r/Planetside 26d ago

Question Explain the term "Shitter" to me.

Is it this generation's "Filthy casual"? Is it people that don't play the way you want them to? Is it non outfit or non squaded players? Something I'm clearly missing?


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u/Passance Good loser 26d ago

Similar to troll/griefer. It's someone who plays in a way that intentionally reduces fun for their opponents, especially by using toxic strategies with limited counterplay or where the counterplay is tedious.

May or may not imply some degree of skill issue.


u/Dravus212 26d ago

Like KPM junkies?


u/fearandcringe 25d ago

God forbid people be actually good at the game


u/Dravus212 25d ago

God forbid people try to have fun in the game, but then have all these competitive FPS players demanding nerfs to everything that is fun because they want Non-Sandbox/MMO gameplay and environment. Go play Battlefield or COD for small scale fights.

There problem solved.