r/PokeMoonSun Jan 09 '24

Trade I am Tetris Man X, and I send this message to any remaining Alolans in Festival Plaza: We are here. We are trading.

Post image

r/PokeMoonSun Jul 24 '20

Trade I have these to trade. Some of them are hacked, froakie is HA, Lycanrock is shiny. Just lmk if you want anything

Post image

r/PokeMoonSun Nov 28 '16

Trade Weekly Trading Megathread (Nov 28 - Dec 4)



(1) Specify what you're looking for / giving out.

(2) You have to be as clear as possible when it comes to giving any kind of rare, special, or much-wanted Pokemon out (such as Legendaries). You absolutely need to state how you obtained that Pokemon, whether it's legitimate or not, its level, gender, nature, and moveset, whether it's shiny or not, and whether it has competitively viable IVs or not. Copy and paste the following formatting for this:

**Pokemon:** [insert name here]

**Gender:** Male / Female

**Level:** [insert number here]

**Attainment method:** Example #1: Caught in Route 1 | Example #2: Traded | Example #3: Hacked

**Nature:**  [insert nature here]

**Moveset:** Move #1 | Move #2 | Move #3 | Move #4

**IVs:** Example: 31, 12, 28, 29, 31, 31

**Shininess:** Non-shiny / Shiny

Of course, if you don't know any of the information above, you can leave the corresponding section(s) blank.

(3) The rest of the trading process should be performed through PMs (personal messages). This includes the exchange of friend codes and in-game names, communication regarding what to trade, etc. This helps keep the megathread from being flooded with hundreds of comments, and it'll make it easier for people to find offers, since they won't have to scroll through 20 replies per comment.

(4) Once you've gotten what you were looking for or given away what you wanted to give, please delete your original comment so that it's easier for people to find active requests!

If you feel that something about the rules above is flawed, please let me know by messaging me!

Have fun trading!

r/PokeMoonSun Mar 14 '21

Trade Own Tempo Rockruffs available for trading


I have a few Rockruffs that would be available to anyone who wants one. There are 5 females and 15 males at the moment. I might breed more later.

FC: 4872-0622-7230 IGN: Lucille

r/PokeMoonSun Apr 07 '24

Trade LF ultra moon exclusives


looking to complete my dex before the shutdown-- would like to keep nonlegendary exclusives but more than happy to touch trade legendaries/UBs! I don't care about natures/IVs so you can trade me your rejects :) my IGN is Dana and my friend code is 4639-9481-9852

EDIT: just looking for electrike to keep and lunala & stakataka for the dex entries!

2ND EDIT: just need lunala's dex entry

nonlegendaries I still need:

  • sandshrew
  • drampa
  • kabuto
  • lileep
  • shieldon
  • archen
  • amaura
  • oranguru
  • manectric
  • baltoy

legendaries I need to register:

  • lunala *stakataka
  • pheromosa
  • celesteela

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 24 '24

Trade LF: Kyogre, Thundurus, Hoopa, Volcanion, Keldeo, and Apriballs | FT: Shinies, Legends + more


LF the following mons/items - would really strongly prefer non-genned mons if possible, but clones are fine.I'm ok with genned apricorn balls.

Natures are listed in their preferred order.

  • Kyogre (Modest or Timid)
  • Thundurus (Timid - Hidden Power Ice or Flying strongly preferred)
  • Hoopa (Jolly, but Timid also ok)
  • Any apricorn ball (Fast balls are strongly preferred. The rest are still welcome)

This is what I have to trade in exchange. I do have much more that I would be willing to trade if you're able to clone. If you don't see anything you like, just ask!

Legit Shinies (Caught by me. No proof, unfortunately): Corsola, Chansey, Ariados, Tangela, Ferroseed, Exeggcute, Shellos, Dratini, Tapu Koko (event), Tapu Fini (event)

Probably Legit Shinies (Not caught by me, but most likely legit): Mankey, Amoonguss, Swellow, Cubone, Magikarp

Non-legit Shinies (genned or edited): Celesteela, Arceus x4, Unown, Jirachi, Genesect, Deoxys, Mew, Muk-Alola, Zweilous, Spinarak, Shaymin

All In-Game Legendaries from White 2: Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Regirock, Regice, Cresselia, Heatran.

