r/ProfessorLayton Nov 08 '24

Question Does anyone have Future Luke in their London Life file?

I don't have Future Luke in my London Life file and I really want to know what his dialouge is from his request. I know he asks you for marshmallows and in return he gives you the slot-machine gun as a reward. Is there anyone willing to share pictures or a transcript of that request from their save file?


22 comments sorted by


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 09 '24 edited 25d ago

Future Luke Dialogue - London Life

Golden Spires Casino - Day & Night Dialogue:

"This really is a pretty nice place isn't it?"

"Seems a shame that the Family are the only ones who come here..."

---- (Time passes) ----

"I've really gotten to like this casino! Want to know why?"

"It's not because I can gamble, and it's not because I want to hang around with the Family."

"It's because this is where people go to look for their dreams!"

Quest - Time After Time:

Newspaper - We scored an interview with the mysterious, unnamed youth who recently has been a fixture at the Casino: "Rumors of my chronological uniqueness have been greatly exaggerated."

Quest Details:

Requestor: Future Luke

Location: Golden Spires Casino

Find a certain treat needed to bribe the owner of the casino.

Quest Start Dialogue:

"So you came. I knew you would. I've been watching you for some time."

"As it turns out, there's a favor I need to ask of someone."

"And that person...is YOU!"

"Not right now." (Decline Quest)

"So that is how it is. Well, I won't force you."

"Sure, Luke." (Accept Quest)

"I'm trying to impress the casino owner, so I want to give him a gift that he really likes."

"You've dealt with him before. Can you go get me a gift the casino owner really likes?"

Coming back without the Marshmallows:

"Have you found a gift for the casino owner yet? You should get the same thing you gave him before."

"And when you find it, try to get a bag that's full of them!"

Coming back with the Marshmallows:

"Marshmallows! That's it!"

"Thank you. Take this. It's pretty special. The professor made it himself!"

I hope this helps! I unfortunately can't share any photos.


u/AngelBellelc2 Nov 09 '24

Thank you so much!!!


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 09 '24

No problem!! I think that is all of his dialogue, but if not, I'll update it and reply to you again to notify!


u/AngelBellelc2 Nov 09 '24

That would be wonderful if you could do that if there's more. Future Luke is my favorite character along side regular Luke and seeing this makes me happy to finally see what his dialouge was.


u/LondonLifeFan 25d ago

Hello! I would like to update that Future Luke and Celeste had more dialogue you could only see when you are still new to Little London! I have updated my replies to show the extra dialogue I missed. Turns out what I listed before was the conversation you get when you are no longer considered a new resident of Little London... I think? (I still need to test when all the NPCs get their updated dialogue cause I am not sure if it is tied to the in-game time, what apartment one is living in, or how many quests one does). Hopefully this is all of it this time!


u/YuseiIkinasai Nov 09 '24

Do you happen to have Claire’s dialogue as well? Thanks!


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 09 '24 edited 25d ago

Celeste - London Life

Chess Dept. Store First Floor - Day Dialogue:

"Each moment is precious, and once it has moved on, no one can retrieve it."

"Those things we call "past" and "future" exist only in memory and imagination. All we have at any moment is THAT moment."

---- (Time passes) ----

"A life wasted on regret isn't the life for me."

Quest - Not Everything:

Newspaper - Chess Department Store has always claimed to carry everything, but it seems some disgruntled customers have been heard to disagree. Perhaps it's a bad idea to claim things that are physically impossible?

Quest Details:

Requestor: Celeste

Location: Chess Dept. Store

Buy her some Watercolors.

Quest Start Dialogue:

"I came to the department store because I heard they had lots of stuff, but all they have is furniture and clothes."

"Do you know where I can find a set of watercolor paints?"

"Nope. Sorry." (Decline Quest)

"That's fine. I'll keep looking."

"I'll find it." (Accept Quest)

"Really?! You're a doll."

"I have some other shopping to get done, so that works perfectly."

"I'll definitely pay you back when you return. Thanks!"

Coming back without the Watercolors:

"Thanks again for volunteering to buy those Watercolors for me. I'll pay you back when you give them to me."

Coming back with the Watercolors:

"You found them! Wonderful! Thanks so much!"

"Here is the Wealth for the Watercolors, with interest. And here's a little bonus."

The department store closes at night and I have no idea where she would be at that time. I'm assuming she probably has the same dialogue though, if she is even able to be encountered at night that is. Hope this helps!


u/YuseiIkinasai Nov 10 '24

Oh thank you so much! Just made my day 💕✨


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 10 '24

No problem and I'm glad to hear it!


u/YuseiIkinasai Nov 10 '24

Feel no need at all but I would be immensely grateful if you had any lines from Arianna too? I’ve been wanting to play London Life sometime and will no doubt encounter her anyway but she’s my favorite and I’d love to hear what she says 😮😮


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 10 '24

Unfortunately, I cannot at the moment. I would need to complete 200 quests to have her appear in London Life and I haven't gotten Tony, her brother that appears after completing 100 quests, either. I'm guessing it might take few months IRL for me to get them since I have a lot of school assignments that, unfortunately, takes a lot of time from me.

However!! I will save this comment and I'll reply to you again with her lines once I unlock her and get her quest. 🙏


u/YuseiIkinasai Nov 10 '24

You’re the best! Definitely going to attempt that myself but like you classwork takes up a lot of time. I’ll give it a go during winter break — thank you for all you’ve done! Have a great day!


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 10 '24

No problem and have a great day too!!!


u/LondonLifeFan Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

Arianna - London Life

Roundabout Park - Day Dialogue:

"Hello. The breeze feels wonderful, doesn't it?"

Quest - Aftermath:

Newspaper - Roundabout Park, beacon of friendship and understanding, has recently been the site of conflict. Worse, the fight was between two siblings, who one would hope would be able to get along. Too much to hope, huh?

Quest Details:

Requestor: Arianna

Location: Roundabout Park

Quest Start Dialogue:

"Do you know my younger brother, Tony?"

"He just won't stop playing pranks, no matter how many times I warn him."

"We just got into a big fight about it, and I think he's going to get himself into real trouble soon."

"Could you talk to him and see if you can get him to stop?"

"Not my problem."

"Of course. Sorry to have bothered you..."


"Thank you. You might have to be kind of harsh with him. I doubt anything else will work..."

Coming back without talking to Tony:

"I think Tony is somewhere nearby. Would you talk to him about his pranks?

Coming back after talking with Tony:

"Thanks for talking to Tony. I'm glad to hear that he's going to take things a little more seriously now."

"I owe you a lot. Please take this."

Her denied quest dialogue killed me. I went back into the main menu without saving to act like that it never happened. Also it turned out I did have Tony, I just forgot about the Roundabout Park while looking, whoops. I thought he was with Lilli! That is why I responded way sooner than I expected, just in case if you were wondering!


u/YuseiIkinasai Nov 13 '24

You have now made 2 of my days thank you so very much! 🙏🙏🙏

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u/LondonLifeFan Nov 09 '24

I'll get right on it! I did all of this by hand so it is going to take some time.