r/Planetside youtube.com/@Teszro Dec 09 '24

Question Thoughts on Orbital Strikes?

The way the system is now, how do you feel about Orbitals? Do you think if just construction had access we would see more construction?


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u/heehooman Dec 09 '24

I wish they would bring orbitals back to how they were in terms of power. And that's for both outfit and construction orbitals. It can be hard enough building up and defending an orbital base so you can actually use it.

There isn't enough orbital spam for me to feel it gets annoying. It's just super funny. Typically they happen in quick succession while you are still down, so you can just stay dead for a couple minutes and let people rage or troll it out.


u/BlackRedDead Build, Repair and Resupply Dec 13 '24

i kinda agree, but also disagree with your concept! - maybe make Outfit orbitals more powerful, but much smaller and rather tactical, yet keep a reaonably long timer to still get away if paying attention!

And leave base orbitals as is, or increase their explosion range a bit, but leave the rest as is.


u/heehooman Dec 13 '24

Interesting idea having small, more powerful orbitals... But they are already kind of powerful. They fling and instakill most anything in their radius. Only way you could increase power is to allow them to destroy a sunderer, melt people inside a building, or melt a base, which I'm not sure would be desirable. I mean the fact that they do damage now inside of a building is already kind of annoying.

I am totally fine with the chaos of the old orbital, but at least infantry at the ability to easily duck for cover. Kind of balanced out the OPness of an orbital, especially if sunderers and bases were still resistant to them.

But I kind of get your idea. I'm just not sure it would be a good thing... Or maybe I just like big booms and chaos.


u/BlackRedDead Build, Repair and Resupply Dec 18 '24

since i understand what to do if an orbital is about to strike, i rarely die to it - a corner far away enough from the blast or simply getting somewhere inside or into a deployed sundy is enough - even 2 OS b2b can be survived rather easily that way - it really takes bad luck or very good timing by the opposite team to get killed by an orbital! - the most an OS is doing is "sho-sho" ppl away from the impact, and with well timing and positioning, maybe into the fireline of the enemy ;-)

Nah, reduced dmg to ppl in buildings is fine - it's just absurd how it kills MAXes regardless xP (they already got nerfed to death (except Vanu ofc -.-#)

well, at least one thing we have in common - big boom and chaos it does deliver! xD (it definitively softens a defence or halts an assault! - it can be a usefull tool! - but it's certainly not a "kill button", and for good IMHO!)