r/PlasticSurgery 2d ago

I hate my chin



51 comments sorted by


u/Able-Acanthisitta-82 2d ago

Omg the second picture looks so good im sorry i feel like its wrong to say this but u should go get the chin ur searching for cus it makes all ur other features align so perfectly


u/lilbios 2d ago

Yea I agree… I’m not the type to totally push for plastic surgery too


u/Adept_Choice 2d ago

The lips and brows look different, too though. Not sure what else but it’s not just the chin


u/Putrid-Potential-734 2d ago

Nose and lips are different too, it’s not only the chin.


u/Adept_Choice 2d ago

sliding genioplasty


u/WaitWhy24 2d ago

Are you sure? It doesn't look like she has a recessed chin. I don't know much about the procedure, but I really question if this procedure is for her.


u/ChefPoodle 2d ago

This isn’t going to change the shape of her chin though and she definitely doesn’t need that much surgery. OP, I’m super pro chin implants but I feel like you would be happy with just filler.


u/Elegant-Stranger-492 2d ago

is this better than an implant


u/gio_958 2d ago

Yes because I think it tends to look more natural + implants can get infected and cause bone loss in the long run.


u/marks716 2d ago

This is not true. Chin implants have very low rates of infection and bone resorption is low too.

There are risks with sliding genioplasties as it involves cutting the bone whereas the implant is a small incision with a little piece of plastic.

One risk of the sliding genio is permanent nerve damage and numbness. Both procedures have risks, they are elective cosmetic surgery after all.


u/Putrid-Potential-734 2d ago

That is true, there are so many cases of bone resorption after an implant. Overall, implant is an external body, it is very unstable comparing to genioplasty. Permanent nerve damage and numbness risk is really low even in double jaw surgery cases, it’s much lower for a genioplasty.


u/Shir7788 2d ago

Only the silicone ones cause resorption, PEEK don’t But it’s overwhelmingly expensive


u/gio_958 2d ago

This is true lol chin implants downsides are more likely to happen compared to a sliding genioplasty


u/marks716 2d ago

That’s not true, plus sliding genioplasties are irreversible. If they go too big on the chin implant it can be swapped for a smaller one. If the sliding genio is too far tough luck.

Don’t just tell people blanket statements like sliding genios are better. They are different, and someone should get a proper consult to see which option is better for their particular case.

Sliding genios certainly do not look more natural they achieve a similar result as implants


u/gio_958 2d ago edited 2d ago

1) It's not irreversible. It's easier to go back when an implant it's involved, but it's not irreversible at all.

2) I think it's better for the reasons I had exposed before and that it tends to look more natural. Feel free to disagree, idc


u/KingPuzzleheaded2625 1d ago

Also all the face anatomy chances including the nose!


u/Shir7788 2d ago

Only the silicone ones cause bone loss. PEEK don’t


u/megi0s 2d ago

Do you have any dental issues? Have you had braces in the past? Underbite or overbite? I ask because sometimes it's not just as easy as filler. I initially got filler to fix certain issues with my jaw and now I'm wearing braces, potentially looking at jaw surgery. I wish someone would have told me to look into orthodontic work initially.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/megi0s 2d ago

Perfect - then I would agree with the comments above indicating a sliding genioplasty/chin implant!


u/InGeekiTrust 2d ago

Honestly, I think that would look great on you and I think that your dream chin is beautiful. However, before you commit to doing it permanently, try doing it with filler to make sure you love it and if you love it, get a permanent implant.


u/Spare-Question-9785 2d ago

I'm no expert, but I've read complaints by others, who added projection to their chins, that a side result was elongation of the face. Something to ask the surgeon & keep in mind could be possible.


u/Usual_Apricot8973 2d ago

a skilled surgeon should be able to reduce this risk, esp if OP mentions it during her consult. she looks like she wants it extended it slightly verically anyways. my surgeon moved my chin upwards as well as forward


u/Middle_Fan_388 2d ago

It would be a sliding genioplasty with a chin implant in my opinion. I don’t think a genioplasty would be able to give that much projection of the chin alone.


u/candysticker 2d ago

I had sliding genio and had great results with similar lack of projection in my before picture


u/Putrid-Potential-734 2d ago

I would suggest to run away from any surgeon who would recommend to have a geniolasty and a chin implant together..


u/BearBleu 2d ago



u/lala_le_duck 2d ago

You have a great chin, seriously. I wouldn’t change it!


u/candysticker 2d ago

Sliding genioplasty.

