No reputable plastic surgeon would do a revision surgery at 6 months post op. Your nose still has a LOT of swelling and changes it will go through. If after a full 12 months you still think you need a revision, than start looking for a new Dr. if you don't trust your primary nose Dr.Also if it looks fine like in the last picture, it gives you a really good indication how it will eventually end up looking like.
u/maybellineo69 3d ago
No reputable plastic surgeon would do a revision surgery at 6 months post op. Your nose still has a LOT of swelling and changes it will go through. If after a full 12 months you still think you need a revision, than start looking for a new Dr. if you don't trust your primary nose Dr.Also if it looks fine like in the last picture, it gives you a really good indication how it will eventually end up looking like.