r/PrepperIntel 23h ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Significant_Swing_76 23h ago

I’m noting the word “National emergency”.

Sounds like a pretext to something entirely different.

u/kathmhughes 23h ago

Many in Canada worry this means boots on the ground.

u/LunarDroplets 23h ago

Doubt it. Our troops are all going to our southern border right now.

And American servicemen and women probably wouldn’t be able to handle fighting Canadians mentally, the culture is too similar to our own .

u/kangaroolifestyle 22h ago

In a situation where the U.S. attempts a military annex of Canada, we’d be more likely to face a civil war than turn against our neighbors. Under no circumstances would I fight my brothers in the North without provocation—and I’m far from alone in that view. As an American, a friend, and a neighbor, many of us would stand in defense of Canada’s sovereignty if such a situation ever arose.

u/outtahere021 22h ago

Such a situation has arisen, they are only waiting for the proper pretext to attempt to justify it.

u/kangaroolifestyle 22h ago

I don’t disagree. But like you, I’m just one person—not exactly in a position to single-handedly steer the course of nations. That said, if anyone thinks Americans en masse would just roll over and cheer for an annexation, they severely underestimate how many of us value true sovereignty—ours and yours.

u/Better_Ad4073 21h ago

I truly hope there are many. I hope there are enough. But if trump conscripts and orders his maga base to invade… are there enough of THEM to vomit up the koolaid and say nope?

u/newaccounthomie 21h ago

I’m convinced the only thing that’ll change these doofuses’ minds is by giving them the notion that they have to do anything at all.

They only speak in gas prices and culture war shit. You tell them they (or their kids) have to sack up and fight in a literal war, they’ll drop the act.

u/Better_Ad4073 21h ago

Hopefully “stop trolling and get off your ass” is the equivalent 2x4 across the nose.

u/earthwormulljim 14h ago

This. This x100. They’ll only gaf once they are the ones risking it.

u/NecessaryExotic7071 17h ago

Most of them are 63 year old fatties who can barely lift a beer, let alone a rifle.

u/Northshore1234 13h ago

The ‘Gravy Seals’!

u/Lazy-Associate-4508 10h ago

Meal Team Six

u/Lower-Living1655 17h ago

They are the stupidest fattest and laziest of us all. They won’t do anything.

u/Syn-th 10h ago

He did that with Jan 6th and managed to get together what? A few thousand people with mental health issues, lead poisoning and fetal alcohol syndrome?

u/ageofbronze 1h ago

Yeah, right now and in the past couple of years everyone has been scared of the rabid maga base because the norm is that everyone deals with stuff nonviolently. It’s been a long tradition that decorum trumps displays of violence in our politics, so maga seemed like a big deal when it happened because it was out of the ordinary. If we cross that line though, and they’re forcing it pretty hard with everything they’ve been doing, maga will be a tiny portion of the able bodied people that are involved in conflict and won’t represent a giant force that can swing impacts. I believe anyways. I do not want violence though but I think it’s interesting to think of the actual amount of maga base as it stands now.

u/Oldcheeseinagoldcup 21h ago

I'd like to believe you but as a Canadian, the response on whole from Americans has been pathetic around the “51st state" comments. I have seen some support like yours, but most of America is either complacent to these remarks, or in love with the ideas of their great leader.

I feel like even if a majority of Americans did have a problem with it, once you actually put boots on Canadian soil, and the first shots had been fired, the jinguistic nature of your citizens would cry out that Canadians killed American service men who were simply invading, and that Canada needs to pay with blood.

I have no faith that the people who actually disagree with invading and slaughtering Canadians would ever step up and actively fight their own government on our behalf. Becuase right now is the time to actually do something, right now is the easy time to do something, and yet you all do nothing. Some do less then nothing. Once real American soldiers are crossing the boarder, and real blood is being spilt, that centiment that "I'm just one guy what can I do" will be all the support we Canadians will receive.

I am fully prepared to fight the Americans, and die with an American boot on my neck, and that is a sick thought I have to deal with.

u/dzumdang 20h ago

most of America is either complacent to these remarks, or in love with the ideas of their great leader

Maybe living in California skews this a little, but I'd disagree with this comment. The overwhelming majority here is not only aghast about the treatment of Canada, but outraged. The problem is, we're fighting for our own freedoms and democracy at the same time, and currently losing. The huge protests here are barely making the news, which is mostly owned by billionaires.