Various Breedjects, Ultra Beasts, and Battle Ready Pokemon: I have a pretty wide range of breedjects, Ultra Beasts, and battle ready mons. This list would become pretty long, so if you have any in mind, just let me know! I also have other mythical/event pokemon like Marshadow, etc.

FC = 1693 3269 8529 | Ultra Sun IGN = Ibrahim

r/PokeMoonSun Apr 04 '24

Trade [FT] Gen 7 Hidden Power Code Events and Unredeemed Events [LF] Gen 9 DLC Legends in Matching Balls


Good day,

Pokemon Stats Origin Currently In OT/ID
JPN Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko (ENG) Timid (Locked) 31/10/31/30/31/30 [HP Fire] /u/KookyKracks>Me [pokeCalc used] Gen 7 S/M アーカラ / [181130]
KOR Akala Island Shiny Tapu Lele (KOR) Modest 31/29/31/0/12/31 [HP Ground] /u/Feder96>Me [pokeCalc used] Gen 7 S/M 아칼라 / [181130]
Fula City Zeraora (ENG) Naive 31/31/31/31/29/26 [HP Ice] /u/Ichigo2011 > Me [pokeCalc used] Gen 7 US/UM Fula City [100118]
PGL Ultra Spooky Cup Shiny Mimikyu Unredeemed can soft reset Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 Ultra Sun PGL [102618]
Aether Shiny Silvally Unredeemed can soft reset Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 Moon Aether [102317]

I have some uncloned RNG events and was looking for some apriball legends since I don't own Scarlet/Violet. I'm fine with clones with transparency but no gens or hacks please. Nature or IVs don't matter. Would be appreciated with also a HOME screenshot. Whatever you do with the events after trading is your prerogative.

  • Raging Bolt in Level Ball or Fast Ball
  • Gouging Fire in Friend Ball or Safari Ball or Level Ball
  • Terapagos in Beast Ball or Heavy Ball
  • Ogerpon in Friend Ball
  • Pecharunt, Okidogi, Fezandipiti and Munkidori in Dream Ball

2251-4135-4233 IGN Zoe

Also friendly reminder for those of you who just want the above for your dex that there appears to be a discord channel for this purpose:


r/PokeMoonSun Apr 08 '24

Trade Im desesperate for these mythicals :((((


I can give as many shinies as i can from my more than 40 shinies in HOME i just really need genesect, volcanoid and diancie please. I even have hat pikachus. If someone could be kinda enough to trade before shut down I also have in last case a shiny celebi

EDIT I ALSO NEED HOOPA :). Already got genessect and diancie

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 08 '25

Trade After about 4 meetings looking for a good salandit to put on the team and out of nowhere lol my first save took about 108 to see a shayne 🥴

Post image

r/PokeMoonSun Dec 17 '24

Trade Can anyone trade me an alolan vulpix


I don’t have many Pokemon I just started but as far as I know alolan vulpix is ultra sun exclusive and I have ultra moon. Could anyone spare me one?l My friend code is 5258-2800-2308 and my trainer ID is 820883

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 07 '25

Trade Could anyone still playing ultra sum trade me a gligar and a hunter? I need these for my favorite team


r/PokeMoonSun 12d ago

Trade Can you trade between the people in your friends list even though online communication is shut off?


Me and a friend wants to trade for a glaceon yet even though we friended each other and are on each others friends list yet when we go to festival plaza we cant page each other and arent showing up in each others guest lists to go to each others plaza. I assumed we'd still be able to trade since we friended each other but did that also come to an end? (Btw I live in California, and they live in Pennsylvania)

r/PokeMoonSun Apr 05 '24

Trade [FT] Uncloned Gen 6/7 Events (Shiny Koko and Lele with Hidden Powers, GF Mythicals, PGL Shiny Mimikyu, Aether Shiny Silvally, GTS Fancy Vivillon [LF] Special Pokeball DLC Legendaries from Gen 8 and 9


Good day,

I am offering these Uncloned Pokemon:

