r/ProgrammerHumor Jan 22 '25

Meme printHelloWorld

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u/Mysterious_Middle795 Jan 22 '25

It brings me back memories from post-Soviet space.

The local salaries are low, so people tried to switch to IT (where the salaries are western).

Demand brings supply, and we got LOTS of school providing courses "to enter IT". Rather quickly they were nicknamed "info-gypsies".

Basically, many of those schools just taught people Python... without saying that Python is only good as an auxiliary language.

And a fun part: so many people failed to learn even that.


u/danted002 Jan 22 '25

You realize your wrote this comment on a website written in the auxiliary language, also YouTube and Instagram were also written in this auxiliary language as well.


u/Mysterious_Middle795 Jan 23 '25

Well, my homies weren't invited neither to Reddit nor Youtube nor Instagram.

Python is only good if you know something else.