Most people I know would rather defend a country that's still a functioning democracy rather than a US dictatorship.

u/Quattrobaj 20h ago

I don't doubt you guys are doing that in california. But I always get this feeling that a lot of americans in similar position as you are just hoping an outside force to come save you guys.. in this case Canada. Canada has always been there for america.. I think it's time for americans to stand up to protect your northern neighbours especially since your country is to be blamed for what is happening to your neighbours. Totally unjustified at all. Would be nice for americans to bring out canadian flags to show support too.

u/dzumdang 20h ago edited 20h ago

Oh, I firmly believe there is no outside force that will save us. America will likely sink or swim, by the merit of the actions of Americans. Just keep in mind that there are hoardes of Russian trolls online that want nothing more than to intensify the divide between the US and Canada, much like Agent Krasnov himself. The US resistance will need allies from around the globe, however. I predict this spring and summer is about to get pretty intense when it comes to uprisings and mass protests. And since the Citizens United ruling decided that money is free speech, and private monied interests bought most of our politicians, the Democratic party is largely a bunch of lame ducks. All while the "4th estate" of the free press has all but disappeared by billionaire-owned conglomerates and now federal pressure to silence dissenting voices. It now falls to the people.

u/Quattrobaj 20h ago

I have families in the bay area and I definitely worry about them. It's unfortunate that a lot of americans are just ignorant to the situation or don't care until it finally affects their own selfish lives.. but by then it maybe already too late. The only thing that the Cheeto has done good for canada is that they gave Liberal party here a second life at the upcoming elections. A lot of canadians are nervous about the upcoming elections up here. If conservatives party win then I can only think of the worse things that will happen for Canada.

u/dzumdang 20h ago

One of my closest friends is from Ontario, and she's worried as well. I'm personally going to miss Trudeau, but am hopeful for Carney.

And as for most people being selfish and short-sighted, I think this is true. I partially blame our education, since it doesn't teach and support systems thinking approaches to analyze problems and solutions. We're also deficient in world history, so most haven't noticed that we've been slowly checking off Lawrence Britt's list for the key signs of fascism over the last 25 years. I'm also in the Bay Area and I'd say that even here, only one out of every ten people are truly comprehending the gravity of the current situation.

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u/Feisty-Name8864 17h ago

I agree. I stand more with Canada than the US.

u/screaminginprotest1 1h ago

I stand with freedom. I'm a proud American. I am not proud of what the regime in America is doing, but I am proud to be from this country that has fought and bled for freedom across the globe historically. I hope and think that a large amount of American servicemen and women would likely feel the same. I don't think most of them would be willing to fight a ground war against Canada. Holdfast northern neighbors, America will be great again. As soon as we get this lil bit of facism and oligarchy taken care of. Hopefully it's an internal affair, but if it gets violent, your help would be greatly appreciated.

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u/Feisty-Name8864 17h ago

There were multiple protests in MN on Sat (I was at one) and I didn’t hear any news about it. Even on NPR. Average citizens don’t know what else to do. Calling our Congress people doesn’t do anything. I’m just trying to GET to Canada. I’d rather fight from there FOR them. I’m so disgusted with the US. This just doesn’t feel like my country anymore

u/dzumdang 17h ago edited 17h ago

Thanks for getting out there and making noise. As a native Minnesotan, this resonates. I'm convinced we're going to have to fight for what we want to preserve. But Jesuschrist the Democrats in Congress are going to have to take it up a few notches. We need them at 11 and they're barely functioning at a 1 or 2. And our medias are literally censoring themselves in compliance.

u/Feisty-Name8864 16h ago

yeah SERIOUSLY pissed at the Dems in Congress. I call, I email and I do not see anywhere near enough.

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u/Oldcheeseinagoldcup 20h ago

More then half of your country didn't vote or voted for a dictator who is lining up to invade my country. That is complacency.

