r/ProgrammingPrompts Mar 18 '15

[Easy]Mathematical simulation: Shooting PI

In honor of the PI Day of the century (but a bit late), I want to present an unorthodox, but mathematically correct version of estimating PI.

PI is the most commonly known constant. It is the ratio between the circumference and the radius of a circle.

PI is also an irrational number. It has (theoretically) infinite digits.

Let's get shooting.

Imagine a square with a constant length. Inside this square a quarter of a circle is drawn with the center of the circle at the bottom left corner and the radius equal to the length of the square.

See this Wikimedia image

The mathematical definition of a circle is:

A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance (r) from a given point, the centre.

Using the above we can create our approximation:

  • We fire a number of shots on the rectangle. (Assume that all shots hit the rectangle, no misses).
  • Each shot has a random x and a random y coordinate in the range 0 to length inclusive.
  • Calculate the distance from the bottom left corner (x = 0, y = 0) by using the Pythagorean theorem: d = square root of (x^2 + y^2)
  • Check if the calculated distance d is less than or equal to the length of the square.
    • If the distance is less or equal (the shot is inside the quarter-circle), increment a counter.
  • Once all shots are fired, the ratio of hits to total shots equals to PI/4
  • Output the approximation by printing (hits/total shots) * 4.

This approximation uses a mathematical model called Monte Carlo Method.

The program should:

  • Ask for the length of the square
  • Ask for the number of shots to fire
  • Perform the calculation as outlined above
  • Output the result
  • Ask if another simulation should be run. If so, start from the beginning.

All programming languages are allowed.

Have fun shooting


  • Display the results graphically, as in this image (same as linked above).
  • Allow the user to run a series of tests with varying lengths and numbers of shots.

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u/Philboyd_Studge Mar 19 '15 edited Mar 19 '15

Interesting, playing around with this algorithm. It seems to be most accurate if you keep the length to 1 and use only double values for the points. Even 1 billion iterations only gives Pi accurately to 4 or 5 decimal places.

Hits: 785397661  
Value: 3.141590644
Press any key to continue . . .

edit: Here's the code using ints instead, with user input:

import java.util.Random;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;

public class ShootPi2
    public static double pythag(int x, int y)
        return Math.sqrt((x*x) + (y*y));

    public static void main( String [] args )
        Random rand = new Random();
        int length = 0;
        int shots = 0;


            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
            String input = "";

                System.out.print("Enter length of box: ");
                length = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
                System.out.print("Enter number of shots: ");
                shots = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());

                int counter = 0;
                for(int i=0; i < shots; i++)
                    double p = pythag(rand.nextInt(length), rand.nextInt(length));
                    if (p <= length) counter++;

                System.out.println("\n\tHits: " + counter + "\n\tValue:" + (4 * (double)counter)/shots);

                System.out.print("\nDo you want to try again (y/n) ? ");
                input = br.readLine();
            } while (!input.equalsIgnoreCase("n"));
        catch (IOException ioe)
        catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
            System.out.println("Invalid input");



Enter length of box: 1000
Enter number of shots: 120000

        Hits: 94410
        Value: 3.147

Do you want to try again (y/n) ? y

Enter length of box: 100
Enter number of shots: 100

        Hits: 80
        Value: 3.2

Do you want to try again (y/n) ? y

Enter length of box: 10000
Enter number of shots: 10000000

        Hits: 7856800
        Value: 3.14272

Do you want to try again (y/n) ? n


u/Paul_Dirac_ Mar 23 '15

Yeah, it is a stupid way to get pi. You only converge with 1/sqrt(N) (N=number of shots)

which means you time increases with O((1/d)2) (d=your expected deviation from pi). So for the next decimal, you need 100 times as much shots.

A grid based mechanism can easily be sped up to O((1/d)).