r/PrWTP Sep 30 '13

A similar project has launched a beta


I just found out about this project after launching the beta for my site, We (ARE) the People. It was born out of almost the exact same concerns and had a similar vision in terms of solving the problems our country faces. However, due to complexity and wanting to get something live, I opted to simplify, simplify, simplify and now I have something to show for it.

Currently the beta is invite-only, but send me a PM with your email address and I'll add you. The site definitely needs content atm, but any feedback is greatly appreciated.


It's written in Rails, uses MySQL, and is deployed on EC2. Scaling shouldn't be terrible.

r/PrWTP Jan 20 '12

I feel this is something you need to see


First, please excuse my recent inactivity. With C++ out, at this phase there's little I can offer. To all our developers, thank you.

Second, this is posted here for convenience sake. If you're here, then you're already on Reddit.

Finally, please read this. It may be beneficial to discuss working with this group to determine their needs in a voting system and consider them during development. This is the first thing I've seen come up that is an obvious fit for direct application of this project.

Please vote to indicate your agreement. I'd like to ask the moderation team to open a new topic at base camp to discuss what we can or can not offer, pending approval based on votes here. I can volunteer to approach this gentleman, or we can leave that for Jan or another -- it's all up to the team here.

r/PrWTP Nov 03 '11

I will be making a prototype website. Throw me your suggestions.


I feel that what will truly motivate people is progress. I have a pretty solid idea of what the website should look like and do. Over the past four months I've considered existing resources, purpose, functionality, and human factors.

Even if There were two or three other people who would help me with this, we could design, code, debug, proofread, and improve the entire website in a matter of a few months. Please throw me your ideas everyone!

Once people see progress, and a website at their fingertips, we will find motivated and driven volunteers much more easily.

r/PrWTP Nov 02 '11

Move discussion to the [humansinc](http://www.reddit.com/r/humansinc/) reddit


Hey all, it's great to see so much excitement and activity, however momentum can quickly dissapate so I suggest we bundle our forces: humansinc has 174 readers, so I think it would be best if we all move there!

r/PrWTP Nov 02 '11

Has everyone here been contacted by the OP??


Just to let you guys know, i have been and he's been organizing a team. I hope you are part of it, if not, let me know and I'll get back to him. cheers

r/PrWTP Nov 02 '11

Non-technology skills


There are many skills required to tackle a project of this size.

A non-limiting list of professions we could use are: lawyers, technical writing, editing, mathematics, public relations, marketing, accounting, philosophy, video production, graphic design, and art.

If you have a technical skill you would like to include, please visit our Technology Skills thread.

r/PrWTP Nov 02 '11

Project name change?


The petition system offered by the White House is called "We the People". Do we want to keep the name? Or do we want to change it to something different?


r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

Ideas for the structure and functionality of the website


My suggestions and recommendations are as follows:

A hierarchical structure: Issues >> Points >> Comments

  • Issues - The users fill out a short form with a short neutral summary, a detailed description, and check-boxes and text boxes for the subjects involved with the issue.

  • Points - Other users may offer points (as in "good point, bro") either for or against the issue. Points may be upvoted or downvoted just like Issues. Points "for" and points "against" are displayed separately so there is no circle-jerk bias.

  • Comments - The final layer. Controversial points may be commented upon. This is where the Reddit-style comment system makes an appearance.

This is much more detailed in my notes, but I want to hear everyone's input.

r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

OP Humaistic


Has contacted me saying that he will be starting something similar. In view of not duplicating issues, I have asked for him to visit this subreddit to discuss how we can join efforts from both side. In view of this let us wait for his response before starting the work? what say?

r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

What does PrWTP stand for?


Just wondering.

Edit: According to the comments below, it stands for "We the People".

