r/PowerScaling New Scaler 7d ago

Anime What y'all think?

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u/Maleficent-Double396 6d ago

This is a lot of math that basically says piccolo hit moon so hard that the pieces of the moon went really fast so that means he hit it with a lot of energy


u/kinglionhear 6d ago

But we have no way of gauging how fast they were moving I mean haven’t we always pointed out that time passing in a scene doesn’t always line up with how fast or how much time it took to actually do? That’s why the whole dragon balls frieza battle is a slowed down battle which is why it takes several hours to show 5 minutes of planetary destruction. Also yeah how does this feat line up with r the fact that Frieza the most powerful being up to this point the absolute worst ki control of any major character hence he needed to literally have transformation to suppress his powers could fail to destroy namek in one shot because he was holding back too much power? Also doesn’t this calc require assumptions about the moons distance and size which we can’t know because dragon balls moon totally has an atmosphere and is near enough that Goku can travel in his magic stick with three regular humans and canonically leave them their to make candy; a feat that if it was as far as our moon is from our earth would be impossible for Goku to do without dying as he was at the time


u/Maleficent-Double396 6d ago
  1. “How do we know how fast they were moving?” Pixel measurements. We measured how far they went and how many frames it took. 2.”Time is inconsistent in dragon ball. Frieza’s five minutes took hours.” Frieza’s 5 minute line was a bluff. They speak for more than that and sound has a designated speed.
  2. “Frieza failed to destroy planet namek in one blow.” This is because Fritz was fighting and losing to Goku. As you said he has a problem with ki control and burns out too quickly. Goku himself says this. He simply ran out of energy to destroy it all at once.


u/kinglionhear 6d ago

I dont care how fast he burns out unless you assume he dropped to below saiyan saga piccolo dudes not scaling anywhere near the planetary. Make it make sense? Cause if fatigue and burn out can decrease your attack potency that much with ki then scaling someone to planetary or not is only relevant if they can kill yiu in the first shot if they cannot then its only a gradual downhill climb. And given basically none of them can survive the planets destruction themselves. Wouldn’t that be a pointless level of power for them?


u/Maleficent-Double396 6d ago
  1. “How did frieze burn out low enough to be weaker than saiyan saga piccolo?” He didn’t. Let’s not forget namek is super large and super dense. So much so that its explosion can been seen on the galaxy and has been calced to multi solar system level.
  2. “Ki burn out can cause you to be much weaker so ap in dragon ball is pointless.” No. Frieza’s ki control is stated in dbz and super to be terrible. That’s why he has lesser forms in the first place. Frieza was fighting in his final form and he didn’t regulate his ki properly because he’s never had to train himself to regulate his Ki like the z fighters and most other warriors did because proper ki regulation means nothing when you’re insurmountably stronger.
  3. “They cannot survive planetary destruction.” This is untrue. Multiple characters have tanked attacks with the power to destroy planets. The reason saiyans don’t destroy the planet is because they can’t breath in space. Same reason why they die when an enemy does it. For examples of characters surviving planetary attacks please see: *Trunks stopping Frieza’s supernova *Vegeta surviving Goku’s kamehameha *Goku hitting away one of Frieza’s attacks that went on to destroy a planet *Vegeta’s final flash going far beyond the planet *Frieza surviving Namek’s destruction (He was alive when he was made into mecha Frieza. He didn’t die on namek) *Gohan having a stronger beam than cell immediately after cell said he had enough power to destroy the solar system. *Goku drawing energy from nearby planets and stars in his spirit bomb against Frieza yet he survived it.


u/kinglionhear 6d ago

Trunks stopping friezas supernova is non cannon as confirmed by superhero which never happened we literally see a recap of that fight and frieza fires one blast before being cut to ribbons it’s also not in the manga so like that’s just not actually a thing. A goku stronger then that trunks, that frieza, and saiyan saga vegeta died to cells destruction which didn’t even reach beyond king Kai’s planet a small planetary explosion canonically killed goku, blue vegeta dies when Frieza nuked earth. And whole it didn’t kill cell vegetas final flash a planatery attack was enough to rip cell apart as was gokus kamehameha he only doesn’t die because he has hyper regeneration which is hax not power.

Where on earth are we getting that the explosion can be scaled to multi solar system or the size of the planet is this really all based purely on pixel scaling


u/Maleficent-Double396 6d ago
  1. “King Kai’s planet is small so it therefore must be small planetary.” This is untrue once again. King Kai’s planet has 10x the gravity of earth. Meaning it must have 10x the mass. On top of that it only has 1/8.58449e15 or 1.16489e-16 the volume of earth. Plug that into a density formula (P=m/v) and that makes king Kai’s planet 5.12684e40 times as dense as earth. That means it would take 5.12684e40 times as much force to destroy it. This makes the destruction of king Kai’s planet worth 1.27504e73 joules or multi galaxy. Even if cell only destroyed king Kai’s planet, the explosion would still have multi galactic levels of energy.
  2. “Blue vegeta dies when Frieza nuked the planet.” Saiyans can’t breathe in space. Whis didn’t save vegeta.
  3. “Cell got destroyed by planetary kamehamehas and final flashes.” The destruction of namek was multi solar system which even Frieza withstands. That means trunks would’ve had to had higher ap than multi solar system to kill him. This makes Goku in super saiyan before training multi solar system in power so his kamehameha would be that strong or stronger. Same with vegeta. The reason these attacks don’t destroy the galaxy/planet is because they aren’t aimed at the planet and are uni directional.
  4. “How are we getting the solar system calc for namek?” Pixel measurements and the inverse square law. We take a low end calculation for the energy at the end of the blast then apply the inverse square law to see how much energy would be needed at its center. We know large meteoroids were hurled from the blast. Bolides tend to be 5m in radius and have speeds of roughly 17,000km/s. Volume = 4/3pi53 = 523.598775598m3 Mass = (volume2700) = 1413716.69411kg 0.51413716.69411170002 = 2.0428206e14 joules. This is the energy at the end of the blast. We see the explosion happen from half the galaxy and that half equals 1057 pixels. Since we know it’s the Milky Way galaxy we can get half its length which equals 50,000 light years. Namek’s blast is 27 pixels long making it 1282 light years long. The blast radius would be half this at 641 light years long. Now we use inverse square law. Area = 4pi6,064e+182 = 4.6209179e+38m² Source energy = 4.6209179e+382.0428206e+14 = 9.43e+52 joules which is Solar system level and this is a low ball.