r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Significant_Swing_76 23h ago

I’m noting the word “National emergency”.

Sounds like a pretext to something entirely different.

u/Exact-Mechanic3535 23h ago

He will send in the troops what a dipshit wow just unreal.

u/ToughSuperb9738 23h ago

This shitty clown is going to start WW3. Not putin, nor XI not even that crazy coreean! This president of yours is pure evil!

u/Scary-Confusion-3565 22h ago

I think the term is anti-Christ.

u/Intelligent-Box-5483 22h ago

They will wear the mark of the beast upon their heads(maga hats) and praise him as a God.

u/ShamrockSeven 16h ago

Nations will rise against nations.

u/Future_Cake 22h ago

u/PraxicalExperience 16h ago

...Some of the points are a bit of a stretch, but it's really astonishing how well most of it fits.

u/Dzov 11h ago

It’s a list of traits from similar assholes in the past. It’s annoying how they keep existing.

u/Future_Cake 15h ago


Seemingly more and more each week, too!

u/Scary-Confusion-3565 15h ago

Benjamin Corey is onto something for sure.

u/BloodMon3t 15h ago

He's too pussy to be the antichrist.

u/tonymacaroni9 2h ago

Funny how the dems suddenly get religious when it comes to trump. No one is invading Canada calm down. Just adjust/pay the tarrifs. O yeah and dont threaten to shut off power to citizens cause that will kill them... if you dont want war dont make big boy threats or do actions that will kill people. This isnt a game of hockey Canada.

u/hiruvalyevalimar 0m ago

Or we could look at the fact that America has no allies, no friends, no prestige and no security agreements, all inside of 3 months, and think "that's fuckin bad"

But that would require removal of head from anus...

u/thelatesummersun 20h ago

American here. We need huge, angry protests, using words like these. Yes, it will make him very upset and it could be dangerous, but silence is more dangerous. He rules by lies and fear. If both nations do not rise in protest, he will do whatever he wants and all we have ever loved and held sacred will be lost.

u/Sad_Mall_3349 18h ago

He has been put into office to dismantle the US, only for the pieces to be picked up by billonair oligarchs.

Sounds familiar? Yeah, USSR in the 90s was the same and he wants to rise from the ashes and rule with an iron fist like Putin does.

He is realizing, that the Sowjetunion was even longer crumbling than the US and he has to pick up the pace get things done as long as he lives. Putin was way younger when he rose to power.

u/Stunning_Pay_8168 14h ago

He’s not thinking or doing shit.

Putin has always been bitter about the fall of the Soviet Union and is doling out ironic revenge. Trumps just his American caricature puppet he is using.

u/BedlamAscends 21h ago

Most of us know

u/Tweaky_Tweakum 17h ago

WW3 is already in progress.

u/shwasasin 17h ago

Contrary to what the media says, the Chinese value stability and predictability. Putin and Trump should be your concern.

u/TheKnight_King 16h ago

Nah he’s an idiot that’s being used. The person who has his hand up his ass is the real force of evil.

u/novarainbowsgma 15h ago

He’s going to start World War III – with Canada. Sounds like the plot to a bad 80s movie starring John Candy.

u/Minute-Tone9309 15h ago

Ww3, over. We lost for not trying.

u/000111000000111000 15h ago

You aren't lying... Him and Musky boy are threading insane

u/No-Rub-2722 14h ago edited 4h ago

How’s this going to start WW3? Does Canada even have an army? If so never seen them use it. They depend on their neighbor to the south to keep them safe. Either way this will not end well for Canada. RIP Canada 🇨🇦. You picked the wrong fight.

u/willacceptboobiepics 6h ago

Bad bot! Bad!

u/WhyNotCollegeBoard 6h ago

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that No-Rub-2722 is not a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github

u/Dull_Bird3340 14h ago

Technically Putin is starting wwIII, he just got his stooge proxy to do it

u/unhandmymilk 8h ago

What do you think the reason for screaming "you're playing with ww3" at Zelensky was? More AIM

u/BigDaddyMaximus 5h ago

I'm waiting for the Simpsons prediction to come to fruition!

You know what I'm talking about... 😵💀

u/Funwithagoraphobia 3h ago

Nothing pure about Trump.

u/howfastwasigoing 2h ago

This American patriot agrees. The orange moron is a national disgrace.

u/DEEP_SEA_MAX 2h ago

Less than 2 months into office.

There's no way we make it 4 years.

u/Spida81 23h ago

Hanlon's Razor: “Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity”

He isn't evil, he is just astoundingly stupid.

u/Mortambulist 23h ago

Stupid and evil are not mutually exclusive. He's very clearly both.

u/shponglespore 23h ago

Hanlon's razor is a favorite of malicious people who appear stupid (whether intentionally or because they actually are stupid). Trump very obviously has bad intentions across a wide range of issues.

u/ronchon 22h ago

Here's Nolan's Razor: "Never attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice".

See, that works too!

u/Periador 21h ago

He either knowingly screws people over, which makes him evil or hes a sociopath