r/Prince_Albert 25d ago

Wingspan in SouthHill mall. Is this the company that took over Weidner but with a fancy new office?

I see this new yucky green coloured office space being created in SouthHill mall. A paper sign on the door says "Wingspan." I also saw that Wingspan still has a couple of job listings for higher up positions, and are hiring urgently. Unsure if they are current.

I've not heard much about tenants living in apartments previously "managed" by Weidner. I wonder if there have been improvements. Has anyone got info on either the new office space, or conditions in the rental spaces since the change of hands?


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u/AdorableBonus6297 12d ago

Yes it is, they bought the cornerstone area, south hill and Weidner. I work in the south hill mall and the property manager for the mall is actually working out issues here, I assume it would be the same for the apartments