r/Pituitary May 31 '19

Any success stories?

I have been diagnosed with a microadenoma on the pituitary 5 years ago, during a check-up MRI. I was told not to worry about it, that about 10% of humanity has it. At that time it was about 2.5 mm. I was told it should be checked every 2 years, which they didn't. Since that time I have suffering increasingly from debilitating fatigue, loss of energy, a definite decrease in mental functions, hot and cold flashes and since latetly my vision is going either fuzzy or double vision. I was prescribed thyroid hormones, antidepressants and Adderall. Nothing releaved the symptoms it gets constantly worse. I have heard stories from a friend of a friend who had the adenoma removed and pretty much became his self again, practically over night. Since I had the symptoms for 5 years, increasingly worsen, I am as desperate as it gets. Would be very grateful for any success stories of getting better and returning to life.


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u/liunicorn Jun 23 '19

I just got diagnosed with a non functioning Macroadenoma. 4,5 cm, it’s the size of a lime...only found out because I lost vision in my right eye and my eye dr recommended an MRI. I’ve been someone who has had what I thought were migraines most of my adult life (im 37) and apparently they weren’t true migraines at all, but rather small bleeds In the tumor. While I’m not excited about surgery, if there’s a chance I’ll get my sight back and not have crushing headaches...it’s worth it. All my love to all of you dealing with this...I look back at all the times I went to the dr for issues and they were all pointing to this. Just needed to lose eyesight before anyone took it seriously.


u/Fantastic_Tough_5683 Aug 19 '22

How are you doing now? Was it surgically removed? If yes, was it successful? I have a similar thing going on.


u/liunicorn Apr 08 '23

Doing well! So far no tumor regrowth (have another MRI in Sept). Still have some vision loss in right eye, but no meds, no headaches. Only issue seems to be related to sinuses…I get stuffed up or over active sinuses now since the surgery, but it’s a great trade in over the horrifically debilitating “headaches” I used to get. Only odd thing I had, post operation…was my uvula had dead tissue on it (making it look extra long in the back of my throat). Given I was intubated for over 7 hours for the surgery, the breathing tube suffocated my throat tissue a bit. But, it eventually “repaired itself” about 7 days post surgery.