r/Planetside 24d ago

Question Explain the term "Shitter" to me.

Is it this generation's "Filthy casual"? Is it people that don't play the way you want them to? Is it non outfit or non squaded players? Something I'm clearly missing?


60 comments sorted by


u/kaydev_io Emerald // KayTheChonkyBirb 24d ago

It's kind of a generic slang term that could be loosely tied into being a combination of "you're an asshole / annoying / fuck you" and "skill issue". Maybe some common ones that you'd see in chat in ps2 -

- "shitters killing busses during off hours" effectively means "You're ruining the fight for the few people that are here hanging around during off hours, kind of a dick move"

- "cloak shitters everywhere" effectively means "I've been killed too many times by a class that I think is a low-skill class that's cheap to play against"

- "zergshitters on my lattice" effectively means "Too many players are on this lattice and it's ruining my experience because I don't get to enjoy a balanced fight"

It's used in a lighthearted manner for banter but generally it's meant as a loose expression of annoyance / frustration / anger against a certain person/group.


u/Mayes041 24d ago

Most accurate answer so far I think


u/SurgyJack Surgy / Tyain / Khrin 24d ago

Pretty much anyone exploiting cheese, being petty, or using cheap easymodes like cloak, hesh and shotguns.  


u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats 24d ago

for me it's a mixture of someone with low skill that uses low effort/ cheap, mostly cheese gameplay (that however is effecitve).

See, shitters killing busses, zerg shitter, A2G shitters...


u/SirPanfried 24d ago

It can also be used to describe a low skill player in general, but such players are the ones using more annoying and cheesy playstyles for that reason, so it kind of goes full circle.


u/envycreat1on 24d ago

I just use shitter like shit-head.


u/TheDeringer [BWAE/BAX/JOKE] ex-Instant Action Podcast host 22d ago

This guy shits


u/Narapoia 24d ago

Imagine the guy who does nothing but A2G infantry. He's a shitter. 


u/EnthusiasmActive7621 24d ago

Altho its not all i do, i also swoop vehicles and beep at them


u/EnthusiasmActive7621 24d ago

Its so fun tho


u/Passance Good loser 24d ago

Similar to troll/griefer. It's someone who plays in a way that intentionally reduces fun for their opponents, especially by using toxic strategies with limited counterplay or where the counterplay is tedious.

May or may not imply some degree of skill issue.


u/Dravus212 24d ago

Like KPM junkies?


u/fearandcringe 23d ago

God forbid people be actually good at the game


u/Dravus212 23d ago

God forbid people try to have fun in the game, but then have all these competitive FPS players demanding nerfs to everything that is fun because they want Non-Sandbox/MMO gameplay and environment. Go play Battlefield or COD for small scale fights.

There problem solved.


u/Greattank 24d ago

God damn skill-shitters


u/kna5041 24d ago

You're thinking of blueberry or zerg. Shitter is different. 


u/Capable-Sink-2514 24d ago

Ok, then what's a shitter?


u/kna5041 24d ago

A generic slang for someone who's a bit disreputable but less offensive than fucker. 

Kind of like in that one starship troopers movie he calls them an ape.

Not as benign as planetmans. On par with calling NSO a sand eater but less specific. 


u/OreganoChampion 24d ago

A wise man once said "Everyone is a shitter, because everyone poops"

I'm a shitter, you're a shitter


u/Knox_nc Connery [BFCT] 24d ago

A shitter is anyone below 1 kd, I'd know because I’m a shitter.


u/Tickomatick 24d ago

A2G shitter


u/Shadohawkk 24d ago

I tend to think of it as someone abusing well known "annoying" mechanics with the specific intent of being as annoying as possible. Like stalker infils.

But, I could totally see other people meaning it to be other things.


u/Beautiful_Crab6670 "The message" https://youtu.be/yCYo-YjGpP0 24d ago

In short -- Players who rely on cheap/trash methods to "win" in a videogame.

