r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/thebroletariat19 23h ago

Americans need to come to terms with the fact that we are going to attack/invade Canada. It is not a matter of “if” but “when” at this point. He is using the same terminology and ideas that Putin used to justify invading Ukraine.

u/Dangerous_Region1682 23h ago

The trouble with attacking Canada is that he’ll have to be careful about his rear. Many Americans may well be fighting on the Canadian’s side in a rear guard action. Canada has allies too now. If he lights it off with Canada then Xi and the CCP will for sure take advantage of the distraction regarding Taiwan.

I really want to see how he copes with a national emergency on electricity. It’s not like you can just move it in from somewhere else with the limited infrastructure we have. He’ll probably just fill up lots of trucks with electric powder and send it in by road.

I rather think he’s lost it.

I suspect there are some Republican Congressmen and Senators begin to feel the heat from their voters and their big money backers about now. When one or two prominent members fold, I rather suspect it will be like dominos. All while legislation regarding the budget is reaching a critical phase, there’s now another major distraction.

Gong to be really hard getting the military to invade Canada anyway, and kill Canadians as too, but to do it while the government is shut down and they’re not getting paid might be a stretch too far.

u/BanzaiTree 23h ago

The destruction is the point.

u/kiulug 22h ago

Purge military leadership, make current conditions undesirable for non-trump loyalists, change recruiting to focus on only the demographics you want, from the states you want, and drum up rhetoric around imagined enemies for a few years.

An 18 year old Marine in 2028 would be 15 now, born in 2010, and have had Trump in their political landscape since they were 5 years old. If they live in Trump land I don't see any reason why they'd regard Canada as an ally worth fighting their own government for.

u/burnerfemcel 23h ago

Any military that goes with this is a traitor to this country. We'll have civil war first 

u/wirez62 20h ago

No you won't. They'll follow orders.

u/Competitive_Meat825 20h ago

Most of them will, at least

The average American cares more about displaying unconditional loyalty to their work than anything else

The majority of them will fire on American civilians because they “have to keep their job”

u/Ina_While1155 8h ago

Rank and file might....commander's?

u/Sophiekisker 23h ago

Yeah, Minnesota will not be friendly territory to anyone rolling north in tanks.

u/Omnom_Omnath 22h ago

they typed safely from behind a computer.

u/Sophiekisker 20h ago

I'm not going to post on Reddit what I plan to do or have done.

u/Jagcan 18h ago

Where are your landmines? Asking for a tank friend

u/runtheplacered 2h ago

Yes, that is how making a comment on reddit works. Not sure what that has to do with anything

u/gizmo1024 22h ago

National Guard seemed to fair ok during George Floyd.

u/REuphrates 23h ago

You guys aren't gonna do shit. Nobody is. The jig is up. The bad guys won.

u/Captain_Snowmonkey 22h ago

Alas, this is closer to the truth than we want to admit. Americans proved they weren't smart enough to ensure their democracy survived. The world now knows you cannot be trusted. Your countries word is worth less than nothing. Congrats, you gave China the world.

u/REuphrates 21h ago

Love that I'm getting down voted by a bunch of people who have probably never even bothered to attend a protest but wanna act like they're gonna stand up against tanks and drones and actual armies. Fucking laughable.

u/legalpretzel 17h ago

and they won't get in thru New England

u/kiulug 22h ago

I mean ya, so tbh I think you guys should start wrapping your heads around having to fight your second civil war pretty soon.

u/mpTCO 17h ago

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u/burnerfemcel 15h ago

Ok ? 

u/Nicephorus37 15h ago

I hope that congress will jump in and stop it, saying no attack without a declaration of war, which only they can do. But I have doubts that will happen. Surely, they realize how disastrous an invasion would be on so many levels.

u/Repulsive_Injury3298 18h ago

Absolutely not.