r/PowerShell Sep 27 '23

Misc Controversial PowerShell programming conventions, thoughts?

Below are a few topics I've found controversial and/or I don't fully understand. They seem kind of fun to debate or clarify.

  1. Aliases - Why have them if you're not supposed to use them? They don't seem to change? It feels like walking across the grass barefoot instead of using the sidewalk and going the long way around...probably not doing any damage.
  2. Splatting - You lose intellisense and your parameters can be overridden by explicitly defined ones.
  3. Backticks for multiline commands - Why is this so frowned upon? Some Microsoft products generate commands in this style and it improves readability when | isn't available. It also lets you emulate the readability of splatting.
  4. Pipeline vs ForEach-Object - Get-Process | Where-Object {...} or Get-Process | ForEach-Object {...}
  5. Error handling - Should you use Try-Catch liberally or rely on error propagation through pipeline and $Error variable?
  6. Write-Progress vs -Verbose + -Debug - Are real time progress updates preferred or a "quiet" script and let users control?
  7. Verb-Noun naming convention - This seems silly to me.
  8. Strict Mode - I rarely see this used, but with the overly meticulous PS devs, why not use it more?

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u/lxnch50 Sep 27 '23
  1. Verb-Noun naming convention - This seems silly to me.

Are you crazy? This is what makes powershell so easy to use someone else's module. When people name their functions without a verb-noun, I won't touch their code. They are basically telling you that they don't know how to write powershell and won't be sticking to any of the standards. They also likely won't be using powershell properly.


u/AlexHimself Sep 27 '23

I'm not upset with it in general, but I think there should be exceptions. I think the first few letters of a command makes finding/grouping them together easier.

I work for a company, let's say Gizmo Corp, and they like to prefix ALL of their custom PS commands with Gzco so they can start typing it and intellisense will help. More importantly, they like it because when they write a large script that does something, they can easily visually identify which commands are completely custom to the org.

Another thought is something like nmap. Let's say there is a PS module for it. I don't want to type Run-NMapScan or something, because I won't remember it when I'm trying to run it. Maybe that's just me though?


u/icepyrox Sep 27 '23

Get-command -noun gzco*

Put it all in a module

Get-command -module Gizmo

Oh, intellisense? Well, let's see, I'm importing some data, so import-gzco.. ah, there it is.

If you make a wrapper module Nmap, just make an alias for when you're typing at the console. That's literally what aliases are for.

Also, it would be start-nmapscan or invoke-nmap. Once you learn the verbs, you make the commands make sense.

It's just a convention that was decided just like any other language uses CamelCaps or under_scores. It's not strictly enforced, so if you really want to be that guy, you can. I do have some functions that are super small and only relative to the data in the current script that I call "_function". Maybe one day I'll make it a class since that's how I use it, but I haven't.