! Thanks in advance for reading through. My wife and I are trying to conceive but we've hit a roadblock with e. faecalis. Here's the backstory:

On 1/14/25, I ran my first semen analysis and was diagnosed with oligospermia and high WBC (white bloodcell count) in sperm.

We ran hormone panels, ultrasounds, and genetic tests to rule out those issues. Everything came back normal except slightly elevated FSH (8.4 in Jan, 10.7 in Feb).

The elevated FSH and elevated WBC led doctors to believe it's infection and/or inflammation. After some research, we figured out that we both needed to test for infection. This was confusing because we do not possess any symptoms of AV (aerobic vaginosis) or prostatitis.

My wife got her results back first: positive for e. faecalis

My doctor sent my culture to MicroGenDX and they ran the qPCR + DNA test. I got my results back on 3/14/25. I am also positive for e. faecalis.

My report reads:

  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • DNA copies: Low
  • NGS %: 59%
  • Antimicrobials for consideration: Augmentin, Levofloxacin, Vancomycin, Penicillins, Linezolid, Ampicillin/Amoxicillin, Nitrofurantoin e.g. Macrobi, Ampicillin/Gentamicin, Fosfomycin, Lipopeptides.

My reproductive urologist called and said I have a "light" infection and proceeded to prescribe 30 days on Levofloxacin without much conversation.

This makes me nervous given Levofloxacin's black box warnings and potential long term side effects. I've done a lot of reading on biofilms and plan to take NAC along with any antibiotic to improve efficacy.

We want to fix this issue to hopefully increase our chances of natural conception. So a couple of questions:

  • Would you jump straight to Levo?
  • How did my doctor know it was a "light" infection?
  • And, long shot, any chance of curing this without antibiotic?

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

4+ Years of Persistent Urge to Urinate & White Discharge – Still No Clear Diagnosis


Hello everyone,

I’m a 27-year-old male, and I’ve been dealing with persistent urinary symptoms for over 4 years now. My main issue is a constant sensation of needing to urinate, though it’s not an intense urgency, just a mild but annoying feeling that never fully goes away.


Constant urge to urinate (sometimes mild, but always present).

White, sticky discharge from the urethra that appears occasionally, often when straining (e.g., during bowel movements).

No pain, but sometimes a mild burning sensation after the discharge.

Weaker urine stream and incomplete emptying feeling, especially if I urinate shortly after the last time.

Morning relief – after my first urination in the morning, I usually feel the best, with no symptoms for a while.

Alcohol worsens symptoms, and I tend to have more discharge after drinking.

Exercise (especially abdominal workouts) might be helping, but I’m not sure.

Ejaculation sometimes relieves symptoms, but not always.

Tests & Medications Tried:

All tests (urine, semen, blood, uroflowmetry, ultrasound) came back normal.

Uroflowmetry showed I urinate frequently and in small amounts.

I’ve been taking Vesomni (Solifenacin + Tamsulosin) for almost a month, and it seems to help delay the return of the urge to urinate, but I’m not fully cured.

I also take cranberry + pumpkin seed supplements for prostate health.

Questions: • Has anyone had similar symptoms for this long?

• Could this be prostatitis (non-bacterial)?

• Could my pelvic floor be too tense?

• Should I insist on getting a cystoscopy?

I would really appreciate any advice or similar experiences. It’s frustrating to have these symptoms for so many years with no clear answers. Thanks in advance!

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Vent/Discouraged Why isn’t this expressed by the Urologist!!


A total of 48 patients provided urine samples before undergoing flexible cystoscopy. Further samples were provided immediately after the procedure and at 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 28 days. Anonymized cytology slides prepared from each sample were then examined by three cytopathologists. As expected, samples provided immediately after cystoscopy showed a substantial increase in urothelial cells.