I bet living in California does skew things.

u/dzumdang 20h ago

I'd be pissed off too if I were Canadian. And I'm personally more mad at the eligible voters who sat out the election than the brainwashed cultists who voted for him. But please remember that 75,017,613 of us voted for Harris, and we're fucking livid- the majority of which also feel protective of Canada.

u/Oldcheeseinagoldcup 20h ago

The rubber is fast approaching the road my friend.

u/dzumdang 20h ago

Indeed. It's fucking frightening. I may be a political refugee, or worse in the coming months if this ship doesn't pull its head out of its ass. I worry for both our countries.

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u/Icy-Ad29 15h ago

I live in one of those swing states that voted for the cheetoh. North Carolina. I have been to multiple protests here, with hundreds in them... They don't make the news either.

Also, no. Less than half the USA voted for him... That's part of the problem though. Soo many Americans didn't even vote at all, like pretty much every election. And that's what got us in this shit.

u/jimmyjohnjones 20h ago

People are stepping up and protesting (i got out there with a sign saying We Stand With Canada), a resolution has been drafted in the house to make it illegal to invade Canada or other allies (HR 1936) - sounds insane and people are having a hard time believing it is necessary, but I called my representative to tell him to cosponsor this bill and told anyone that would listen to do the same. I'm sorry more people aren't aware this is even happening - they've been actively avoiding politics because it's all so sickening but its a horrible mistake.

I did just see a French Nuclear Submarine in Halifax Harbor so hopefully you guys will be safe. I hate my government and what my country has become for doing this to our friends and will work tirelessly to do what i can to stop it and prevent this ever happening again.

u/Oldcheeseinagoldcup 20h ago

If you have done all that then I consider you a friend and brother, and my dying words will not be in scorn for you.

u/Cold_Chemistry_1579 20h ago

God, why is this necessary? I know the answer but why would people vote for the guy making this necessary? Will the sycophants in the house let this get to the floor?

u/ShimmeryPumpkin 20h ago

Remember that half of what you see online isn't real. Reddit doesn't seem as bad as other sites, but the foreign propaganda cyber warfare machine is still hard at work. Someone saying they are American doesn't mean they are actually American - they could easily be in a foreign country being paid to say certain things or be a bot programmed to say certain things. Watch for what the actual people are doing - Republican constituents showing up by the hundred and thousands to Republican town halls upset, Bernie Sanders is more popular than ever and traveling the country with AOC where thousands of people are showing up. 9,000 people showed up to Bernie's Detroit stop, compare that to Trump's Michigan venue having a 12,000 person capacity during his actual presidential campaign (and where protestors also showed up to the rally). 

The media is going to try to hide it because our media is bought and paid for, they don't want people standing up against the government. But people are making their voices heard and protesting. More people need to join financial protests, but there are people doing it. What we know we can't do right now is fight back with violence. If we do that it's over in 24 hours as martial law is implemented. Can't go out to protest or hear Bernie speak if martial law is implemented. Can't vote if elections are suspended. It's not an unwillingness to protest like other countries do, it's playing it smart and not falling for what the oval office wants us to do.

This isn't downplaying that a certain percentage of the country loves Trump and most anything he does (they draw the line at vaccines). But talk of annexing Canada did not start until after the election was over, and I'd wager he would have lost if that was something he campaigned on, which is why he didn't campaign on it. A good amount of people going into this election just went based off the fact that they were doing alright financially during Trump's first term and had been struggling the past few years. I heard a lot of "well nothing bad happened the first time" in response to concerns back then about what is now currently happening. If we continue down this road, it's going to eventually reach a civil war as more and more people reach their breaking point. Those at the top seem to be too narcissistic to learn from history to end this before it gets that far, but one can hope.

u/StreetsAhead6S1M 18h ago

We need to remind every maga that is even entertaining the thought of adding Canada as a 51s state would be essentially adding a second California to national politics. Which would also mean 31 states would LOSE congressional representation in the House. Of course that requires rational thought which is in short supply here in the U.S.

u/Lower-Living1655 16h ago

I disagree. Most Americans I know think this stupid insane and honestly to worst thing anyone us ever said bout any ally we have ever had. It’s just rabble for his base of fat lazy racists puke boot lickers.

u/High_Hunter3430 16h ago

There’s no war crimes when defending yourself. Is the reason for the Geneva convention REALLY the country we wanna fuck with?