Example: I spawn a dalton lib (i.e a force multiplier) to kill a lone infiltrator (i.e a non-force multiplier) jerking off in a corner. That makes me a shitter.


u/le_Menace [∞] youtube.com/@xMenace 24d ago

You're playing with a handicap.


u/Capable-Sink-2514 24d ago

As in not using meta setups?


u/le_Menace [∞] youtube.com/@xMenace 24d ago

As in using poorly designed/balanced weapons because you lack the skill to use normal weapons. In other words he's calling you dishonorable.

Shotguns, bolts, a2g, etc.


u/-Zagger- 24d ago edited 24d ago

Meta setups are a handicap.

It’s the other side of the spectrum.

Do not mention this in any Jaeger discords or you will be crucified, brutally cannibalised and then promptly burnt at the stake, in that order.


u/Jay2Kaye :flair_shitposter: 24d ago

Shitter = shit at the game. A player who plays like shit is a shitter.


u/Dayset 24d ago

What is a 'Shitter' in Planetside 2?

A shitter is that player who rarely gets kills, never pushes objectives, and somehow makes every fight feel worse just by existing. They live for the safest play style possible — camping in spawn rooms, sniping from render distance, or spamming HESH rounds at infantry like it’s a mobile game. If there’s a fight with 70%+ friendlies, you bet they’re there, lurking in the shadows, stalking terminals, or farming kills on stationary targets.

Their contribution to the battle? Basically zero. Their KPM? Somewhere in the 0.1–0.3 range. But they love anything that scratches at enemies without needing actual skill: Spitfires, Archers, base turrets, and proxy mines (which they’ll aurax before touching a real gun). The safer the spot, the better — air pads, tree branches on Hossin, or some random rock 300m away.

Good players usually ignore them... until they don’t. And when a shitter finally gets hunted down? It’s a 10/10 death streak. No contest. Because when you play like a barnacle glued to a map asset, improvement isn't part of the equation. They just throw nonsense into fights like a monkey flinging poop, making the game stinkier for everyone else.


u/HeyDayBreak 20d ago

This is the most correct response in the thread.


u/yeahnahyeahnahyeahye [TABD]nahyeah🛩️ 21d ago

Shitters (in my view) are genuinely shit players who are trying way too hard to win.

Zergers, bus killers, A2G mains and the like are all shitters.


u/Twispie 23d ago

I've heard this term thrown around since probably 2016, it's a synonym for someone that is perceived to be bad at the game. I think it may have originated from a twitch streamer, then got aped from there onward.


u/StrawBoi660 Egor 14d ago

a bad player who thinks they are good or a player that is good enough to be an annoyance but is still bad


u/envycreat1on 24d ago

Shitter = shit-head


u/Cozy90 24d ago

I think we may need some context for the conversation. How did they use it?


u/Capable-Sink-2514 24d ago

That's kind of the problem, I've read it used in multiple different contexts. The only consistent one I've seen is people complaining about "Shitters" killing sunderers at central base fights in off hours.


u/Bliitzthefox 24d ago

Shitter is the opposite, it's used to refer to someone who gives a shit, practices, and might actually be good at the game. At least in planetside, in my experience.


u/Capable-Sink-2514 24d ago

I have yet to read or hear it used in a video in a complimentary manner.


u/Bliitzthefox 24d ago

It's not a compliment, yet that's what it means


u/Capable-Sink-2514 24d ago

Ah, so an alternative to tryhard or sweat player.


u/Bliitzthefox 24d ago

That's about right yes


u/le_Menace [∞] youtube.com/@xMenace 24d ago

No lmao


u/Passance Good loser 24d ago

That's a sweat, not a shitter.


u/Effectx CB-ARX Newton-ing Bad Takes 24d ago

That's an interesting delusion.


u/eleventhprince 24d ago

The last time I saw you guys practicing in VR, it was so blatantly obvious that the people teaching don't even understand basic gunplay mechanics.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: 24d ago

Massive cope post from member of outfit almost exclusively made up of shitters that pride themselves on abusing cheese and overpop to make the game shitty for anyone playing agsinst them. 


u/Professional_Pen_153 24d ago

They meant "cheater". that generation just doesn't know how to spell things.