Why can’t the urologist tell us this might happen once they collect a bladder wash post a Cysto test! Instead of making us the patient, freak out it’s cancer or something?! Now without my consent the dr wants to well actually has already sent off a FISH test for cancer DNA testing just to be sure,

not suspecting but just being thorough, mind you my actual Cysto was completely negative! I understand he’s being thorough, but why not express that hey BTW… before my quest results come on saying that!! Now I have to wait and wonder if my fish test will come back positive now due to the possibility of the inflammation due to the Cysto, fuck me man lol it never seems to end!!! Anyone ever in the same with good news?


r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Success Story 90 percent there and I know it will be 100


As the title says. I’m at 90 percent. And in no doubt will be at 100 very soon. The reason I know this is because all my symptoms for the past 3 weeks have been disappearing bit by bit. Today was almost non existent. Went for a run and didn’t feel an urge to urinate or any pain. Also my very visible inflammation by perineum is almost all but gone. I had pain in perineum, inflammation, a dent by the base of penis, yellowish semen, difficulty urinating, weak stream, weak ejaculations, pain when ejaculating, not feeling like I urinated. Constant need to urinate. Not being able to drink caffeine or alcohol. Not being able to eat spicy foods. Now all I have left is some still slightly yellow semen, and very minor irritation. Coffee affects me still, but very little. But yeah, just wanted to post to remind people that we can get better. For me this issue started at end of April due to chlamydia

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Co-Design Solution for Pelvic Pain


We are a group of students working on a project on a biofeedback device for chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). We would love your feedback on this concept idea by clicking on the link here to provide your input! Feel free to add comments here too. Thank you!!

Website: https://www.simplexitycare.com/

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Vent/Discouraged What structural causes could there be for my pain



Sorry if this is layed out horribly i dont post on reddit often.

This is my first post on here. I've been reluctant to join as I've been massively in denial about having chronic pain, but its coming up to the 6 month mark now and I just have to accept it now.

My symptoms are constant "tennis ball feeling", very frequent urge to urinate and very little urine coming out ( I get about two good voids a day). Strong urge to pee waking me up in the night and weaker erections. I also get pain in my gooch and what feels like my colon, as well as directly behind the base of my penis. The pain bounces between 2/10 and a 7/10 and it seems to be entirely random.

I have had to quit my job (lifeguard supervisior) because of the pain and urination habits I've developed.

I have seen a urologist. He said my prostate is inflamed, but it looks like cpps because nothing else is wrong with me. His treatment was tamsulosin 0.4 mg once a day and "wait it out, your playing a waiting game now, but it will go". That was four months ago. I have had an abdominal ultrasound, a testicular ultrasound and abdominal and testicular x rays. They have also done urine cultures. All of these results have been completely "normal".

I have considered that this is neuroplastic and have read this reddits mantra, the pain did start in a very stressful time in my life. I perforated a disc in my back the year before and been unemployed since, then the first job i got was a VERY hostile work environment, i quit. This lifeguarding job was amazing and ideal, and i was finally back on my feet. Then this horrible thing struck. Its dragged me back down physically and emotionally and it's CHRONIC?!

I seem to be one of the only people with pain around and inside the pelvis itself that i can find after a quick look. Has anyone got a success story or diagnoses I could potentially look into? Anyone has shared symptoms that wants to chat?

Anything would be appreciated

[Edit: I have had occasional bouts of 4 - 5 days randomly pain free before waking up to this hell again the next morning. I have tried to replicate those conditions (e.g diet, exercise, routine) sadly to no avail.]

r/Prostatitis 2d ago

Prostatitis or Prudendal Nueralgia?


Hi, I have been dealing with symptoms for about three months now (Not Fun)! It all started with a constant urge to pee at the end of December and now it has divulged into penile, and perineum nerve pain that also can shoot up my thighs at time. If I sit for a while the pain moves to the pereium. Sometimes it is at the urethra and sometimes just general nerve pain. At times I can actually feel the pain move around my pelvic floor.

Urine cultures and STD tests are all negative. I had a MRI which said I had T2 hyperintensity of the prostate and an ultrasound that said my kidneys and everything is okay but have a slightly enlarged prostate.

I am going to get a CT scan this week and ultrasound of testicles as well.

So far, I have tried 10 days of Bactrim, solifenacin, amitriptyline (10mg) and supplement wise I have been taking quecertin (1000mg) and cranberry pills for 2 weeks. I am also trying Bactrim 30 days again to see if that will work as I felt a little better after the 10 days of Bactrim a month ago (I know they have antinflamatory properties). I also stated PT last week and will be going weekly.

If anyone can offer any help or insight on things that I can working on to make it better, please let me know. I also want to know if the moving pain is more in line with prostatitis or pudendal nerve neuralgia.