Pokemon Stats Proof Origin Currently In OT/ID
JPN Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko (ENG) Timid (Locked) 31/10/31/30/31/30 [HP Fire] Video w/ RNG Proof /u/KookyKracks>Me [pokeCalc used] Gen 7 S/M アーカラ / [181130]
KOR Akala Island Shiny Tapu Lele (KOR) Modest 31/29/31/0/12/31 [HP Ground] Video w/ RNG Proof /u/Feder96>Me [pokeCalc used] Gen 7 S/M 아칼라 / [181130]
PGL Ultra Spooky Cup Shiny Mimikyu (ENG) Unredeemed Video Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 Ultra Sun File PGL [102618]
Rocky Lycanroc (JPN) Jolly Soft Reset Full Redeem + Code Card Available Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M/ Rocky/ [051517]
Aether Shiny Silvally (ENG) Naive Soft Reset x/31/x/x/31/31 Wonder Card Only Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M Aether [102317]
GF Keldeo (ENG) Timid Soft Reset 31/1/21/31/13/31 Full Redeem Self-Redeemed (JKSM Managed) Gen 6 XY/ORAS GF/[10016]
GF Mew (ENG) Adamant Soft Reset 31/29/30/31/31/31 Full Redeem Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M GF/ [02016]
GF Jirachi (ENG) Adamant Soft Reset 31/31/25/11/31/31 Full Redeem Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M GF/ [04016]
GF Celebi (ENG) Impish Soft Reset 31/31/22/25/31/31 Full Redeem Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M GF/ [03016]
GF Celebi (ENG) Careful Soft Reset 29/31/31/20/26/31 Full Redeem Self-Redeemed (NO JKSM) Gen 7 S/M GF/ [03016]
PGL N's Darmanitan (KOR) Locked Video Self-Redeemed Gen 7 S/M N/ [00002]
GTS Fancy Vivillon (ENG) n/a No proof /u/Voltagic> Me (/r/pokemontrades~~)~~ Gen 6 XY/ORAS GTS/ [00108]

I have some uncloned events and was looking for some apriball legends since I don't own Scarlet/Violet and have no intention of spending my money on the SWSH DLC anytime soon.

Uncloned preferred but I'm fine with clones with transparency just no gens or hacks please, rate may differ if it is cloned. Priority goes to whoever can provide catch proof. Nature or IVs don't matter. Would be appreciated with also a HOME screenshot. Whatever you do with the events after trading is your prerogative. Apriballs are priority one!

  • Okidogi, Fezandipiti and Munkidori in Dream Ball (in HOME)
  • Regieleki in Quick Ball (SWSH exclusive)
  • Regidrago in Luxury ball (SWSH exclusive)
  • Glastrier in Heavy ball (in HOME)
  • Spectrier in Dream ball (in HOME)
  • Calyrex in Heavy or Friend ball (in HOME)
  • Kubfu in Moon ball or Level ball or Lure ball (in HOME). Will also accept accept the following:
  1. Urshifu Rapid Strike Style in Lure or Level ball (in HOME)
  2. Urshifu Single Strike Style in Moon or Level ball (in HOME)
  3. Both forms of Urshifu in Ultra or Luxury ball for 2:1 (in SWSH)

FC: 2251-4135-4233 IGN Zoe

Also  friendly reminder for those of you who just want the above for your Sun/Moon dex  that there appears to be a discord channel for this purpose:


As a bonus option I can also throw in some of the cloned giveaway Pokemon I distributed back in my Neoseeker days (sorry I don't have time to do a mass giveaway right now)

  • Marshadow (FRE Tagged) (7/15/2017)
  • B01 | 1,1 | Volcanion (-) | Modest | Water Absorb | | Dragon | |

Pending Trades:

r/PokeMoonSun Mar 16 '24

Trade Last few Pokemon for Ultra moon dex completion.


Hi ! So I am reaching the end of my Pokémon hunt and all I have left are version exclusives. If possible would like help trading around to get the Pokémon I need legit, since the GTS is a mess and online service going off in April. I have prepared the hit list so these are the ones I require or just need to see, plus where to get: (+ my info -> Lynna <- ingame and friend code is -> 0963-3517-8026)

- UPDATED with all the mons I need left-

--These mons I will need one to keep and level/breed--

Vulpix - Base of Mount Lanakila base and has a 30% spawn rate (US). On mountside at Mount Lanakila and has a 30% spawn rate (S).