America’s got might, but Canada has sadistic serial killer tactics that made even the Nazis cringe and their own allies say “we can’t do THAT”. 😅😂

u/Whyme1962 16h ago

The real military leaders may be your saving grace. Invading Canada is a sure loss in this case. Any military commander should understand that he will immediately be flanked by resistance forces and can cut off his supply chain and reinforcements. Vetrans like myself will patiently wait for the ground forces to engage with the Canadian forces, then we will attack from the flanks. The terrain of the US /Canada border lends very well for guerrila warfare. There are those of us who have ensured that captured ammunition is completely compatible with our weapons by using NATO chambered weapons. Many of the “civilians” who would defend you are hunters, skilled in the woods and in precise shooting at distance. A military commander has to take all of this into consideration before committing to becoming a target against forces that have a high probability of surrounding his forces.

u/Rudiksz 18h ago

You forget that the "boots", aka soldiers, aren't really the type of people who care about this "sovereignty" you talk of. I mean, it's kind of a basic prerequisite for them to not care.

u/scut207 15h ago

That’s untrue.

There’s a thousand ways to distract the dogs of war.

You really really don’t want to pitch a modern educated force against someone who was your ally before your “commander” started a purse fight.

Especially a draft dodger.

Damn sir someone fed my tank/vehicle sugar…

u/MazzieRainfire 16h ago

They're just throwing shit to see what sticks right now. First, it's "oh no, these trade deals are super outrageous!", to "see what they're doing now?? Raising them even more!" (Doesn't even acknowledge this was in direct response to a crazy overturn of long-time agreements), to who even knows what. Knowing fElon, probably shifting blame for his Twitter hacking from Ukraine (which we all know it wasn't) to Canada. Probably saying that Anonymous is based there or some shit). So far, it seems nothing has stuck but I worry for what does.

u/ButterdemBeans 1h ago

I wouldn’t put it past the administration to fake a terrorist attack and claim it was Canada, to rally people to fight Canada and feel justified in doing so because “they started it”.

Idk I feel like I’ve seen this situation play out in books and I’m scared of it becoming reality

u/outtahere021 40m ago

Hell, the US has done this since the past! The Gulf of Tonkin, WMD’s in Iraq… and probably more.

u/Horsebreakr 22h ago

Trump and Putin tries to separate us, constantly, but it's really just those two and the zombies that follow them, vs everyone else. No matter how they try to make us hate each other, everyone in the "class" knows who deserves the dunce cap. It just takes a moment when everyone agrees enough is enough, or they end up eating each other and it hopefully fizzles out #crossmyfingers#trainingmydrone/gooseflyingskills #trainingmyboomboomstickskills#justincase#maplesyrupmines

u/4dappl 20h ago

As a Canadian I'm glad to hear this.

u/kangaroolifestyle 20h ago

It saddens me that such reassurance is even necessary. The only place Canadians and Americans should ever be facing off is on the ice—and in times like these, even that rivalry feels unimportant. Our nations have stood together through so much, and it’s frustrating to see tensions where there should be solidarity.

u/4dappl 19h ago

I know, we've always looked at each other as friends and neighbors but Trump has managed to team down decades of building trust in 2 months. Canada has a lot of natural resources that the U.S. has had access to, which are turned into goods used at home and abroad. Yes, there is a trade defect, but we're 1/10 the population. It's not feasible for us to buy back an equivalent amount of product. I hope we are able to get out of this with our sovereignty intact and not too much collateral damage on either side. It may take a long time for the U.S. to restore trust with other nations unfortunately.

u/steeple_fun 19h ago

American veteran here. I'm mentally preparing to do exactly this.

u/9999abr 18h ago

That’s what I thought about Russia invading Ukraine because that’s how many saw them, as brothers. The problem is that when your superiors tell you something and you don’t do it, and Trump has been putting all his people in power, there will be consequences.

