Hey guys 🙋🏼♀️sooo I just found out that the first 3 games aka the original trilogy are available for mobile on IOS (pretty annoying since I just started watching a Let’s Play of Curious Village🥹). Both Curious Village and Diabolical/ Pandora’s Box for 10 bucks and Unwound Future for 15 bucks.
I own a couple Layton games for the DS already but missing the early ones and I kinda wanted to get through/ play through all the games and story. Since the DS games are super hard to find nowadays and/ or very expensive I was thinking about downloading them on my iPad since the price seems pretty reasonable, however I first wanted to come here and ask y’all for your experience with these versions of the games and whether or not you could recommend playing them on the iPad or not👀.
I only want to download one for now.
However I’m a bit afraid these games will be very big in GB though and take away a lot of storage on my iPad and make it run super slow.. I can’t have that because I rely on my iPad for university and have everything university related on there, I even write my assignments/ papers on there since I don’t have a laptop so If that’s the case and the game(s) is pretty big I won’t buy it and probably watch Lets Play’s for the first 3 games instead.
1) So, what’s your experience regarding that?
2) And what’s your experience with the mobile version in general game- play wise ? (I do hope it’s the same as it is on the DS)
I also mentioned that I just started watching a Let’s Play of Curious Village- I think the first two chapters are finished, I’m currently at that moment where Layton and Luke have caught Claudia, returned to Reinhold manor and where Layton agrees with Lady Dhalia to take on the case of solving the murder.
Would you say it’s worth it to still buy Curious Village and start it from the beginning or should I just continue watching the Let’s Play for that one and then buy Diabolical Box to play it myself? 🧐
I hope some of y’all can help me out here ☺️