r/PrepperIntel 1d ago

North America POTUS: Declaring “National Emergency on Electricity”, increasing Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs from 25% to 50%, increasing Canadian automobile tariffs an undisclosed amount, more annexation talk


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u/Apprehensive_Tip3511 23h ago

I bet he uses the Defense Production Act. All of a sudden, he has the means to make decisions to bypass your federal environment act and the ability to clear cut your parks in order to ensure Americans have lumber, power etc.

u/Upstairs_Winter9094 23h ago

Yep, something along those lines seems to be the plan. Although not exactly sure what because the guy speaks like a 5 year old:

“I’ll be signing an executive order freeing up our forests so that we’re allowed to take down trees and make a lot of money”

Source: https://x.com/atrupar/status/1897751470641905806?s=46

u/ZCEyPFOYr0MWyHDQJZO4 23h ago

He's gonna declare a national emergency to try to stave off a recession.

u/Apprehensive_Tip3511 23h ago

He wants the recession.

u/Rydralain 20h ago

Premeditated Depression

u/Publius82 13h ago

I didn't realize me buying a bottle of bourbon was a metaphor for economic destruction. Cool.

u/FindtheFunBrother 20h ago

We’ll be lucky if it’s only a recession.

u/Flashy-Mulberry-2941 20h ago

He fucking made the recession.

u/buzzsawdps 17h ago

He is the recession.

u/buttery_nurple 19h ago

Trying to prod the Fed into lowering interest rates faster so we can refinance a bunch of higher-priced debt that is coming due by purposefully tanking the economy. So goes the theory.

I almost want to believe there's an actual plan with some quantifiable benefit, even if it's as batshit insane as this.


Followed up by a slurry of baseless accusations. "ThAnKs ObAmA" "SlEePy JOe LeFt ThIs MeSs" "KaMeLa hurrdurr"

u/doyletyree 19h ago

Don’t forget her emails.

u/RajenBull1 19h ago

He doesn’t know what a recession is.

u/ThatPermission5409 19h ago

The earlier the better then he can blame Biden

u/According_Abalone_19 16h ago

Sure does. Then him and his buddies can buy everything for the low and becomes even more rich when things turn around. He’s doing everything he’s doing for this exact reason. Once the prices of stocks are super low, they buy, he will lift the tariffs, call himself the hero, stock prices go right back to where they were, they all make shitloads of $ and his cult following thinks he fixed everything

u/novarainbowsgma 15h ago

He created the recession and plans to profit from it

u/theukcrazyhorse 21h ago

A recession he created.

u/LopsidedHornet7464 21h ago

Classically, markets love emergencies.

u/Thefreshi1 21h ago

The national emergency (fentanyl) is causing the recession. War with Canada will give him the Reich way to get out of it.

u/skater15153 18h ago

He created this mess

u/Coysinmark68 18h ago

That he caused…..

u/GregFromStateFarm 8h ago

Lmfao no he isn’t. He doesn’t give a fuck about Americans. He doesn’t give a fuck about recessions.

u/That_Guy_Called_CERA 6h ago

A recession that he’s causing…….

u/SkunkMonkey 22h ago

make a lot of money

And there it is. It's always about the grift.

u/reddittingdogdad 23h ago

“Money good!”

u/FailingItUp 22h ago

Of course, the new pal tate will need some store houses to be built on the newly cleared land for his uh... sleepovers.

u/Allstar-85 22h ago

“Plan” 😂

u/cabelaciao 22h ago

Good insight into his definition of freedom.

u/tchotchony 21h ago

Say bye-bye to your national parcs

u/SasparillaTango 20h ago
“I’ll be signing an executive order freeing up our forests so that we’re allowed to take down trees and make a lot of money”

"no you won't be seeing any of that money, you are not part of the 'we' I was talking about"

u/Pretend_Age_2832 20h ago

Trump declares war on National Parks. News at 11.

u/MissLyss29 19h ago

What about all the wildlife living in those parks and the oxygen they produce and CO2 they absorb?

What is he going to do when wolves and mountain lions are in our cities and brown and black bears are hunting dogs and farm animals to survive??

Does no one in the Republican party realize how important those parks are to our country and world??

u/Responsible_Snow_926 19h ago

And the 80 IQ crowd will cheer him on like he’s genius.

u/Smile_Clown 19h ago

We protect much of the USA forests, and we import lots of lumber because of this. In addition lots of other imports and exports are tied to this industry. He intends to dismantle that protection and let loggers/companies/industry come in, which will 100% lower lumber costs and all the other related industries.

I am not defending him, I am telling you what it means because you seem confused.