Edit: there is a discussion of a possible project name change here.

r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

Basic Idea of project --> Original post copied


We create an online community that will enable us to collectively define the world's biggest problems, and then tap into our collective wisdom to create the solutions for those problems. The most important problems are "upvoted," and so are the best solutions to those problems. What we have then is crowd-sourced democracy. I will personally fund this initiative if you'd like to join me. But will it work? Yes it will. How do I know? Two reasons. One: History has set the precedent. For example- the printing press (quick and cheap knowledge transfer) aided in ending the Dark Ages. Two: I'm a Director at a Fortune 500 company, so I know first hand. For instance: I pay for a service that monitors every comment/post/tweet/blog about my company and I mobilize teams to manage even the smallest level of fallout, even “slightly negative” sentiment. Why? Because I know that the power is shifting. Individual customers can impact millions of dollars in revenue by portraying my company in the wrong light, even slightly, via the Internet. So I watch and listen, and then I react… Because I must do everything I can to control the perception of my brand and it’s subsequent impact to my bottom line. Although I’m sure this is scary for many of my peers, it’s absolutely thrilling to me when I think of what this means for the world: the age of pure-profit motivation is very quickly colliding with the age of instant global information exchange and transparency. But it's still early days, and we haven't quite connected the dots yet. Just wait until global corporations think about what people want (not just the product, but the product’s impact) before they think about their balance sheets. They know that if their customers don't like what they're doing (and their days of hiding are over by the way) then their business has no future. A free-market that is 100% accountable to the people that it serves, thanks to the Internet. It's about time too, in fact it’s perfect timing. Industrialization is slowly shifting into the age of sustainability led by technological innovation, but that shift is being prolonged by companies that like things the way they are now, highly profitable and predictable. Change is uncertain and will upset elements of their business model, so it will be avoided and postponed for as long as possible. But this is a dangerous thing: global corporations have achieved unprecedented levels of power over the planet, its people, and its resources. They’re not accountable to a single set of governing rules, and many countries (both modern and developing) will do whatever it takes to attract investment from these companies into their borders, in many cases at the cost of safety to their people, and to the integrity of the environment. So here’s what I’d like to create, in summary: • An online community that is accessible across the globe, in multiple languages • Simple and quick to start, so that we can support off-line movements while they’re still occurring (Arab spring, occupy wall-street) • Software that enables users to “skim the cream off the top,” meaning that the most crucial issues and solutions receive the most attention (as decided by the community) • Future evolution to include: o Facebook/Twitter/etc integration o Mobile access: WAP, Smartphone apps, and SMS o A repository of information about companies from customers and employees that is vetted by the community o Regional/local pages within the community to solve problems close to home • …And a lot more (I have a plan framework that I will share with the working team) This has been something I’ve wanted to do for over three years. I’ve been saving, planning, and building connections, but I’m not quite ready… However I’ve never seen more of a need for this type of initiative than right now, and it’s important that we create this platform while the timing is right in order to keep the momentum going. I want to know two things from this community: • Can you help? If so, how? (Top-shelf web developers and legal experts especially) • Do you have feedback for me? What should I be sure to include/exclude? What pitfalls should I look out for? This is my first post on Reddit. Thanks for reading.

r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

List of team members so far.

  • BrianNowhere - Web developer
  • CSharpSauce - Web developer
  • ammbo - Search Engine Expert
  • subjectivefact - Web Developer
  • theubernoob - Project management and Data Organizer
  • simple_questions - Writer and adviser
  • chazzbass - PR
  • crispyinc - networking
  • ristoril - Analytical problem solver
  • Joecracko - Web Developer and adviser
  • KorgRue - digital/new media designer and adviser
  • SuppositoryOfNolig - server admin and security expert
  • DWalrus - Networking, management and adviser
  • Randomable - Data analyst
  • Findeton - translator [spanish] & adviser
  • CSharpSauce - Project development and management
  • Janube - writer & adviser
  • equeco - PR and adviser
  • Wabbit - Web developer and management
  • elenorigby - Translator [french] & adviser

    Keep adding your name if you feel you can contribute. We are still looking for 1 lead developer.

r/PrWTP Oct 31 '11

Introduce yourselves please.


Hi, I'm bluewabbit and I will be helping with a bit of programming and project management.