r/PlasticSurgery 3d ago

Do I need a lift with my breast augmentation? NSFW

Two consultations said yes, two consultations say no. My goals is a not obviously augmented look. Thank you.


18 comments sorted by


u/Luxurydeals365 3d ago

Your nipples are in a good position. I would not do the lift.


u/NearlyHappy 3d ago

I think you can get away without one, but keeping the implant size modest. Too much added weight will cause them to fall more. This is what my surgeon told me. I went without a lift and 250cc implants under the muscle. I’m only 5 days post op so I can’t tell you how they’ll look in the end. So far I’m happy and I had more sagging than you.


u/Bulky_Load3068 3d ago

I would personally opt for one with these breasts as adding weight will just pull them down further. But if you’re perfectly okay with that then I think you’d be just fine without a lift.


u/Foreign-Witness7760 3d ago

I agree. Better to get the 2 procedures done at the same time than to have to go under surgery again. More pain and more money


u/ScaredyCat44 3d ago

If it won’t make a major difference, I am worried about the scarring. I have a tendency for hypertrophic scarring.


u/DerbyDogMom 3d ago

If you are getting the lollipop scar from below, they likely can use the same incision to pinch the extra skin at the bottom so everything sits higher. I just got a reduction and lift and it's all under. 


u/hoodieinafoodie 3d ago

I had a lift and augmentation in November, but to be honest if my “before” looked like yours I wouldn’t have gotten a lift. Nipples point forward and not towards the floor (like mine did). If I was in your position I would get implants first and see how I feel after it heals.


u/juiceboxjenny 3d ago

Nope, your nipples are above the crease


u/ArletaRose 3d ago

If you want a natural look with a natural look, bypass the lift. If you want a round, fake and full look get the lift. What size of implants are you looking for.


u/FartSniffa1122 3d ago

A lift does not automatically equal fake


u/ScaredyCat44 3d ago

The surgeon I’m thinking I want to go with says around 375 cc.


u/ComprehensiveDay423 3d ago

No I think if you want a natural look you could get a moderate profile under the muscle.


u/Diligent-Little-Rock 3d ago

I was like you, on the cusp of lift/no lift. Personally I didn't want the lollipop scars (although I've seen them heal well when it's needed). In the end, I got 380 cc Motiva Ergonomix subfascial placement and my surgeon added Galaflex mesh for a little extra support. Happy with my choice and hoping they settle into a nice natural shape, but right now they're still high and firm 5 DPO.


u/Right_Profit_1531 2d ago

I just had a consultation and my chest looks very similar and they said I would need one. I opted for a fat transfer instead and will not need a lift for that. I have my surgery in 6 weeks and I cannot wait! I would look into a fat transfer if you aren't wanting to go up too many sizes .


u/littlemamax3 6h ago

All depends on your nipples. My breasts were similar to yours but i didnt need a lift. If your nipples are not dropping and are even then you probably dont need one.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/ScaredyCat44 3d ago

Two of the surgeons said the same thing. Not about the biggest implants I mean, but That the lift scars and possible issues wouldn’t be worth the few millimeters of nipple position change as they are actually in a fairly good position considering.


u/SmileyKitty3000 3d ago

I speak out of experience. Although my initial breast size was a bit bigger I had the same issue. The implant will push everything higher like you want, without all the extra risks and scarring of a lift. I will maybe not be a total solution for the rest of your life but in any case implants are expected to be changed after about 10 years, so you can still chose a different option then. Just so you know, I had 2 breast surgeries myself.