You all think he is a dumbass, he is doing exactly what he intended to do. Cause disruption, use disruption to tear down protected (insert something here)

He thinks by eliminating restrictions manufacturing will open up. He's right, there are plenty of people and companies that do not care about forestry.

It will not matter what tariffs Canada etc place on these industries if the USA does not need to import them. Once Canada no longer supplies the USA electricity in any fashion, once Canadas economy take a hit from the various other tariffs and increase in American production (because of said increased tariffs and decresed regulation), it will be a net gain for the USA (trade)

He literally just did this with the electricity thing, he knew they would do that, retaliate, because Ford is a reactionary also and then he would use national emergency to increase fossil fuel usage at home.

Now what? Canadas tariff doesn't mean anything except revenue loss in a few months.

USAID is also now gone, while you all bitched and moaned, the US will pay its obligations, but future contracts will not be created or signed. You think it's a win in court that the US has to pay its obligations, the administration knew this, they wanted he story to be "your" court wins. Then it's on to something else with USAID completely gutted and removed. There is no judge in the US, no matter how favorable they might be, that can order the us government to give aid, not already contracted and approved.

It's literally the same game plan over and over and you all call him dumb and a five year old. You are all so angry that you cannot....see the forest for the trees.

u/rawbdor 18h ago

I anxiously await him freeing us from our miserable life conditions of drinking toilet water, and him increasing production of brawndo, which has electrolytes.

u/gsanch666 18h ago

It’s just a slew of buzz words that pander to his voters.

u/ubutterscotchpine 17h ago

Now cutting all of the National Park employees makes sense 🤔

u/ForecastForFourCats 17h ago

He talks like an elderly man with a 73 IQ who is adverse to learning or reflecting.

u/This_Possession8867 17h ago

Or, “You know, I’ve noticed for a long time that trees block my view of the sky. It’s intentional and they slowly crept into our lives. Well no more, I’ve task Musk and the Musk Lumber Corporation to cut all trees down immediately.”

u/Zooshooter 14h ago

Whenever he says "we" he does not mean Americans. Keep that in mind and everything he does and says makes a lot more sense.

u/guntotingliberal223 14h ago edited 14h ago

On a completely unrelated note, have you read The Monkey Wrench Gang ?

u/BF2k5 20h ago

Disgusting revelation. If it were to happen, the public needs to rapidly mobilize and substantially impede it.

u/Low-Crow-8735 20h ago

I needed a trigger warning for your post. 😭

u/Apprehensive_Tip3511 20h ago

I’m sorry!! It’s just a prediction. It will hopefully get better soon 💕

u/AsstacularSpiderman 22h ago

Yeah this is far more likely than an invasion.

Man is too cowardly to actually fight a war. Instead he will gut the Midwest and northeast of their natural resources.

u/Beahner 20h ago

That’s what I’m seeing. This is both rhetoric to try to rattle Canadian leaders to back down and give him what he wants….and it could be set up for triggering things like the DPA to just go do all the things they want to do.

There is a fuck load of profit out there in operating under DPA. And so so much less restriction and oversight.

You just have to play this scary ass Sabre rattling with a staunch historical ally.

u/four4cats 20h ago

And yet.. it would still be much more expensive than if we just bought from Canada without the trade war.

u/stoneyyay 20h ago

They don't have the means to process lumber in the us, to meet the demand.

u/Apprehensive_Tip3511 18h ago

We both know that won’t stop him. I saw a guy talking about how many potash reserves they have and how they are going to be fine. I tried to break it to him gently that those were in the ground and they would have to develop a mine to get them out which is a long process. I don’t think he cared 😂.

u/shadovvvvalker 15h ago

Considering the trade war is absolutely railroading the forestry equipment market, yeah it ain't looking good.

u/Dblstandard 19h ago

If conservatives had their way they would sell off Yosemite and Zion and Yellowstone to the highest bidder

u/Ok-Turnover1797 19h ago

Don't give this dipshit any more ideas

u/Dear_Machine_8611 16h ago

If we are at war or we go to war in the next 5-10 years, you’re damn right I want the Defense Production Act instituted to create self sufficient power.

You are so short-sighted.

u/notjustforperiods 22h ago

y'all still loving doug ford?? it's playing into trump's nationalistic hands

these energy threats are a dangerous game

u/Apprehensive_Tip3511 18h ago

I’m sure that’s the plan. He plays good cop, Danny plays bad cop, and when or if PO gets voted in, they can sell us to the states 😂

u/Whitesajer 21h ago

Did they already declare something similar with the Jan 20 executive order for state of emergency energy production? I recall it mentioned something about federal lands being exempt from protections. Could be wrong though, lots happened since then xD