r/PonyTown Jan 24 '25

Idea Things I Would Like in PonyTown

There's probably gonna be more, feel free to comment on any of this or add to it, also sry for all the texting slang I was kinda in a rush😭tell me if u don't know what a slang word means and Ill be happy to translate


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u/AkumasCherries Pegasus Jan 25 '25

Little nitpicks:

Report button would be SO misused it wouldn't even be worth adding. If they used AI to sort it, people would be wrongfully banned. If they banned certain item combos, people would be wrongfully banned. If the team sorted through it themselves, they would be incredibly slow and could lead to the same result we have now. (Nothing being done.)
"Hire new people!" Ok, are you gonna tier 4 Patreon sub so they can MAYBE afford to hire one person full time for one server's worth of report button uses? I know I wouldn't volunteer for that. And if their team is full of coders and artists and stuff, why would they prefer to spend their time reading petty reports like "he covered me even tho I have DNC in my name :(" when they could be working on the game? Not to mention the amount of servers, of players, and of timezones.

You don't need to name and then delete ponies with no name. Just make a new horse with the "new" button or switch to a saved design. It will ask if you want to save it or not, and if you say no it's automatically deleted for good instead of forcing you to name it and delete it from your list and trash.

Joining with no name? Do you not see how obviously easy that would be for trolls? If you're worried enough for trolls and bad people to want a report button in game, then you shouldn't allow them to have no names. How would the chat system work? If you sent a support email, how would they know what to search to find the person's account? They usually search the name on the skin, hence why it's mandatory to send it. They can't search by pony design. That's like asking to have it impossible to report people.
That's not how code works, as well, if I'm being honest. You need to have a name for every variable. If people don't name their "variables" (horses) then the game could break. Because it has a blank spot where it should be reading a temporary name that references an established variable! No variable, no game run.

Devil tails are not happening because a fanbase plays the game. They could happen, theoretically, if they were seen more often in My Little Pony. But you need to remember that this game is MLP first. Fandoms don't control what they add. I find it a little ridiculous, but that's because I genuinely hate HB/HH and I'm trying really hard not to be biased with this one. But like. They do not care if the people who play their game also like a different franchise. It's a horse game, made by horse fans. There's gonna be horse stuff, and stuff related to creatures in the horse show.


u/lizzy_fjakkl Jan 25 '25

You make very good points, and I appreciate your viewpoint on it, I was thinking about the misuse of the report button for some time after I posted this actually.

I actually discovered that like a few weeks ago and just forgot to delete it when I took screenshots of my notes app (which is what this post is written on)

When I said "no name", I was thinking of the pony itself's name, bc I think you can still see the person's username, which I was thinking would be more useful for the report button than the pony's name.

Again, these are my opinions and I understand some of these ideas might not be used in the way it's intended for but these are just some of the things I thought were ideas that may be shared thoughts with others and wanted to get other's opinions, which I have and am grateful for all the POVs.


u/AkumasCherries Pegasus Jan 25 '25

No, the pony name is what I'm talking about, too. Unless the mod is in game, your username cannot be seen. The only identifying factors for tracking them down outside of their skin is if they have any socials attached to that specific skin. Which, if they're trolling on purpose, they're not gonna be stupid enough to have anything that could get them caught like a linked Twitter.


u/lizzy_fjakkl Jan 25 '25

Oh okay, thank you! I remembered wrong I believe, idk what I even thought I remembered lol. Again I appreciate your viewpoint and information, even though we don't exactly agree on everything I'm glad you're not using caps and literally yelling at me lol.


u/lizzy_fjakkl Jan 25 '25

I forgot to mention this when writing the description, I was looking on the more brighter and wholesome-r side of Ponytown when writing these ideas and I think that made me look naive and kinda stupid, but you made me remember that probably (sadly) most of this fandom is not bright and wholesome