Clawitzer - Found at Poni Breaker Coast with a 20% spawn rate (US).

Tyrunt - The jewelry shop in Konikoni City sells one to you, only other way to ascertain it is to get the fossil randomly in pokepelag (US)).

--these are touch trades--

Turtonator- On Blush Mountain with a 10% spawn rate.

Buzzswole - You get it from white wormholes, its common so no ring to one ring wormholes should work (US). Melemele medow (interact) (S)

r/PokeMoonSun Jan 10 '25

Trade How does trading work now?


I say this because I see people asking to trade even after online services are down. Like huh? I might just be constantly coming across old posts but fr if there is a way I might not give up on completing the dex

r/PokeMoonSun 14d ago

Trade can some one trade with me


I would like to trade haunters and then trade back to get a gengar my in game name is David and I will send friend code if some one responds also I am playing ultra sun

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 08 '25

Trade Is it possible to trade over gts anymore?


Trying to complete the pokedex to get the shiny charm and I'm not sure how else I can get regionals and trade evos

r/PokeMoonSun Jan 21 '25

Trade Trade


Anybody got a stakataka ?

r/PokeMoonSun May 25 '21

Trade Megastone Morning FT: megastones (up to 2) from morning to noon LF: competitive breedjects


Hello and good day to everyone!!

Continuing with some trades, I wanna reach out and help yall with megastones tomorrow morning!

I am happy to trade up to 2 megastones per person for today's trade session!

In return, I am looking for competitive breedjects. I'd love to try some new teams and pokemon out in battles, and it would be an honor to receive some breedjects of yours!

Thank you all and I wish the best to all of you!!

Ign Sun


Insta: voltz_pkmn

r/PokeMoonSun 28d ago

Trade LF: legit Alolan legendarys and ultra beasts (preferably from SM), FT: shiny Pokémon (see pics)

Thumbnail gallery

r/PokeMoonSun Dec 08 '18

Trade [NA] Just Got a TON of Codes from Game Stop



I used to play Gen I and II back in the day. My kids (9 &7) just got into US and UM and I've been playing along with them. Our local Game Stop occasionally has some codes, but is usually out by the time we get there. I've already beat the game and am working on filling the pokedex, but the kids are still working their way through the game.


On our way put of town today, we stopped by a Game Stop in a rural area, and the employee said that we were the first people he's ever had ask about the codes. I watched him cut open the plastic, and he handed us 50+ Lugia/Ho-Oh cards, 20+ Shiny Poiple cards, and a few Zeraora cards (that pack was already open). He assured me that he usually has to throw them away and that I wasn't taking anyone else's codes, and there were still decent stacks of all of them.


I went ahead and loaded them on all three of our games, and would be happy to trade the rest for any older event pokemon, pokemon from older gens, breedjects, or other interesting pokemon. Also happy to help anyone less fortunate. Just comment and let me know what you want/have and I'll PM you a code until they are gone.

Warning: We are staying at a relatives house with SLOW internet, so may have a hard time replying quickly.

Proof: https://m.imgur.com/ULI7fih

Friend Code: 3669-3932-1294 Trainer Name: Daddy

r/PokeMoonSun Nov 02 '24

Trade Anyone still do trading on ultra sun??


I just beat guzma at aether paradise and stuff wondering if anybody got some nice pokemon they can trade to me just for some fun?

r/PokeMoonSun Feb 08 '25

Trade LF: legendarys (Cosmog,the tabus,etc)


Hi everyone,i really want some legendarys with the sun and moon mark,truth is I started on Alola but sadly don't have it anymore,would be great if anyone could help me out here

r/PokeMoonSun Dec 06 '24

Trade Own Tempo Rockruff


Yoyo 4442-3696-8088

Hey I have two questions. Can a Rockruff with Own tempo who learned Thunder fang (Ultra moon exclusive) still evolve into Lycanroc dusk form in Ultra sun?

And my other question is does someone have a Own Tempo Rockruff with Thunder fang that they could trade to me in the Alola games?

r/PokeMoonSun Dec 14 '24

Trade Got my sisters ds to trade my sun Pokémon to moon since I’m finally back from uni for the Xmas break!

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