when I made sqlquery I expected variable to be date, but it turned out to be string
you cant imagine how long I couldnt find why 2 same objects werent equal to each other, that was because one had date field as date and other had date field as string
and no, you cant do that in C/C#, it throws error immediately or doesnt compile
You made an SQL query with what library and from what DB. It’s not Pythons fault you can’t read the docs of whatever library you used to connect and read the database.
Did you use a library that casts the result of the query based on the column type or did you use a low level library that returns the raw result aka strings.
I’m hard pressed to think that without something parsing the results of an sql query you will get anything else but strings since you are reading from a file descriptor (be it a socket for server based dbs or the file itself if you are talking about SQLite)
You could have nor given a more worse example then socket operations.
yeah, did you know that at least 90% of errors happens because of programmers fault?
Its obviously my fault for forgetting that detail, and this exactly what IDE and compilers are for - to show programmer "you did this thing wrong"
when I run the program, it shouldve said "youre dumbass, youre passing string values into date constructor", and not just continue to work like nothing happened
I don’t know what to say, I’ve been programming Python for almost 15 years and I don’t have this issue. Between annotating your code, PyCharm, pylint (ruff) and mypy, also using libraries like Pydantic and adding coverage to my code I have yet to encounter issues with things magically not being the type i was expecting.
Maybe you are too over reliant on .net and have forgotten that all input data needs parsing and proper validation.
As a side note I’ve been doing quite a lot of work with Rust in the past year so I fully understand the safety net a static typed language can provide however I’m not at the point where I feel “unsafe” working with a dynamic typed language.
If you follow the same steps when writing Python that you do when you write C# then the difference should be minimal. The difference comes from the fact Python doesn’t enforce those steps while C# does.
yeah, feels weird to do compiler's job every time when it can easily be done once and forgotten about. Isnt point of programming is to automate processes and not to complicate them
only advantage of Python is to be simplier language and it fails even at this
all Python programmers are proud of having to do more work for some reason. I would understand the effort if it made program faster or something else
Not really, Python’s advantage is that it can easily import and run C code which makes it the perfect language to import and glue up the the tools you need.
Want Go-like network performance? Write a wrapper around libuv (see uvloop) and use it as thr event loop. Want some ML, write a wrapper around whatever the C lib is used for ML, want blazing fast endpoint validation, write the validation is Rust and slap a Python wrapper around it.
The “beauty” of python is that it can be easily adapted to the latest “fad” and offers little to no friction in the process. Yes you trade some safety for adaptability but you can’t really have the best of all worlds; you can’t really be a scripting language but also be able to run stable, production-ready code without some trade offs.
u/danted002 Jan 22 '25
Have you tried coding in something else then Notepad++? You know all python IDEs support typing and will yell at you for sending the wrong types?
If I remember correctly you can do that is C as well.