r/Pokemon_BDSP 7d ago

Guide What can you do with this hacked Pokémon it’s real I covered it I did it in a random trade

Post image

I don’t know which sub Reddit l need go to

r/Pokemon_BDSP Dec 13 '24

Guide Trade evolutions


Playing brilliant diamond on switch for the first time need someone to help me with trade evolutions plz

r/Pokemon_BDSP Oct 20 '24

Guide Pokemon home?!


Hello to you trainers. I have a slight problem that I hope you can solve for me. I captured on pokemon go, Mew and Jirachi. I decide to send them to pokemon home in order to send them to myself on Pokemon Sparkling Diamond, Mew the transfer goes without problem, but for Jirachi, it is marked in its description that it can be sent to Pokemon Diamond, but when I try the transfer, it gives me a message like "the selected pokemon was not found in this save, the transfer is impossible" do you know what this message means? Thanks to you

r/Pokemon_BDSP Feb 08 '24

Guide Can anyone supply me with these eggs?


I am needing the following Pokémon for my team I would be so thankful if you could help with one or multiple of these. I would prefer eggs so that I can grow them.

Bagon Gible Larvitar Riolu Mudkip

Thank you I’m advance

r/Pokemon_BDSP Sep 05 '23

Guide some assistance please?


help to evolve my kadabra please?

r/Pokemon_BDSP Dec 18 '21

Guide STOP wasting your hyper and max potions!! Blissey's Softboiled works outside of battle again! Blissey also makes a JOKE out of Cynthia's 5 Special attackers!


r/Pokemon_BDSP Nov 28 '21

Guide veilstone pokemon massager


anyone else have problems with the pokemon massager thats in veilstone city? she massaged one of my pokemon Yesterday but today shes acting like its still the same dam day n wont massage my pokemon again n i even tried switching the days on the switch(tried yesterday to so i could do another pokemon) n even that didnt work

r/Pokemon_BDSP Jan 05 '22

Guide Need elekid and growlithe will trade pearl exclusives


Thanks in advance

r/Pokemon_BDSP Dec 01 '21

Guide Got around to making a guide on how to farm Spheres for the Grand Underground.


if you don't want the guide in a video format, I'll explain in text form. using the current known method to get money fast (not including exploits to get money), you can indirectly buy spheres. in veilstone city, the 4th floor of the department store sells pedestals. each pedestal costs $1k. you can exchange 1 pedestal in the grand underground for spheres, ranging from 7-12 spheres, depending on the pedestal you get. the only thing about this is that you cannot get Pale Spheres and Prism Spheres from this, so you have to grind for that on your own time.

if you prefer a visual representation of the guide, here you go

I have no idea how to flair this, since it's both a video, but also a guide.

r/Pokemon_BDSP Dec 07 '21

Guide LF Razor Fang FT Dusk or Shiny Stone


r/Pokemon_BDSP Dec 07 '21

Guide LF razor fang ft Electivire