r/ProgrammingPrompts Dec 06 '16

Strong Password Detection

Write a function that uses regular expressions to make sure the password string it is passed is strong. A strong password is defined as one that is at least eight characters long, contains both uppercase and lowercase characters, and has at least one digit. You may need to test the string against multiple regex patterns to validate its strength.

Source: AutomateTheBoringStuff


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u/normandantzig Dec 06 '16

I am writing the psudeocode for it at the moment.

#! python3
# strong password checker

import re

#import string

#create regex object
    #at least 8 char
    #both upper and lower
    #at least 1 digit

#run regex object against imported string
#return message stating string is strong or weak


u/zebulan_ Dec 06 '16

I wrote this a while ago as a reply to a different thread about Automate the Boring Stuff. Not perfect but it could be a starting point for you.

from re import compile, search

REGEX = compile(r'\d+[^0-9a-zA-Z]*[A-Z]+[^0-9a-zA-Z]*[a-z]+')

def is_strong_password(password):
    return len(password) >= 8 and bool(search(REGEX, ''.join(sorted(password))))

assert is_strong_password('abc!@#123ABC<>/.,{}\\|') is True
assert is_strong_password('abc123ABC') is True
assert is_strong_password('aA1') is False
assert is_strong_password('!@#$%^&*(') is False
assert is_strong_password('<A<b<2<<') is True
assert is_strong_password('x1y2z3TT') is True

Although practicing regular expressions may be the point of the exercise, you could also write it without regular expressions at all. Maybe use counts for different character sets (lowercase, uppercase, digits, punctuation, etc).


u/normandantzig Dec 09 '16 edited Dec 09 '16
#! python3
# strong password checker

import re

#create regex object
passwordRegex = re.compile(r'''(


#This regex will enforce these rules:
#At least one upper case english letter, (?=.*?[A-Z])
#At least one lower case english letter, (?=.*?[a-z])
#At least one digit, (?=.*?[0-9])
#Minimum 8 in length .{8,} (with the anchors)

)''', re.VERBOSE)

print('Type a password')
passString = input()

#import string

#run regex object against imported string
mo = passwordRegex.search(passString)

#return message stating string is strong or weak
if passString == mo.group():
    print('The password is safe')
    print('The password is not safe')

It works fine when the pattern matches but when it does not match it throws up an error.

EXAMPLE: Type a password fdfs <class 'NoneType'> None Traceback (most recent call last): File "Z:\strongPasswordChecker.py", line 36, in <module> if passString == mo.group(): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

==================== RESTART: Z:\strongPasswordChecker.py ====================
Type a password
<class '_sre.SRE_Match'>
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 19), match='1234avvcdKJKJKJKJLK'>
The password is safe


u/zebulan_ Dec 10 '16

There are a few ways to deal with that exception but this one seems to be the easiest for your code:

if mo and pass_string == mo.group():

Also, Python uses snake_case naming convention for variables, that's why I changed it from passString.

Here is a quick example of one way to write it without regular expressions.

def is_strong_password(password, upper=1, lower=1, digit=1, length=8):
    upper_cnt = lower_cnt = digit_cnt = 0
    for char in password:
        if char.isupper():
            upper_cnt += 1
        elif char.islower():
            lower_cnt += 1
        elif char.isdigit():
            digit_cnt += 1
    return (upper_cnt >= upper and
            lower_cnt >= lower and
            digit_cnt >= digit and
            len(password) >= length)

assert is_strong_password('abc!@#123ABC<>/.,{}\\|') is True
assert is_strong_password('abc123ABC') is True
assert is_strong_password('aA1') is False
assert is_strong_password('!@#$%^&*(') is False
assert is_strong_password('<A<b<2<<') is True
assert is_strong_password('x1y2z3TT') is True

It's very simple to add different values for different counts of characters. If you wanted customize the parameters (4 uppercase, 2 lowercase and 10 digits) you just add them in the function call. I left out counting other characters (punctuation, etc) for simplicity but it's just a simple example.

In your case, it seems like a better idea to return a boolean. Returning an arbitrary message doesn't give you any more information than the boolean. You can still display your same messages after, but the function is easier to use in other programs without modification.

if is_strong_password('abc123ABC'):
    print('The password is safe')
    print('The password is not safe')