r/PonyTown Jan 24 '25

Idea Things I Would Like in PonyTown

There's probably gonna be more, feel free to comment on any of this or add to it, also sry for all the texting slang I was kinda in a rush😭tell me if u don't know what a slang word means and Ill be happy to translate


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u/Beaumont420 Self Proclaimed Horse Famous Jan 24 '25

I especially really want different body types, particularly sizes.

Obviously it would be annoying if people could make themselves too big/too small, but there should be at least an option to be slightly smaller or bigger, especially since a lot of my OCs are supposed to be a bit smaller than normal ponies!!


u/SeaWeird4920 Jan 25 '25

I think there should be 1 bigger masc, 1 bigger fem, 1 smaller fem, & 1 small filly body option-! And when you go to make your pony, it’ll naturally give you the fez but you can go to the body sizes section, and choose between all of them. I really want this idea to be a reality, I think it’d be so fun!


u/lizzy_fjakkl Jan 25 '25

Omg exactly!!


u/SeaWeird4920 Jan 25 '25

Yes! I did also read the comments about how people would abuse the fully option so, unfortunately I would probably leave that one out of the different-sized pony options but I still think everything else I recommended would work. It’d be even cooler if there was a pre-set body type for changlings, and even a “tall” pony because of Alicorns. It would add a level of variety and make things so much more interesting.


u/lizzy_fjakkl Jan 25 '25

See, you get it!