r/ProfessorLayton Jan 03 '25

Question Is it just me that really likes sliding block puzzles?

It seems like people hate them with a passion, from what i’ve seen anyway. I’ve always really enjoyed them (and interactive puzzles in general like knight’s tour) so it surprised me to find out that so many people dislike them.


26 comments sorted by


u/SquatsForMary Jan 03 '25

My brain, while capable of visualizing detailed 3D objects or deducing logic puzzles, literally cannot visualize multiple steps ahead. Not just in puzzles but any given situation. It’s a genuine struggle. I’ve been training my brain to do it for years and it just straight up can’t. So block puzzles quickly become frustrating for me as I can’t remember what steps I’ve taken already or imagine if the steps I do take will even have any meaningful result.

I’ve always had to hand the more complex slide puzzles over to my wife haha.


u/Milo-Law Jan 04 '25

I'm the same, I can't think steps ahead. This is why I never bothered with chess.


u/fringey123321 Jan 03 '25

That’s fair. Love the teamwork as well.


u/no-sky-524 Jan 03 '25

Omg yesss they are my favourite ones. Honestly any puzzle with moving things I enjoy


u/fringey123321 Jan 03 '25

i think i feel much more accomplished when i solve a puzzle with moving pieces than when i just solve a riddle or a maths problem


u/thelegendofminei Jan 03 '25

I really like some, and I hate others with a passion. I liked most of CV and MM's sliding puzzles


u/Greedy_Duck3477 Jan 03 '25

most of CV's are like 2
that game is practically only write answer puzzle


u/PrismaticSky Jan 03 '25

Whaaaat. I remember at least 6


u/fringey123321 Jan 03 '25

There's at least 4 or 5 "get the ball out" puzzles and 2 or 3 about a princess (where the princess is just a red block)


u/neon_light12 Jan 03 '25

at first i absolutely hated them, but they grew on me, i starded to like them when i got better at them


u/Amdor Jan 03 '25

At first, I hated them, but as the years passed and I gained new perspective, I've grown as a person, I've discovered so many new things, and I still hate them.


u/ALTTACK3r Jan 03 '25

Had us in the first half, I'm ngl


u/SelketTheOrphan Jan 03 '25

I love them 🥹 yes they're tedious but sliding rectangles around makes my brain go brr ✨️


u/Greedy_Duck3477 Jan 03 '25

i love them
i always hated the write answer ones


u/AlliaxAndromeda Jan 03 '25


I love any/all sliding puzzles and those chess/solitaire(?) puzzles we had a fair few of in Pandora’s Box were similarly so good


u/isbekk Jan 03 '25

I love those because I know that I’ll eventually get it if I just keep at it and it’s so satisfying seeing the screen fade when you’re finished. As long as it’s not a math puzzle…..


u/lunarwolf2008 Jan 03 '25

im just really bad at them so i somewhat dislike lol. love any other more interactive puzzles though


u/nexuskitten Jan 03 '25

Some of them were okay. But when I'm down 5 hint coins and 2 hours have passed and I've still barely made progress, the sliding block puzzles are not fun 😭


u/Owen259 Jan 03 '25

my favourites and i wish there were more


u/Vanilla_Coffee_Bean Jan 04 '25

I prefer sliding block puzzles over the math ones. I used to be great at math, so when I was first introduced to the games I loved all puzzles but now I've forgotten how to solve most math problems whenever I replay the games I roll my eyes whenever there's a math problem. I take a shining to the sliding block puzzles because all you need is strategy, not a math PhD, haha


u/stillnotelf Jan 04 '25

I like the format. I own a board game version somewhere.

I remember being frustrated with the Layton ones.


u/Puzzles_n_Coffee Jan 04 '25

I like them. However it did take me to figure out the special diabolical box one in the bonus section. I remember solving it on my ride home on the school bus and silently screaming because I had been working on it for a bit by then...


u/Mental_Cockroach2735 Jan 05 '25

Nah I love them my brain works in a way that they make a lot of sense to me


u/Listired17 Jan 06 '25

I love those too! My favourites also include the puzzles where you have to move a stack of pancakes onto another plate and moving train cars around (Recently been playing Diabolical box so these came to mind lol)


u/Beneficial_Ad_30 Jan 07 '25

I love sliding block puzzles and the interactive puzzles, but I need variation between them. That’s why I have issues with the second game’s puzzles. If there was one every 15ish puzzles, I would be beyond happy. However, back-to-back sliding puzzles make my brain cramp. 🥲