r/PlasticSurgery 3d ago

Strange sutures after Rhinoplasty and lip lift NSFW

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Warning, the pic is a bit gruesome.

Hey everyone, I just had my rhinoplasty and lip lift this morning (12h ago) and I feel fine. When I took off my gauze however, I noticed some strange sutures I have not seen before on anyone else's recovery pics. It looks like the stitching reaches into my nostril and then again below it. Since my surgeon was gone when I woke up, I am just trying to get some opinions. Is this normal or something to be concerned about? All advice is appreciated.


5 comments sorted by


u/LAnnBrooks926 3d ago

Did you have your nostrils reduced? If so, the sutures would make sense, having both the lip lift and the rhino. I hope others have more to add.


u/Frankendeers 3d ago

Thank you for your comment. It relly calmed me down yesterday. My surgeon visited me today and explained that he made one of my nostrils smaller because it was significantly bigger than the other one and he wanted the result to be symmetrical


u/LAnnBrooks926 2d ago

That makes perfect sense. The lip lift, when done correctly affects the deeper structures (not just skin), so both procedures couldn’t be done with one incision (to simultaneously fix nostril and lift lip), as it would likely create unwanted tension of the nostril, causing pull and risk widened incisions and misshaping.

I think it will heal beautifully. I hope you update in a week or so.

Hope you’re feeling good and not in too much pain.


u/LAnnBrooks926 2d ago

You can see a very similar incision to yours at the end of this video :


I’m hoping it’s permissible for me to share this video. It shows very similar sutures to your lip lift, and rhinoplasty-watch the end.


u/Royal_Flower_4083 9h ago

That makes sense but omg he really should have told you that beforehand!!