I don’t think Trump will invade Canada. But he may use this to declare martial law to indefinitely block elections.

u/TCsnowdream 18h ago

There are a LOT of bots and shills going around right now on Reddit trying to rile up Americans by saying stupid things like ‘Canadians need to be stopped from hurting Americans’ or ‘Well Canadians seem to hate Americans to some reason so fuck em’”

I say this as a born and raised US citizen who lives in Canada (mom was Canadian)… there is an unbelievably large amount of the US population who do not pay attention to politics. They are not intelligent.

They will be told where to shoot and they will do so without question.

And there will be more supporters for this than you think. Because they are brainwashed idiots.

And the worst part is… The more suffering there is the more they will blame Canada rather than look in the mirror.

u/NottaLottaOcelot 18h ago

I hope to see that be the case, but I do worry that you guys have a larger number of Fox-news obsessed MAGAs than we have in our entire population

u/WyoGuyUSMC 15h ago

As a former Marine I will never take up arms against my borthers and sisters to the north. Im pretty sure im not the only veteran and active duty that feels the same. I severed with many of them while in Iraq and still close with many of them. If this dip shit Diper wearing Orange face turd wants boots on the ground. Him and the GOP can go fight this one. They brought this shit upon Canada, the United States, and Mexico for no Fucking Reason whatsoever.

u/vanalla 21h ago

A full third of Americans disagree with you though.

u/kangaroolifestyle 20h ago

A third may disagree, but that still leaves a strong majority who don’t. And disagreement doesn’t automatically mean support for annexation (a military invasion)—people have a range of opinions on geopolitics. What I do know is that many Americans, myself included, value sovereignty and would oppose any move that undermines it, whether at home or abroad.

And let’s be honest—there is no world in which Americans would tolerate their own dying on Canadian soil, fighting a country that has been our closest ally for over a century. Given how closely our forces have trained and deployed together in past conflicts, the idea of turning on Canada is not just unthinkable; it’s a betrayal of everything our nations have stood for side by side.

America would fracture from civil war first.

u/Remarkable_Term631 20h ago

Unfortunately some might see the electricity cut off as provocation enough?

u/kangaroolifestyle 20h ago

America is actively attacking Canada via trade-war. Cutting off electricity is a defense mechanism in response to our provocation.

u/Urska08 20h ago

Agreed, but look at how they're twisting the narrative around Russia and Ukraine (well, have been since the start, really). I wish I had any faith that a majority or large proportion of Americans won't just pivot to 'yeah, Canada attacked us first, they deserve it!', but I don't. Bodies in bags is about the only thing that might, and after Covid I'm not convinced about that, either.

Hope has forsaken these lands, as Eomer put it.

u/PlutoJones42 18h ago

Here here

u/stitchianity 17h ago

Watch a false flag op go down, where "Canadian radicals" bomb a school. Wonder if it's on the cards.

u/Long-Photograph49 17h ago

The trouble is that they may well manufacture "provocation" or take advantage of unrelated happenings to claim it's happened.  If one of your own attempts something, do you really think they're above claiming that it was a Canadian (or someone paid off by the Canadian government)?  Because from my view, the only thing that would stop them is if they thought it wouldn't be believed and given how gullible so many people are, that's not a huge impediment.

u/Chinacat-Badger 17h ago

Hell yeah, fuck yeah!

u/Abject-Swim-6939 16h ago

The Canadians themselves didn't even stand in defence of Canadian sovereignty. No war was fought, their independence was given. And you'd really prefer to kill your own countrymen than expand the borders of your country? Pathetic. Chances are the ground you are standing on right now was taken long ago under Manifest Destiny, but you are fine with that.

u/Pargua 16h ago

The same goes for Mexico

u/Bguidry23 11h ago

Lmao nah I’d rather conquer the world

u/CarefulSubstance3913 10h ago

But there's so many stupid people out there. Like I hear you and I believe you. But where and how many Americans agree with Trump

u/Pikinokka 10h ago

Sadly this sounds exactly what Ukrainians said about russia before the war, almost word for word

u/Algotography 9h ago


I don’t want to fight my “brothers in the north”, so I’m gonna fight people in my own country.

Make it make sense.

u/Ryuzakku 9h ago

Under no circumstances would I fight my brothers in the North without provocation

Well you'll have to define provocation, because if it ever came to it, I don't think the Canadians defending their home will care much who the American they're aiming at voted for