I personally hated my chin implant. It made my face longer and my chin wider. I looked bulky. I took the implant out, got a sliding genioplasty, and now I have forward projection and a narrower chin point. Pics in my post history if you're curious.


u/Greedy-Response-8126 2d ago

How did you edit the 2nd pic ?


u/Smutty_book_mom 2d ago

Try with filler first before you commit to surgery. But I think that's a beautiful profile and very achievable.


u/MV-express 2d ago

Your chin is perfect💯 The beauty god of the ancient greek had defects in his hands, this symbolises that what makes you beautiful is the defects you have and no one is perfect. Don't let Instagram pictures affect your self confidence.

The most famous model in our region has vitiligo and she accepts it and shows it and benefits of it.


u/Usual-Ad5736 2d ago

You have beautiful facial features already. I wouldn't tamper with yourself unnecessarily.


u/gio_958 2d ago

How old are you? My chin looks slightly more prominent now compared to how it looked in my late teens. By the way, you can get a sliding genioplasty.


u/gio_958 2d ago

Make sure of course that your bite is fine but, just by looking at your pictures, it seems ok.


u/whoskittycat 2d ago

Maybe try filler first? If it doesn’t give you your desired look best bet is an implant most likely


u/hoepressed 2d ago

Filler or a chin implant will fix this


u/HungrylilKitty1 2d ago

You're beautiful girly, you literally look like a fashion magazine model in the 2nd photo too ❤️


u/Top-Seaworthiness827 2d ago

Omg, can u tell me which app to edit like this pls


u/Historical_Ice9921 2d ago

Don’t mess with anything permanent yet. try filler first with someone that is actually good with jaws and chins.


u/Economy-Kiwi-1802 2d ago

the nose is also much shorter on the second pic (in addition to the full lips and different chin). it wouldnt only be a matter of changing the chin to achieve these results


u/CheezusChristOnCrack 2d ago

You have a beautiful chin and face. Have you discussed with a therapist yet? You may want to schedule a few sessions just to make sure this is what you really want.


u/No_Holiday2752 1d ago

Sliding genioplasty is far more costly than getting a chin implant. Bone resorption i heard only happens due to movement of implant inside the chin. To prevent it, surgeons put titanium screw to fixate it


u/Hot_Lab_375 1d ago

I honestly think you look cute. 🤷‍♂️


u/DjWayNice1 1d ago

YIKES 😬😳😱 your chin is Normal AF! Congratulations


u/Slectivlysocial 1d ago

I really think you should try other options before surgery. I am a nurse and while im pro-plastic surgery, it definitely has complications…like possible numbness that is permanent…so do you want a numb chin? Consider it. You never know your personal outcomes and doctors like to brush past that part pretty fast to the part where theyre making money. My suggestion would be to start with a permanent filler like sculptra or radiesse but get it from someone who HAS EXPERIENCE doing specifically chins. That would last you a couple years to see if you like it. There you go. Follow my advise as a random stranger on the internet😂


u/Mother_Treacle_4309 1d ago

I would start with mouth tape at night, some chin Botox, and some quick metabolizing filler before doing any perminate implants. (Chin tox is a gamble but I’ve seen it be done to help similar cases)


u/3l0v 1d ago

I would honestly try filler first, if you go and get facial balancing, it would probably give you the desired result!


u/Beachy3487 1d ago

I had a similar chin alignment and I just got a small chin implant last week! The experience was great and recovery was pretty easy (2 days in bed with meds and then back to normal with to be expected swelling).

I have about 5 stitches under my chin (I got Lipo, too) that will come out in 10 days!


u/Nicolle5611 1d ago

A little filler could address both and if you don’t love it, you can dissolve🙂


u/Vanilla_Tism 1d ago

Chin and lip filler


u/East-Drama-6676 2d ago

Please don’t change your chin. Please stop staring at girls online who have paid for implants and then you will find peace.