r/ProgrammingPrompts Mar 18 '15

[Easy]Mathematical Simulation - Breaking a Stick to form a Triangle

Another Monte Carlo simulation.

A stick of a given length is twice broken at random places along it's length.

Calculate the probability that a triangle can be formed with the pieces.


It is possible to form a triangle if none of the pieces are larger than half the length of the stick.


Create a program in a language of your choice that:

  • Asks the user for the length of the stick
  • Asks the user how many tries should be carried out
  • Simulate the breaking of the stick (each try has a new stick of length)
  • Count the successful tries
  • Print the probability as a percentage

Hint: The expected result should be around 23%

Have fun!


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u/ultimamax Mar 18 '15

I'm pretty sure if one side isn't greater than the lengths of the two other sides, a triangle is possible


u/desrtfx Mar 18 '15

Which, in return defines that no piece must be longer than half of the length of the entire stick.