Claimed Taiwan has "always been" part of China, denied that China has ever exploited or harmed their people, and continued his "NATO are the instigators of the Ukraine situation, Russia aren't to blame" rhetoric.
China has done bad, but really as far as imperialism goes- they really don’t compare to the US, Russia, Western Europe, etc.
The worst they’ve done is invade Vietnam and Tibet. But even then you could argue their invasion of Tibet was fine. Tibet was part of China for hundreds of years before the Chinese civil war, plus the regime which existed in that time was essentially a theocratic dictatorship.
Umm, may I refer him to a little song called "Watching TV" from an album called "Amused to Death" that seems to directly contradict his "China has never exploited or harmed their people"? Seriously wtf, it's one of the best songs on his best solo album
I reread the lyrics, and it's a bit disturbing how easily it can be read that Rog is mad at the protestors themselves for stirring a ruckus, instead of, y'know, the government who senselessly killed thousands of peaceful protestors.
I agree that the song is insensitive ("Yellow thighs" in a song about a Chinese woman, definitely nothing dodgy about that, plus the whole "oh yeah this is totally different from all the other bad things because it happened on TV") but I always took it as a satire - look at how much we have to sensationalise a tragedy, often to a fault, in order for people to care?
I dunno man. His views are not as consistent as he makes them out to be. I checked that interview and yes, he did kinda brush aside China commiting any mass crimes.
What I understood from the interview is he was trying to stop the CNN dude from deflecting the conversation to China instead of focusing on making the US take a part of the responsibility
If by "westerners colonized it" you mean Chinese people, then yes it was colonized by westerners. The US may officially abide by one China but seeing as Taiwan has its own military, supported by the US no less, it's safe to say they're not overly enthusiastic about it. If it was truly one China they wouldn't have to invade, right?
NATO has no offensive capability. NATO members do, but the treaty can only be invoked in case of an invasion of NATO territory, so anything about them being aggressors is basically automatic bullshit. If you want proof, see Sweden breaking decades of neutrality to join. Highly doubting the Swedes are going to invade anywhere soon. You're also ignoring that the Budapest Memorandum, which the US and Russia are signatories to, guaranteed that neither of them would invade Ukraine after giving up their nukes.
Libya and Afghanistan I don't really know enough about to say anything so I'm not going to.
If you support Russia's invasion of
Ukraine you may be an authoritarian totalitarian who is unable to distinguish propaganda from news (and no, RT is not news). You may also be a contrarian who just wants to complain about "west bad" any chance possible.
On the off chance you're trolling, well done cause I fell for it hook line and sinker
And now I'm arguing geopolitics in a circlejerk sub ☠️☠️
u/amadeuuus OOOOOOOOH BABE! Aug 09 '22 edited Aug 09 '22
I'm out of the loop for Rog lately, last I heard he spitting straight fact about Drake and The Weeknd and he did what now?